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AE Index [1978-1988]
ALOMAR Sodium Lidar [2002-2013]
ALTAIR IS Radar [2017-2019]
Adelaide MF Radar [1987-2005]
Alaska Pacific Ozone Radiometer [2010-2012]
Amateur Radio Signal Report [2009-2025]
Andes Na T/W Lidar [2010-2016]
Ann Arbor Fabry-Perot [1986-1987]
Arecibo Fabry-Perot [1980-2009]
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian [2001-2019]
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed [1966-2017]
Arecibo IS Radar - Velocity Vector [1974-2014]
Arecibo Imaging Doppler Fabry-Perot [2012-2023]
Arecibo MST Radar [1989-1989]
Arecibo Potassium [K] lidar [2003-2019]
Arecibo Sodium [Na] lidar [2000-2016]
Arecibo green line photometer [2009-2009]
Arecibo red line photometer [2009-2009]
Arrival Heights Fabry-Perot [2002-2012]
Ascension Island Meteor Radar [2002-2003]
Atlanta meteor Radar [1974-1987]
BU Arecibo All-Sky Imager [2002-2023]
BU Asiago All-Sky Imager [2010-2025]
BU El Leoncito All-Sky Imager [2006-2025]
BU Jicamarca All-Sky Imager [2014-2025]
BU McDonald All-Sky Imager [2009-2025]
BU Millstone All-Sky Imager [2001-2025]
BU Rio Grande All-Sky Imager [2012-2025]
Bear Lake FPI [2021-2024]
Brazil Imaging Doppler Fabry-Perot [2019-2025]
Bridgewater MA Ozone Radiometer [2009-2011]
Buckland Park Meteor Radar [2015-2015]
CCORE FPI [2021-2023]
CEDAR lidar [1989-1998]
CONDOR multi-static meteor radar system [2019-2025]
CU STAR Sodium Lidar [2011-2014]
Cachoeira Paulista Meteor Radar [2015-2015]
Cajazeiras Brazil FPI [2009-2014]
Cariri Brazil FPI [2009-2018]
Chatanika IS Radar [1976-1982]
Chelmsford HS Ozone Radiometer [2011-2017]
Christchurch MF Radar [1987-1987]
Christmas Island ST/MEDAC Radar [1988-1992]
Christmas Valley FPI [2021-2024]
College Fabry-Perot [1981-1983]
Collm LF Radar [1987-2008]
Colorado State sodium lidar [1990-2010]
DASI-ATLAS Magnetometer [2021-2024]
DASI-AUGUSTA Magnetometer [2021-2024]
DASI-BLUESKY Magnetometer [2020-2024]
DASI-BOULDER Magnetometer [2020-2024]
DASI-HAYSTACK Magnetometer [2021-2024]
DASI-HENNEPIN Magnetometer [2020-2024]
DASI-MISSOURI Magnetometer [2020-2024]
DASI-NEWBRITAIN Magnetometer [2021-2024]
DASI-ODESSA Magnetometer [2020-2024]
DASI-PAWNEE Magnetometer [2021-2024]
DASI-SUGARHILLS Magnetometer [2020-2024]
DASI-VA Magnetometer [2020-2024]
DMSP-Auroral Boundary Index [1982-2016]
DST Index [1957-2024]
Davis Antarctica MF radar [2001-2015]
Davis Czerny-Turner Scanning Spectrophotometer [1990-2003]
Daytona Beach Michelson Interferometer [2001-2001]
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program [1982-2024]
Durham meteor Radar [1979-2002]
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver [1984-2016]
EISCAT Kiruna VHF IS Receiver [2014-2022]
EISCAT Sodankylä UHF IS Receiver [1984-2019]
EISCAT Sodankylä VHF IS Receiver [2014-2022]
EISCAT Svalbard Dynasonde [2008-2015]
EISCAT Svalbard IS Radar Longyearbyen [1997-2024]
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar [1990-2025]
EISCAT Tromsø Dynasonde [1998-2025]
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar [1984-2024]
EISCAT combined IS Radars [1990-2022]
Eastern Kentucky FPI [2012-2015]
Esrange meteor radar [2002-2005]
Eureka Michelson Interferometer [1994-1994]
Fabry-Perot Arequipa [1983-2016]
Fabry-Perot Jicamarca [2009-2018]
Fabry-Perot Mobile [2011-2018]
Fairbanks Ozone Radiometer [2012-2012]
Fort Yukon 4 Channel Filter Photometer [2001-2002]
Fort Yukon Fabry-Perot [2008-2008]
Fritz Peak Fabry-Perot [1973-1985]
GNSS Scintillation Network [2017-2025]
Geophysical Indicies [1950-2024]
Green Bank Telescope [2009-2009]
Halley Fabry-Perot [1988-1998]
Halley MF Radar [2015-2015]
Haystack NUC3 8-channel Ozone Radiometer [2017-2025]
Haystack Ridge Ozone Radiometer [2009-2018]
Hermanus SA Ozone Radiometer [2011-2013]
ISTP Irkutsk Radar [1995-2002]
Interplanetary Mag Field and Solar Wind [1963-2024]
Inuvik NWT Fabry-Perot [2000-2005]
JASMET Jicamarca All-Sky Specular Meteor Radar [2017-2017]
JULIA [1996-2022]
JULIA MP CSR [2022-2024]
JULIA MP ISR [2023-2024]
Jang Bogo Station FPI [2014-2016]
Jason/Topex Ocean TEC [1992-2024]
Jicamarca Bistatic Radar [2006-2023]
Jicamarca IS Radar [1966-2024]
Jicamarca Magnetometer [1997-2012]
Jicamarca Multistatic HF Sounding System [2019-2019]
Kauai MF radar [1990-2005]
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar [1996-2014]
Kingston Meteor Radar [2015-2015]
Kitt Peak H-alpha Fabry-Perot [1997-2006]
Lancaster UK Ozone Radiometer [2011-2015]
Lancaster2 UK Ozone Radiometer [2013-2015]
Lowell FPI [2021-2024]
Lynnfield HS Ozone Radiometer [2009-2016]
MU IS Radar [1986-2003]
Mawson MF Radar [1984-1990]
McMurdo Meteor Radar [2018-2021]
McMurdo Scintillation Receiver [2011-2014]
Millstone Hill Fabry-Perot [1989-2002]
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot [2009-2025]
Millstone Hill IS Radar [1961-2025]
Millstone Hill UHF Zenith Antenna [1964-1973]
Mohe meteor radar [2011-2014]
Mount John Fabry-Perot [1991-2008]
Obninsk meteor radar [2002-2002]
POES Spacecraft Particle Flux [1998-2006]
Palmer Fabry Perot [2011-2012]
Peach Mountain (MiniME) FPI [2012-2015]
Peach Mountain Fabry-Perot [1993-1994]
Pisgah Astronomical Research FPI [2011-2017]
Platteville MF radar [2002-2002]
Platteville ST/MEDAC Radar [1988-1988]
Poker Flat 4 Channel Filter Photometer [2001-2002]
Poker Flat Fabry-Perot [2010-2011]
Poker Flat IS Radar [2007-2025]
Poker Flat MST Radar [1979-1985]
Poker Flat all-sky scanning Fabry-Perot [2002-2011]
Poker Flat lidar [2009-2018]
Qaanaaq Digisonde ST/MEDAC Radars [1989-1993]
QuJing IS radar [2017-2018]
Rarotonga MF radar [2002-2004]
Rayleigh lidar at the ALO - USU/CASS [1998-1998]
Resolute Bay Canada IS Radar [2015-2020]
Resolute Bay Fabry-Perot [2003-2008]
Resolute Bay Michelson Interferometer [1996-2001]
Resolute Bay North IS Radar [2009-2023]
Rothera MF radar [2002-2015]
Rothera Meteor Radar [2015-2015]
SOUSY Svalbard MST Radar Longyearbyen [2001-2001]
Sanae Antarctic Ozone Radiometer [2003-2025]
Saskatoon MF Radar [1987-2005]
Scott Base MF Radar [1988-1988]
Sodankyla Magnetometer [1970-2013]
Sodankylä Ionosonde (SO166) [1957-2014]
Sodankylä Ozone Radiometer [2012-2018]
Sondre Stromfjord Digisonde [1993-1993]
Sondre Stromfjord Fabry-Perots [1983-2004]
Sondrestrom IS Radar [1983-2018]
Sondrestrom Michelson Interferometer [1997-2002]
South Pole Fabry-Perot [1989-2012]
South Pole Michelson Interferometer [1992-2003]
South Pole Scintillation Receiver [2011-2014]
South Pole meteor radar [2001-2011]
Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar [2008-2019]
St. Santin IS Radar [1973-1985]
St. Santin Nançay Receiver [1900-1987]
Stockholm IR Michelson [1993-1994]
Syowa MF Radar [2015-2015]
The Poker Flat MF radar [1998-2005]
Thule Fabry-Perot [1987-1989]
Tirunelveli MF radar [2001-2002]
Tromsø MF Radar [1987-2005]
UK Malvern IS Radar [1968-1971]
ULowell Digisonde MLH Radar [1976-2011]
UNC Greensboro Ozone Radiometer [2009-2020]
USU Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper [2011-2013]
USU Mesospheric Temperature Mapper [1997-2004]
USU Na lidar [2010-2017]
Union College Ozone Radiometer [2009-2021]
Urbana Atmospheric Observatory FPI [2007-2024]
Van Allen Probes [2017-2017]
Virginia Tech FPI [2013-2015]
Wakkanai MF radar [1997-2005]
Watson Lake Fabry-Perot [1991-1992]
World-wide GNSS Receiver Network [1998-2025]
Wuhan meteor radar [2014-2014]
Wuppertal (DE) Czerny-Turner OH Grating Spectrometer [1980-2006]
Yamagawa MF radar [1998-2004]
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