10 |
(special for MHR only) |
- |
Unspecified |
20 |
Imager time and filter metadata (image data at www.buimaging.com/data) |
7200 |
BU Millstone All-Sky Imager |
21 |
ALO Airglow Imager |
8301 |
Aerospace Nightglow Imager 2 |
1002 |
~1 min or ~20 s 3-freq night photon counts |
6205 |
Arecibo Potassium [K] lidar |
1040 |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1050 |
Basic Derived Parameters |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1051 |
Basic Derived Parameters |
- |
Unspecified |
1060 |
Magnetometer data |
8260 |
DASI-VA Magnetometer |
1101 |
Faraday Doble pulse Version 1(7-lags) |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1555 |
Transcoronal Radio Observations |
7800 |
Green Bank Telescope |
1700 |
Jicamarca Magnetometers |
8250 |
Jicamarca Magnetometer |
1800 |
Faraday rotation with alternating code Long Pulse |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1800 |
FPI wind vector calculation (zenith as reference) |
5145 |
Fabry-Perot Jicamarca |
1801 |
Faraday rotation with alternating code Long pulse (hybrid 1) |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1802 |
Faraday rotation with uncoded Long Pulse (hybrid 2) |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1810 |
Spectral analysis with uncoded Long Pulse |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1811 |
Coherence; spectral width; Doppler from double pulse with Barker subcoding |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1850 |
Bistatic Jicamarca-Paracas radar |
11 |
Jicamarca Bistatic Radar |
1910 |
Vertical and Zonal Drifts |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1911 |
Averaged Vertical and Zonal Drifts |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1912 |
Special Drift mode |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1913 |
Special Average Drift |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
1950 |
Ion Avg drift derived from 150km echoes JULIA mode |
840 |
1951 |
JULIA 150-km echoes |
14 |
1951 |
JULIA 150-km echoes |
840 |
1961 |
JULIA Equatorial Spread-F |
14 |
1961 |
JULIA Equatorial Spread-F |
840 |
1971 |
JASMET winds MLT |
13 |
JASMET Jicamarca All-Sky Specular Meteor Radar |
2001 |
FACF Power profile (pre 1995) |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2002 |
~1 min [K] densities at night |
1040 |
Arecibo MST Radar |
2002 |
FACF Basic derived parameters (pre 1995) |
1040 |
Arecibo MST Radar |
2002 |
Spectral fitter - Version 1 |
1040 |
Arecibo MST Radar |
2002 |
OI-Red 630.0 nm winds |
5600 |
Jang Bogo Station FPI |
2010 |
MRACF Basic Derived Parameters (1995) |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2011 |
F-region vector ion velocities |
22 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Velocity Vector |
2015 |
Electron concentration using the 13-baud barker code. |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2018 |
Topside ISR single-ion fit |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2018 |
Topside ISR single-ion fit |
21 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian |
2019 |
Topside ISR two-ion fit |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2020 |
Coded long pulse mode |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2020 |
Coded long pulse mode |
21 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian |
2021 |
E-region Neutral Winds |
- |
Unspecified |
2030 |
MRACF 10-sec Integration Variant |
21 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian |
2031 |
MRACF 10-sec - drop gradient rule - variant |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2031 |
MRACF 10-sec - drop gradient rule - variant |
21 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian |
2040 |
Plasma line - upshifted line only |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2040 |
Plasma line - upshifted line only |
21 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian |
2041 |
Plasma line - up and downshifted lines with differences |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
2041 |
Plasma line - up and downshifted lines with differences |
21 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Gregorian |
2100 |
Red line (630.0 nm) photometer |
4480 |
Arecibo red line photometer |
2101 |
Green line (557.7 nm) photometer |
4481 |
Arecibo green line photometer |
3001 |
INSCAL Basic Derived Parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3002 |
INSCAL Basic Derived Parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3071 |
INSCAL Basic Derived Parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3101 |
Two-pulse Data |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3201 |
HYCOR Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (1.0) |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3301 |
SCAT Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (1.0) |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3302 |
SCAT Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (2.0) |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3303 |
SCAT Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (3.0) |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3304 |
SCAT Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (4.0) |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3305 |
SCAT Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (5.0) |
- |
Unspecified |
3306 |
SCAT Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (5.0) |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3321 |
SCAT - OASIS 1.x |
- |
Unspecified |
3405 |
MIDAS Basic Derived Parameters - INSCAL (5.0) |
- |
Unspecified |
3406 |
INSCAL (Quicklook) Basic Derived Parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3408 |
Combined basic parameters file - all antennas and modes |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3408 |
Combined basic parameters file - all antennas and modes |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3410 |
Combined basic parameters file - all antennas and modes |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3410 |
Combined basic parameters file - all antennas and modes |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3415 |
Plasma line peak densities |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3415 |
Plasma line peak densities |
31 |
Millstone Hill UHF Steerable Antenna |
3415 |
Plasma line peak densities |
32 |
Millstone Hill UHF Zenith Antenna |
3416 |
Plasma line peak densities and hmax |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3416 |
Plasma line peak densities and hmax |
31 |
Millstone Hill UHF Steerable Antenna |
3416 |
Plasma line peak densities and hmax |
32 |
Millstone Hill UHF Zenith Antenna |
3420 |
Zenith single-pulse basic parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3420 |
Zenith single-pulse basic parameters |
32 |
Millstone Hill UHF Zenith Antenna |
3425 |
Zenith alternating-code basic parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3425 |
Zenith alternating-code basic parameters |
32 |
Millstone Hill UHF Zenith Antenna |
3430 |
MISA (steerable) single-pulse basic parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3430 |
MISA (steerable) single-pulse basic parameters |
31 |
Millstone Hill UHF Steerable Antenna |
3435 |
MISA (steerable) alternating-code basic parameters |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3435 |
MISA (steerable) alternating-code basic parameters |
31 |
Millstone Hill UHF Steerable Antenna |
3440 |
Autocorrelation function |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
3500 |
TEC binned 1 degree by 1 degree by 5 min |
8000 |
World-wide GNSS Receiver Network |
3500 |
TEC binned 1 degree by 1 degree by 5 min |
8000 |
World-wide GNSS Receiver Network |
3505 |
Line of sight TEC data |
8000 |
World-wide GNSS Receiver Network |
3506 |
List of sites used in daily TEC data |
8000 |
World-wide GNSS Receiver Network |
3510 |
PUSCAT electron density profile |
57 |
UK Malvern IS Radar |
3990 |
Millstone Hill/UMLCAR Digisonde data |
- |
Unspecified |
3999 |
Millstone Hill/UMLCAR Digisonde data |
2550 |
ULowell Digisonde MLH Radar |
4001 |
SO166 Manually scaled ionospheric parameters |
2900 |
Sodankylä Ionosonde (SO166) |
4010 |
DSND Realtime ionospheric data analysis |
2950 |
EISCAT Tromsø Dynasonde |
4010 |
DSND Realtime ionospheric data analysis |
2951 |
EISCAT Svalbard Dynasonde |
4101 |
SGO Magnetometers - XYZ - 1 min |
8300 |
Sodankyla Magnetometer |
4201 |
tridim Nancay/Monpazier/Mende |
40 |
St. Santin IS Radar |
4203 |
tridim Monpaz-Mende(see comment card) |
40 |
St. Santin IS Radar |
4205 |
Nancay |
40 |
St. Santin IS Radar |
4206 |
Nancay |
41 |
St. Santin Nançay Receiver |
4207 |
Nancay |
41 |
St. Santin Nançay Receiver |
5000 |
- |
Unspecified |
5001 |
- |
Unspecified |
5010 |
- |
Unspecified |
5020 |
- |
Unspecified |
5050 |
- |
Unspecified |
5051 |
- |
Unspecified |
5060 |
- |
Unspecified |
5070 |
- |
Unspecified |
5081 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5082 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5083 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5084 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5100 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
5101 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
5102 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
5103 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
5106 |
- |
Unspecified |
5110 |
- |
Unspecified |
5111 |
- |
Unspecified |
5112 |
- |
Unspecified |
5113 |
- |
Unspecified |
5120 |
- |
Unspecified |
5121 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
5122 |
- |
Unspecified |
5123 |
- |
Unspecified |
5124 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
5140 |
- |
Unspecified |
5141 |
- |
Unspecified |
5150 |
- |
Unspecified |
5151 |
- |
Unspecified |
5152 |
- |
Unspecified |
5160 |
- |
Unspecified |
5161 |
- |
Unspecified |
5162 |
- |
Unspecified |
5163 |
- |
Unspecified |
5170 |
- |
Unspecified |
5171 |
- |
Unspecified |
5172 |
- |
Unspecified |
5173 |
- |
Unspecified |
5174 |
- |
Unspecified |
5350 |
- |
Unspecified |
5351 |
- |
Unspecified |
5352 |
- |
Unspecified |
5360 |
- |
Unspecified |
5361 |
- |
Unspecified |
5371 |
- |
Unspecified |
5374 |
- |
Unspecified |
5400 |
- |
Unspecified |
5401 |
- |
Unspecified |
5402 |
- |
Unspecified |
5450 |
- |
Unspecified |
5451 |
- |
Unspecified |
5452 |
- |
Unspecified |
5500 |
- |
Unspecified |
5501 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5502 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5503 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5504 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5505 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5506 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5520 |
- |
Unspecified |
5521 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5522 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5523 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5524 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5525 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5526 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5650 |
- |
Unspecified |
5651 |
- |
Unspecified |
5652 |
- |
Unspecified |
5702 |
CP-M3-A |
- |
Unspecified |
5704 |
CP-M3-B |
- |
Unspecified |
5750 |
AMISR Alternating Code |
- |
Unspecified |
5751 |
AMISR Long Pulse |
- |
Unspecified |
5802 |
CP-M2-A |
- |
Unspecified |
5804 |
CP-M2-B |
- |
Unspecified |
5806 |
CP-M2-C |
- |
Unspecified |
5808 |
CP-M2-D |
- |
Unspecified |
5902 |
CP-M1-A |
- |
Unspecified |
5921 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5922 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5923 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5924 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
5950 |
Long Pulse (480) |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5951 |
Alternating Code (AC16-30) |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5952 |
Combination of BC; AC; and LP experiments |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5960 |
Vector velocity from Long Pulse |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5961 |
Long Pulse Uncorrected Ne |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5962 |
Alternating Code Uncorrected Ne |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5963 |
Barker Code Uncorrected Ne |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5964 |
Combination of BC; AC; and LP experiment |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
5980 |
ISR spectral values |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
6000 |
Generic GUISDAP output |
- |
Unspecified |
6001 |
Generic GUISDAP power profile |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6001 |
Generic GUISDAP power profile |
74 |
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar |
6008 |
CP-0-D |
- |
Unspecified |
6010 |
CP-0-E |
- |
Unspecified |
6012 |
CP-0-F |
- |
Unspecified |
6014 |
CP-0-G |
- |
Unspecified |
6015 |
CP-0-H |
- |
Unspecified |
6016 |
CP-0-H |
- |
Unspecified |
6041 |
Generic GUISDAP output |
- |
Unspecified |
6042 |
User EISCAT data |
74 |
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar |
6100 |
On-An pp resolution 0 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6101 |
On-An pp resolution 1 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6102 |
On-An pp resolution 2 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6102 |
On-An pp resolution 2 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6103 |
On-An pp resolution 3 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6104 |
On-An pp resolution 4 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6105 |
On-An pp resolution 5 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6106 |
On-An pp resolution 6 |
- |
Unspecified |
6107 |
On-An pp resolution 7 |
- |
Unspecified |
6108 |
On-An pp resolution 8 |
- |
Unspecified |
6109 |
On-An pp resolution 9 |
- |
Unspecified |
6110 |
On-An pp resolution 0 gridded |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6111 |
On-An pp resolution 1 gridded |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6112 |
On-An pp resolution 2 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6113 |
On-An pp resolution 3 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6114 |
On-An pp resolution 4 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6115 |
On-An pp resolution 5 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6116 |
On-An pp resolution 6 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6117 |
On-An pp resolution 7 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6118 |
On-An pp resolution 8 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6119 |
On-An pp resolution 9 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6120 |
CP-1-J |
- |
Unspecified |
6121 |
CP-1-K |
- |
Unspecified |
6122 |
CP-1-K |
- |
Unspecified |
6200 |
On-An params and ACF 0 |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
6201 |
On-An params and ACF 1 |
- |
Unspecified |
6202 |
On-An params and ACF 2 |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
6202 |
On-An params and ACF 2 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6202 |
On-An params and ACF 2 |
73 |
EISCAT Sodankylä UHF IS Receiver |
6202 |
On-An params and ACF 2 |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
6203 |
On-An params and ACF 3 |
- |
Unspecified |
6204 |
CP-2-B |
- |
Unspecified |
6205 |
CP-2-C |
- |
Unspecified |
6206 |
CP-2-C |
- |
Unspecified |
6207 |
CP-2-D (Power Profile) |
- |
Unspecified |
6208 |
CP-2-D |
- |
Unspecified |
6209 |
CP-2-E (Power Profile) |
- |
Unspecified |
6210 |
On-An params and ACF 0 gridded |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6211 |
On-An params and ACF 1 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6212 |
On-An params and ACF 2 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6213 |
On-An params and ACF 3 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6220 |
On-An cp6 ACF spectral params |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6300 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 0 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6301 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 1 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6302 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 2 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6303 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 3 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6304 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 4 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6305 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 5 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6306 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 6 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6307 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 7 |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6308 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 8 |
- |
Unspecified |
6309 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 9 |
- |
Unspecified |
6310 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 0 gridded |
74 |
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar |
6311 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 1 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6312 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 2 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6313 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 3 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6314 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 4 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6315 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 5 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6316 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 6 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6317 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 7 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6318 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 8 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6319 |
GUISDAP pp resolution 9 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6400 |
GUISDAP params 0 |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
6401 |
GUISDAP params 1 |
- |
Unspecified |
6402 |
GUISDAP params 2 |
- |
Unspecified |
6403 |
GUISDAP params 3 |
- |
Unspecified |
6404 |
CP-4-B |
- |
Unspecified |
6410 |
GUISDAP params 0 gridded |
74 |
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar |
6411 |
GUISDAP params 1 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6412 |
GUISDAP params 2 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6413 |
GUISDAP params 3 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
6501 |
Vector params K |
- |
Unspecified |
6502 |
Vector params U |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6503 |
Vector params UK |
- |
Unspecified |
6504 |
Vector params S |
- |
Unspecified |
6505 |
Vector params KS |
- |
Unspecified |
6506 |
Vector params US |
- |
Unspecified |
6507 |
Vector params UKS |
70 |
EISCAT combined IS Radars |
6508 |
Vector params V |
- |
Unspecified |
6509 |
Vector params VK |
- |
Unspecified |
6510 |
Vector params UV |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6511 |
Vector params UVK |
- |
Unspecified |
6512 |
Vector params VS |
- |
Unspecified |
6513 |
Vector params VKS |
70 |
EISCAT combined IS Radars |
6514 |
Vector params UVS |
- |
Unspecified |
6515 |
Vector params UVKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6516 |
Vector params Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6517 |
Vector params K+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6518 |
Vector params U+Model |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
6519 |
Vector params UK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6520 |
Vector params S+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6521 |
Vector params KS+Model |
70 |
EISCAT combined IS Radars |
6522 |
Vector params US+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6523 |
Vector params UKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6524 |
Vector params V+Model |
74 |
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar |
6525 |
Vector params VK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6526 |
Vector params UV+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6527 |
Vector params UVK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6528 |
Vector params VS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6529 |
Vector params VKS+Model |
70 |
EISCAT combined IS Radars |
6530 |
Vector params UVS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6531 |
Vector params UVKS+Model |
70 |
EISCAT combined IS Radars |
6532 |
Vector params L |
95 |
EISCAT Svalbard IS Radar Longyearbyen |
6533 |
Vector params LK |
- |
Unspecified |
6534 |
Vector params LU |
- |
Unspecified |
6535 |
Vector params LUK |
- |
Unspecified |
6536 |
Vector params LS |
- |
Unspecified |
6537 |
Vector params LKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6538 |
Vector params LUS |
- |
Unspecified |
6539 |
Vector params LUKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6540 |
Vector params LV |
- |
Unspecified |
6541 |
Vector params LVK |
- |
Unspecified |
6542 |
Vector params LUV |
- |
Unspecified |
6543 |
Vector params LUVK |
- |
Unspecified |
6544 |
Vector params LVS |
- |
Unspecified |
6545 |
Vector params LVKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6546 |
Vector params LUVS |
- |
Unspecified |
6547 |
Vector params LUVKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6548 |
Vector params L+Model |
95 |
EISCAT Svalbard IS Radar Longyearbyen |
6549 |
Vector params LK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6550 |
Vector params LU+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6551 |
Vector params LUK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6552 |
Vector params LS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6553 |
Vector params LKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6554 |
Vector params LUS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6555 |
Vector params LUKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6556 |
Vector params LV+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6557 |
Vector params LVK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6558 |
Vector params LUV+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6559 |
Vector params LUVK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6560 |
Vector params LVS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6561 |
Vector params LVKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6562 |
Vector params LUVS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6563 |
Vector params LUVKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6564 |
Vector params Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6565 |
Vector params K+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6566 |
Vector params U+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6567 |
Vector params UK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6568 |
Vector params S+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6569 |
Vector params KS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6570 |
Vector params US+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6571 |
Vector params UKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6572 |
Vector params V+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6573 |
Vector params VK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6574 |
Vector params UV+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6575 |
Vector params UVK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6576 |
Vector params VS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6577 |
Vector params VKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6578 |
Vector params UVS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6579 |
Vector params UVKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6580 |
Vector params Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6581 |
Vector params K+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6582 |
Vector params U+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6583 |
Vector params UK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6584 |
Vector params S+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6585 |
Vector params KS+Model+Dynasonde |
70 |
EISCAT combined IS Radars |
6586 |
Vector params US+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6587 |
Vector params UKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6588 |
Vector params V+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6589 |
Vector params VK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6590 |
Vector params UV+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6591 |
Vector params UVK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6592 |
Vector params VS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6593 |
Vector params VKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6594 |
Vector params UVS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6595 |
Vector params UVKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6596 |
Vector params L+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6597 |
Vector params LK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6598 |
Vector params LU+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6599 |
Vector params LUK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6600 |
Vector params LS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6601 |
Vector params LKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6602 |
Vector params LUS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6603 |
Vector paraks LUKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6604 |
Vector params LV+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6605 |
Vector params LVK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6606 |
Vector params LUV+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6607 |
Vector params LUVK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6608 |
Vector params LVS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6609 |
Vector params LVKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6610 |
Vector params LUVS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6611 |
Vector params LUVKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6612 |
Vector params L+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6613 |
Vector params LU+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6614 |
Vector params LUK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6615 |
Vector params LS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6616 |
Vector params LKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6617 |
Vector params LUS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6618 |
Vector paraks LUKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6619 |
Vector params LV+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6620 |
Vector params LVK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6621 |
Vector params LUV+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6622 |
Vector params LUVK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6623 |
Vector params LVS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6624 |
Vector params LVKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6625 |
Vector params LUVS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6626 |
Vector params LUVKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6701 |
Vector params gridded K |
- |
Unspecified |
6702 |
Vector params gridded U |
- |
Unspecified |
6703 |
Vector params gridded UK |
- |
Unspecified |
6704 |
Vector params gridded S |
- |
Unspecified |
6705 |
Vector params gridded KS |
- |
Unspecified |
6706 |
Vector params gridded US |
- |
Unspecified |
6707 |
Vector params gridded UKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6708 |
Vector params gridded V |
- |
Unspecified |
6709 |
Vector params gridded VK |
- |
Unspecified |
6710 |
Vector params gridded UV |
- |
Unspecified |
6711 |
Vector params gridded UVK |
- |
Unspecified |
6712 |
Vector params gridded VS |
- |
Unspecified |
6713 |
Vector params gridded VKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6714 |
Vector params gridded UVS |
- |
Unspecified |
6715 |
Vector params gridded UVKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6716 |
Vector params gridded Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6717 |
Vector params gridded K+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6718 |
Vector params gridded U+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6719 |
Vector params gridded UK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6720 |
Vector params gridded S+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6721 |
Vector params gridded KS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6722 |
Vector params gridded US+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6723 |
Vector params gridded UKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6724 |
Vector params gridded V+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6725 |
Vector params gridded VK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6726 |
Vector params gridded UV+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6727 |
Vector params gridded UVK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6728 |
Vector params gridded VS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6729 |
Vector params gridded VKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6730 |
Vector params gridded UVS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6731 |
Vector params gridded UVKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6732 |
Vector params gridded L |
- |
Unspecified |
6733 |
Vector params gridded LK |
- |
Unspecified |
6734 |
Vector params gridded LU |
- |
Unspecified |
6735 |
Vector params gridded LUK |
- |
Unspecified |
6736 |
Vector params gridded LS |
- |
Unspecified |
6737 |
Vector params gridded LKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6738 |
Vector params gridded LUS |
- |
Unspecified |
6739 |
Vector params gridded LUKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6740 |
Vector params gridded LV |
- |
Unspecified |
6741 |
Vector params gridded LVK |
- |
Unspecified |
6742 |
Vector params gridded LUV |
- |
Unspecified |
6743 |
Vector params gridded LUVK |
- |
Unspecified |
6744 |
Vector params gridded LVS |
- |
Unspecified |
6745 |
Vector params gridded LVKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6746 |
Vector params gridded LUVS |
- |
Unspecified |
6747 |
Vector params gridded LUVKS |
- |
Unspecified |
6748 |
Vector params gridded L+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6749 |
Vector params gridded LK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6750 |
Vector params gridded LU+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6751 |
Vector params gridded LUK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6752 |
Vector params gridded LS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6753 |
Vector params gridded LKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6754 |
Vector params gridded LUS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6755 |
Vector params gridded LUKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6756 |
Vector params gridded LV+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6757 |
Vector params gridded LVK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6758 |
Vector params gridded LUV+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6759 |
Vector params gridded LUVK+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6760 |
Vector params gridded LVS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6761 |
Vector params gridded LVKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6762 |
Vector params gridded LUVS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6763 |
Vector params gridded LUVKS+Model |
- |
Unspecified |
6764 |
Vector params gridded Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6765 |
Vector params gridded K+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6766 |
Vector params gridded U+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6767 |
Vector params gridded UK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6768 |
Vector params gridded S+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6769 |
Vector params gridded KS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6770 |
Vector params gridded US+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6771 |
Vector params gridded UKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6772 |
Vector params gridded V+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6773 |
Vector params gridded VK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6774 |
Vector params gridded UV+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6775 |
Vector params gridded UVK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6776 |
Vector params gridded VS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6777 |
Vector params gridded VKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6778 |
Vector params gridded UVS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6779 |
Vector params gridded UVKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6780 |
Vector params gridded Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6781 |
Vector params gridded K+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6782 |
Vector params gridded U+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6783 |
Vector params gridded UK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6784 |
Vector params gridded S+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6785 |
Vector params gridded KS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6786 |
Vector params gridded US+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6787 |
Vector params gridded UKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6788 |
Vector params gridded V+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6789 |
Vector params gridded VK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6790 |
Vector params gridded UV+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6791 |
Vector params gridded UVK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6792 |
Vector params gridded VS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6793 |
Vector params gridded VKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6794 |
Vector params gridded UVS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6795 |
Vector params gridded UVKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6796 |
Vector params gridded L+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6797 |
Vector params gridded LK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6798 |
Vector params gridded LU+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6799 |
Vector params gridded LUK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6800 |
Vector params gridded LS+Dynasonde |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
6801 |
Vector params gridded LKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6802 |
Vector params gridded LUS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6803 |
Vector paraks gridded LUKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6804 |
Vector params gridded LV+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6805 |
Vector params gridded LVK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6806 |
Vector params gridded LUV+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6807 |
Vector params gridded LUVK+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6808 |
Vector params gridded LVS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6809 |
Vector params gridded LVKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6810 |
Vector params gridded LUVS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6811 |
Vector params gridded LUVKS+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6812 |
Vector params gridded L+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6813 |
Vector params gridded LU+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6814 |
Vector params gridded LUK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6815 |
Vector params gridded LS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6816 |
Vector params gridded LKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6817 |
Vector params gridded LUS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6818 |
Vector paraks gridded LUKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6819 |
Vector params gridded LV+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6820 |
Vector params gridded LVK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6821 |
Vector params gridded LUV+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6822 |
Vector params gridded LUVK+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6823 |
Vector params gridded LVS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6824 |
Vector params gridded LVKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6825 |
Vector params gridded LUVS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6826 |
Vector params gridded LUVKS+Model+Dynasonde |
- |
Unspecified |
6831 |
Unknown |
95 |
EISCAT Svalbard IS Radar Longyearbyen |
6900 |
HF data pp undecoded |
- |
Unspecified |
6901 |
HF data pp decoded 1 |
- |
Unspecified |
6902 |
HF data pp decoded 2 |
- |
Unspecified |
6903 |
- |
Unspecified |
6904 |
- |
Unspecified |
6905 |
- |
Unspecified |
6906 |
- |
Unspecified |
6907 |
- |
Unspecified |
6908 |
- |
Unspecified |
6909 |
- |
Unspecified |
6910 |
HF data Doppler profiles res 1 |
- |
Unspecified |
6911 |
HF data Doppler profiles res 2 |
- |
Unspecified |
6920 |
HF data Faraday rotation profiles |
- |
Unspecified |
6999 |
User EISCAT data |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
7000 |
User EISCAT data |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
7000 |
User EISCAT data |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
7000 |
User EISCAT data |
73 |
EISCAT Sodankylä UHF IS Receiver |
7000 |
User EISCAT data |
74 |
EISCAT Tromso VHF IS radar |
7000 |
User EISCAT data |
- |
Unspecified |
7001 |
Direct data (velocity reference uses vertical measurement) |
5340 |
Millstone Hill Fabry-Perot |
7001 |
Basic lidar parameter data |
5430 |
Watson Lake Fabry-Perot |
7001 |
Basic lidar parameter data |
5480 |
Sondre Stromfjord Fabry-Perots |
7001 |
Basic lidar parameter data |
5540 |
Thule Fabry-Perot |
7002 |
Direct data (velocity reference uses combined data) |
5300 |
Peach Mountain Fabry-Perot |
7002 |
Basic lidar parameter data |
5300 |
Peach Mountain Fabry-Perot |
7002 |
Basic lidar parameter data |
5480 |
Sondre Stromfjord Fabry-Perots |
7003 |
Iron mode - 372 nm - 3 min integration |
5300 |
Peach Mountain Fabry-Perot |
7003 |
Basic lidar parameter data |
5300 |
Peach Mountain Fabry-Perot |
7100 |
Red line FPI basic temperture and los wind data |
5360 |
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot |
7004 |
Rayleigh density |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7005 |
Rayleigh temperature |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7006 |
Sodium density |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7007 |
Sodium temp_15min_int |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7008 |
Sodium temp_30min_int |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7009 |
Sodium temp_60min_int_5min_step |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7011 |
Sodium temp_60min_int_15min_step |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7012 |
Meridional Wind |
6380 |
Poker Flat lidar |
7100 |
Red line FPI basic temperture and los wind data |
5360 |
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot |
7100 |
Red line (630.0 nm) Doppler imaging FPI |
5370 |
Arecibo Imaging Doppler Fabry-Perot |
7101 |
Red line FPI higher level vector wind data |
5360 |
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot |
7110 |
Green line FPI basic temperture and los wind data |
5360 |
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot |
7110 |
Green line FPI basic temperture and los wind data |
5360 |
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot |
7111 |
Green line FPI higher level vector wind data |
5360 |
Millstone Hill High-Res Fabry-Perot |
7150 |
FPI wind vector calculation (reference: normalized laser to zenith) |
5140 |
Fabry-Perot Arequipa |
7150 |
FPI wind vector calculation (reference: normalized laser to zenith) |
5145 |
Fabry-Perot Jicamarca |
7150 |
FPI wind vector calculation (reference: normalized laser to zenith) |
5150 |
Fabry-Perot Mobile |
7150 |
Basic Sodium lidar parameter data |
6206 |
Arecibo Sodium [Na] lidar |
7200 |
Beacon line-of-sight TEC |
- |
Unspecified |
7800 |
Binned meteor data (1 hour x 2 km height step) |
1780 |
Wuhan meteor radar |
7801 |
Individual meteor wind data |
1620 |
Durham meteor Radar |
7802 |
Hourly vector least squares fit meteor wind data |
1620 |
Durham meteor Radar |
7803 |
Fit of meteor data to Groves model |
1620 |
Durham meteor Radar |
7804 |
Hourly meteor radar winds |
1784 |
South Pole meteor radar |
7805 |
Daily mean meteor radar winds |
1785 |
Southern Argentina Agile Meteor Radar |
7810 |
Quasi-two-day wave amplitudes |
1215 |
Davis Antarctica MF radar |
7820 |
Hourly wind velocities between 82 and 98 km |
1794 |
McMurdo Meteor Radar |
8000 |
- |
Unspecified |
8001 |
25 |
MU IS Radar |
8002 |
25 |
MU IS Radar |
8003 |
25 |
MU IS Radar |
8015 |
NOAA POES 16-second Particle Flux Data for NOAA-15 |
170 |
POES Spacecraft Particle Flux |
8016 |
NOAA POES 16-second Particle Flux Data for NOAA-16 |
170 |
POES Spacecraft Particle Flux |
8017 |
NOAA POES 16-second Particle Flux Data for NOAA-17 |
170 |
POES Spacecraft Particle Flux |
8030 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 30 |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8031 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 31 |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8033 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 33 |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8034 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 34 |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8035 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 35 (6 km res.) |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8036 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 36 (1 min res.) |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8037 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 37 |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8038 |
Common Algorithm 80; version 38 |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8131 |
Common Algorithm 81; version 31 |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8132 |
650 microsec Single-pulse |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8133 |
120 microsec Single-pulse |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8134 |
120 microsec dual pulse |
45 |
Kharkov Ukraine IS Radar |
8200 |
USU TDIM Model |
- |
Unspecified |
8800 |
QuJing radar: GUISDAP Fitted Parameters |
100 |
QuJing IS radar |
8801 |
100 |
QuJing IS radar |
9000 |
ACPORT - over-sampled raw Ne; from manual antenna control |
- |
Unspecified |
9001 |
ACPORT - over-sampled raw Ne; from dwells |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
9002 |
ACPORT - over-sampled raw Ne; from azscans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
9003 |
ACPORT - over-sampled raw Ne; from elscans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
9004 |
ACPORT - over-sampled raw Ne; from composite scans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
9005 |
ACPORT - over-sampled raw Ne; from vsr elscans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
9006 |
ACPORT - over-sampled raw Ne; from vsr compscans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
9801 |
Basic Derived Parameters |
53 |
ISTP Irkutsk Radar |
10002 |
~30 min Tn values at night |
6205 |
Arecibo Potassium [K] lidar |
10012 |
Green line (~96 km) vertical observations |
5510 |
Inuvik NWT Fabry-Perot |
10106 |
F06 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
- |
Unspecified |
10107 |
F07 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
- |
Unspecified |
10108 |
F08 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10109 |
F09 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10110 |
F10 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10111 |
F11 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10112 |
F12 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10113 |
F13 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10114 |
F14 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10115 |
F15 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10116 |
F16 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10117 |
F17 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10118 |
F18 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10119 |
F19 1 sec values (ion drift / magnetometer / electron density) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10136 |
F06 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
- |
Unspecified |
10137 |
F07 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
- |
Unspecified |
10138 |
F08 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10139 |
F09 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10140 |
F10 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10141 |
F11 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10142 |
F12 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10143 |
F13 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10144 |
F14 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10145 |
F15 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10146 |
F16 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10147 |
F17 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10148 |
F18 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10149 |
F19 4 sec values (plasma temp / O+ fract / vehicle pot) |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10206 |
F06 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10207 |
F07 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10208 |
F08 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10209 |
F09 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10210 |
F10 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10211 |
F11 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10212 |
F12 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10213 |
F13 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10214 |
F14 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10215 |
F15 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10216 |
F16 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10217 |
F17 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10218 |
F18 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10219 |
F19 flux/energy values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10236 |
F06 UT DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10237 |
F07 UT DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10238 |
F08 UT DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10239 |
F09 UT DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10240 |
F10 UT DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10241 |
F11 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10242 |
F12 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10243 |
F13 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10244 |
F14 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10245 |
F15 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10246 |
F16 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10247 |
F17 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10248 |
F18 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10249 |
F19 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10256 |
F06 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10257 |
F07 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10258 |
F08 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10259 |
F09 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10260 |
F10 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10261 |
F11 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10262 |
F12 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10263 |
F13 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10264 |
F14 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10265 |
F15 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10266 |
F16 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10267 |
F17 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10268 |
F18 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10269 |
F19 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10281 |
F11 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10282 |
F12 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10283 |
F13 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10284 |
F14 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10285 |
F15 UT SSIES-2 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10286 |
F16 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10287 |
F17 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10288 |
F18 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10289 |
F19 UT SSIES-3 DMSP with quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10300 |
Hemispherical power values |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10305 |
F15 UT DMSP with Poynting Flux and quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10306 |
F16 UT DMSP with Poynting Flux and quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10307 |
F17 UT DMSP with Poynting Flux and quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10308 |
F18 UT DMSP with Poynting Flux and quality flags |
8100 |
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program |
10309 |
F19 UT DMSP with Poynting Flux and quality flags |
- |
Unspecified |
10305 |
Van Allen Probles derived data |
8105 |
Van Allen Probes |
12404 |
User EISCAT data |
71 |
EISCAT Kiruna UHF IS Receiver |
11100 |
User EISCAT data |
72 |
EISCAT Tromsø UHF IS radar |
12404 |
User EISCAT data |
73 |
EISCAT Sodankylä UHF IS Receiver |
11100 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 0 |
- |
Unspecified |
11101 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 1 |
- |
Unspecified |
11102 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 2 |
- |
Unspecified |
11103 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 3 |
- |
Unspecified |
11104 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 4 |
- |
Unspecified |
11105 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 5 |
- |
Unspecified |
11106 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 6 |
- |
Unspecified |
11107 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 7 |
- |
Unspecified |
11108 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 8 |
- |
Unspecified |
11109 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 9 |
- |
Unspecified |
11110 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 0 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11111 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 1 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11112 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 2 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11113 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 3 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11114 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 4 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11115 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 5 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11116 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 6 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11117 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 7 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11118 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 8 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11119 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis pp resolution 9 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11200 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 0 |
- |
Unspecified |
11201 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 1 |
- |
Unspecified |
11202 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 2 |
- |
Unspecified |
11203 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 3 |
- |
Unspecified |
11210 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 0 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11211 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 1 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11212 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 2 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
11213 |
EISCAT user defined or unknown analysis params and ACF 3 gridded |
- |
Unspecified |
13001 |
ebin 1.x |
- |
Unspecified |
13002 |
ebin 2.x |
- |
Unspecified |
13021 |
SATORI 1.x |
- |
Unspecified |
13022 |
SATORI 2.x |
- |
Unspecified |
13101 |
- |
Unspecified |
13102 |
- |
Unspecified |
13204 |
(ebin4) Derived Parameters: F region: winds/electric fields/ion drifts/Ne |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
13210 |
(efwind) Derived Parameters: E+F regions: winds/electric fields/ion drifts |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
13300 |
Gridded data fitted to a uniform spatial and temporal grid - useful for modellers |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
13301 |
profileFit test file - basic and velocities - beta |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
13305 |
Derived vector ion velocities |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
13305 |
Derived vector ion velocities |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
13310 |
ISR basic parameters digitized from contour plots |
30 |
Millstone Hill IS Radar |
13310 |
ISR basic parameters digitized from contour plots |
32 |
Millstone Hill UHF Zenith Antenna |
15011 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15012 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15013 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
15014 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
15021 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
15022 |
- |
Unspecified |
15023 |
- |
Unspecified |
15031 |
- |
Unspecified |
15041 |
- |
Unspecified |
15042 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15051 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
15052 |
- |
Unspecified |
15061 |
- |
Unspecified |
15062 |
- |
Unspecified |
15065 |
- |
Unspecified |
15066 |
- |
Unspecified |
15081 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15082 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15083 |
Unknown ISR mode |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15100 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15113 |
- |
Unspecified |
15114 |
- |
Unspecified |
15115 |
50 |
Chatanika IS Radar |
15116 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15213 |
- |
Unspecified |
15312 |
- |
Unspecified |
15313 |
- |
Unspecified |
15413 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15414 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15510 |
- |
Unspecified |
15515 |
- |
Unspecified |
15520 |
PVEEST - meridional velocity from elscans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15525 |
- |
Unspecified |
15610 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15613 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15614 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15615 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15616 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15630 |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
15700 |
BLECONS - Field-aligned conductivities; longpulse; from scans |
- |
Unspecified |
15701 |
BLECONS - Field-aligned conductivities; A16; from scans |
- |
Unspecified |
15702 |
BLECONS - Field-aligned conductivities; combined pulses; from scans |
- |
Unspecified |
17000 |
630.0 nm H-alpha Mapper (WHAM) Fabry-Perot |
5190 |
Kitt Peak H-alpha Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Derived data (velocity reference uses vertical measurement) |
1215 |
Davis Antarctica MF radar |
17001 |
Hourly winds |
1215 |
Davis Antarctica MF radar |
17001 |
Tidal analyses of the mean neutral winds |
1220 |
Mawson MF Radar |
17001 |
Hourly winds |
1240 |
Adelaide MF Radar |
17001 |
Hourly winds |
1254 |
Tirunelveli MF radar |
17001 |
30 min winds |
1275 |
Yamagawa MF radar |
17001 |
30 min winds |
1310 |
Wakkanai MF radar |
17001 |
Winds analyzed in terms of a prevailing and semi-diurnal tidal wind |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17001 |
30 min winds |
1375 |
The Poker Flat MF radar |
17001 |
Tidal analyses of the mean neutral winds |
1560 |
Atlanta meteor Radar |
17001 |
Tidal analyses of the mean neutral winds |
2090 |
Christmas Island ST/MEDAC Radar |
17001 |
Digisonde analysis |
2930 |
Qaanaaq Digisonde ST/MEDAC Radars |
17001 |
OH(6-2) band individual temperatures |
3010 |
Davis Czerny-Turner Scanning Spectrophotometer |
17001 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5020 |
Halley Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5060 |
Mount John Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Quiet monthly meridional velocities |
5140 |
Fabry-Perot Arequipa |
17001 |
Red line (630.0 nm) FP |
5160 |
Arecibo Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
630.0 nm H-alpha Mapper (WHAM) Fabry-Perot |
5190 |
Kitt Peak H-alpha Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5240 |
Fritz Peak Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5292 |
Ann Arbor Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5460 |
College Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5465 |
Poker Flat all-sky scanning Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
Red line (~240 km) vertical observations |
5510 |
Inuvik NWT Fabry-Perot |
17001 |
IR Michelson Interferometer nightglow hydroxyl [OH] |
5700 |
South Pole Michelson Interferometer |
17001 |
Old 3-1 band OH Meinel band brightness and temps |
5720 |
Daytona Beach Michelson Interferometer |
17001 |
IR Michelson Interferometer nightglow hydroxyl [OH] |
5860 |
Stockholm IR Michelson |
17001 |
Old 3-1 band OH Meinel band brightness and temps |
5900 |
Sondrestrom Michelson Interferometer |
17001 |
Old 3-1 band OH Meinel band brightness and temps |
5950 |
Resolute Bay Michelson Interferometer |
17001 |
Old 3-1 band OH Meinel band brightness and temps |
5980 |
Eureka Michelson Interferometer |
17002 |
Derived data (velocity reference uses combined data) |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17002 |
Winds analyzed in terms of a prevailing and semi-diurnal tidal wind |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17002 |
Tidal analyses of the mean neutral winds |
1560 |
Atlanta meteor Radar |
17002 |
Digisonde analysis with addn info on number of samples |
2890 |
Sondre Stromfjord Digisonde |
17002 |
Digisonde analysis with addn info on number of samples |
2930 |
Qaanaaq Digisonde ST/MEDAC Radars |
17002 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5020 |
Halley Fabry-Perot |
17002 |
Green line in cardinal dirs |
5060 |
Mount John Fabry-Perot |
17002 |
Red line in cardinal dirs |
5140 |
Fabry-Perot Arequipa |
17002 |
H-alpha Mapper (WHAM) Fabry-Perot |
5190 |
Kitt Peak H-alpha Fabry-Perot |
17002 |
630.0 nm All-sky scanning Fabry-Perot Spectrometer |
5465 |
Poker Flat all-sky scanning Fabry-Perot |
17003 |
Iron mode - 372 nm - 3 min integration |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17003 |
Half-hour means of the zonal and meridional winds |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17003 |
557.7 nm |
5060 |
Mount John Fabry-Perot |
17003 |
557.7 nm All-sky scanning Fabry-Perot Spectrometer |
5465 |
Poker Flat all-sky scanning Fabry-Perot |
17004 |
nightly means - nightglow hydroxyl [OH*] |
3320 |
Wuppertal (DE) Czerny-Turner OH Grating Spectrometer |
17004 |
840.0 nm |
5060 |
Mount John Fabry-Perot |
17010 |
Red line - all measurements used as zero reference |
5160 |
Arecibo Fabry-Perot |
17011 |
daytime lidar long integration |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17011 |
Winds analyzed in terms of a prevailing and semi-diurnal tidal wind |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17011 |
Red line (~240 km) multi-directional observations |
5015 |
Arrival Heights Fabry-Perot |
17011 |
Red line - vertical measurements used as zero reference |
5160 |
Arecibo Fabry-Perot |
17011 |
Red line (~240 km) cardinal observations |
5535 |
Resolute Bay Fabry-Perot |
17012 |
nightly vectors |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17012 |
Winds analyzed in terms of a prevailing and semi-diurnal tidal wind |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17013 |
Tidal analysis |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17020 |
Red line |
5160 |
Arecibo Fabry-Perot |
17031 |
New 3-1 band OH Meinel band brightness and temps |
5700 |
South Pole Michelson Interferometer |
17042 |
New 4-2 band OH Meinel band brightness and temps |
5700 |
South Pole Michelson Interferometer |
17087 |
87 km nightly Tn aves |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
17088 |
87 km Tn using OH (3_1) Rotational temps |
7192 |
USU Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper |
17089 |
87 km nightly Tn aves using OH (3_1) Rotational temps |
7192 |
USU Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper |
17094 |
OH - O2 nightly means at Maui |
7191 |
USU Mesospheric Temperature Mapper |
17100 |
nightly climatology aves |
1215 |
Davis Antarctica MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1215 |
Davis Antarctica MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1221 |
Rothera MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1240 |
Adelaide MF Radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1245 |
Rarotonga MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1270 |
Kauai MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1275 |
Yamagawa MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1285 |
Platteville MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1310 |
Wakkanai MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1340 |
Saskatoon MF Radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1375 |
The Poker Flat MF radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1390 |
Tromsø MF Radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1539 |
Ascension Island Meteor Radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1750 |
Obninsk meteor radar |
17100 |
Harmonic analysis of winds |
1775 |
Esrange meteor radar |
17101 |
7.5/20 min av Na/Tn/Wn profiles |
6300 |
CEDAR lidar |
17102 |
weekly - mean days - w 8-wk Hamming window |
6300 |
CEDAR lidar |
17103 |
monthly - mean days - w 8-wk Hamming window |
6300 |
CEDAR lidar |
17110 |
DMSP Auroral Boundary Index |
180 |
DMSP-Auroral Boundary Index |
17111 |
Red line (~240 km) multi-directional observations |
5000 |
South Pole Fabry-Perot |
17111 |
Red line (~240 km) multi-directional observations |
5015 |
Arrival Heights Fabry-Perot |
17201 |
630.0 nm nightglow FP at 250 km |
5005 |
Palmer Fabry Perot |
17201 |
daytime lidar |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
17201 |
daytime lidar |
6340 |
Andes Na T/W Lidar |
17201 |
daytime lidar |
6350 |
ALOMAR Sodium Lidar |
17201 |
daytime lidar |
6360 |
CU STAR Sodium Lidar |
17201 |
daytime lidar |
6370 |
USU Na lidar |
17202 |
OH 892.0 nm FP at 87 km |
5005 |
Palmer Fabry Perot |
17202 |
O 557.7 nm at 97 km |
5005 |
Palmer Fabry Perot |
17203 |
Na lidar - radial winds - |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
17203 |
Na lidar - radial winds - |
6350 |
ALOMAR Sodium Lidar |
17204 |
Na lidar radial winds reanalysis 2015 |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
17204 |
Na lidar radial winds reanalysis 2015 |
6340 |
Andes Na T/W Lidar |
17205 |
Na lidar radial winds reanalysis |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
17205 |
Na lidar radial winds reanalysis 2015 high resolution |
6340 |
Andes Na T/W Lidar |
17206 |
Na lidar U-V-W winds |
6340 |
Andes Na T/W Lidar |
17208 |
Andes MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1790 |
Andes Meteor Radar |
17209 |
Southern Cross MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1791 |
Southern Cross Meteor Radar |
17210 |
Las Campanas MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1792 |
Las Campanas Meteor Radar |
17208 |
Andes MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1793 |
CONDOR multi-static meteor radar system |
17209 |
Southern Cross MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1793 |
CONDOR multi-static meteor radar system |
17210 |
Las Campanas MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1793 |
CONDOR multi-static meteor radar system |
17211 |
Buckland Park MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1787 |
Buckland Park Meteor Radar |
17211 |
Buckland Park MR: Zonal and Merid. winds |
1793 |
CONDOR multi-static meteor radar system |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
1210 |
Scott Base MF Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
1220 |
Mawson MF Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
1230 |
Christchurch MF Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
1240 |
Adelaide MF Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
1320 |
Collm LF Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
1340 |
Saskatoon MF Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
1390 |
Tromsø MF Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
2090 |
Christmas Island ST/MEDAC Radar |
17999 |
Tidal analysis |
2200 |
Platteville ST/MEDAC Radar |
18000 |
25 |
MU IS Radar |
18001 |
Strickland model params for optical calcs |
4470 |
Poker Flat 4 Channel Filter Photometer |
18002 |
Strickland model params for optical calcs |
4473 |
Fort Yukon 4 Channel Filter Photometer |
18011 |
Horizontal winds assuming zero vertical winds |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
18012 |
Horizontal winds assuming zero vertical winds |
6320 |
Colorado State sodium lidar |
19000 |
MST winds |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
19100 |
BLECONS - Field-aligned conductance; longpulse; from scans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
19101 |
BLECONS - Field-aligned conductance; A16; from scans |
- |
Unspecified |
19102 |
BLECONS - Field aligned conductance; combined pulses; from scans |
- |
Unspecified |
19120 |
PVEEST - Resolved velocity from elscans |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
19650 |
BLECOND - Conductivity from dwell; longpulse at 2 km intervals |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
19651 |
BLECOND - Conductivity from dwell; A16 at 2 km intervals |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
19652 |
BLECOND - Conductivity from dwell; combined pulses at 2 km |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
19653 |
BLECOND - Conductivity from dwell; at fitted gate resolution |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
19654 |
BLECOND - Conductivity from dwell; A16 at fitted gate resolution |
80 |
Sondrestrom IS Radar |
20000 |
Ionospheric scintillation |
8010 |
GNSS Scintillation Network |
20000 |
Ionospheric scintillation |
8001 |
South Pole Scintillation Receiver |
20001 |
Model output |
1140 |
Poker Flat MST Radar |
20001 |
1140 |
Poker Flat MST Radar |
20002 |
1140 |
Poker Flat MST Radar |
20003 |
ONE HOUR AVERAGED DATA - Vertical beam |
1140 |
Poker Flat MST Radar |
20004 |
1140 |
Poker Flat MST Radar |
30001 |
ISR Parameters |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
30001 |
ISR Parameters |
22 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Velocity Vector |
30003 |
Ionospheric F-region data Electron and Ion temperature |
10 |
Jicamarca IS Radar |
30006 |
Disturbance storm time index |
212 |
DST Index |
30006 |
212 |
DST Index |
30007 |
Geophysical Indicies |
210 |
Geophysical Indicies |
30008 |
Basic Derived Parameters |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
30008 |
Basic Derived ISR Parameters |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
30009 |
Basic Derived ISR Parameters |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
30012 |
Interplanetary magnetic fields |
120 |
Interplanetary Mag Field and Solar Wind |
30012 |
Interplanetary magnetic field data |
120 |
Interplanetary Mag Field and Solar Wind |
30014 |
Power Profile |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
30015 |
ISR Parameters |
20 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Linefeed |
30015 |
ISR Parameters |
22 |
Arecibo IS Radar - Velocity Vector |
30012 |
Topex TEC |
8400 |
Jason/Topex Ocean TEC |
30013 |
Jason-1 TEC |
8400 |
Jason/Topex Ocean TEC |
30014 |
Jason-2 TEC |
8400 |
Jason/Topex Ocean TEC |
30015 |
Jason-3 TEC |
8400 |
Jason/Topex Ocean TEC |
30016 |
Sentinel 6 TEC |
8400 |
Jason/Topex Ocean TEC |
1000101 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 1 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000102 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000103 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 3 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000104 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000105 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 5 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000106 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000107 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000108 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000109 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000110 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 10 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000111 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000112 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000113 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000114 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000115 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 15 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000116 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000117 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000118 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000119 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000120 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 20 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000125 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000130 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 45 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000135 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 60 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000145 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 120 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000164 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 30 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000168 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 15 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000180 |
Ne From Power - Long Pulse (F-region) - 4 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000201 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 1 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000202 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000203 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 3 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000204 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000205 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 5 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000206 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000207 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000208 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000209 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000210 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 10 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000211 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000212 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000213 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000214 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000215 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 15 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000216 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000217 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000218 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000219 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000220 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 20 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000225 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000230 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 45 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000235 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 60 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000245 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 120 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000264 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 30 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
1000268 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 15 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000280 |
Ne From Power - Alternating Code (E-region) - 4 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
1000301 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 1 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000302 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000303 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 3 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000304 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000305 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 5 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000306 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000307 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000308 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000309 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000310 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 10 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000311 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000312 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000313 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000314 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000315 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 15 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000316 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000317 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000318 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000319 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000320 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 20 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000325 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000330 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 45 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000335 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 60 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000345 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 120 min |
- |
Unspecified |
1000364 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 30 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
1000368 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 15 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
1000380 |
Ne From Power - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 4 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
2000101 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 1 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000102 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000103 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 3 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000104 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000105 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 5 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000106 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000107 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000108 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000109 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000110 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 10 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000111 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000112 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000113 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000114 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000115 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 15 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000116 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000117 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000118 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000119 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000120 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 20 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000125 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000130 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 45 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000135 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 60 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000145 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 120 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000164 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 30 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000168 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 15 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000180 |
Fitted - Long Pulse (F-region) - 4 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000201 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 1 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000202 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000203 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 3 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000204 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000205 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 5 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000206 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000207 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000208 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000209 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000210 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 10 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000211 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000212 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000213 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000214 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000215 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 15 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000216 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000217 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000218 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000219 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000220 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 20 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000225 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000230 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 45 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000235 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 60 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000245 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 120 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000264 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 30 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
2000268 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 15 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
2000280 |
Fitted - Alternating Code (E-region) - 4 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
2000301 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 1 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000302 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000303 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 3 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000304 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000305 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 5 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000306 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000307 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000308 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000309 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000310 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 10 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000311 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000312 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000313 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000314 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000315 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 15 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000316 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000317 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000318 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000319 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000320 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 20 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000325 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000330 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 45 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000335 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 60 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000345 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 120 min |
- |
Unspecified |
2000364 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 30 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
2000368 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 15 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
2000380 |
Fitted - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 4 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
3000101 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 1 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
3000102 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000103 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 3 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
3000104 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000105 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 5 min |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
3000106 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000107 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000108 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000109 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 9 min |
91 |
Resolute Bay North IS Radar |
3000110 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 10 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000111 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000112 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000113 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000114 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000115 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 15 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000116 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000117 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000118 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000119 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000120 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 20 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000125 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000164 |
Resolved Velocity - Long Pulse (F-region) - 30 sec |
61 |
Poker Flat IS Radar |
3000201 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 1 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000202 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000203 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 3 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000204 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000205 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 5 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000206 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000207 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000208 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000209 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000210 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 10 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000211 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000212 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000213 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000214 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000215 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 15 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000216 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000217 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000218 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000219 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000220 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 20 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000225 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000264 |
Resolved Velocity - Alternating Code (E-region) - 30 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
3000301 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 1 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000302 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 2 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000303 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 3 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000304 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 4 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000305 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 5 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000306 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 6 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000307 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 7 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000308 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 8 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000309 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 9 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000310 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 10 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000311 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 11 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000312 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 12 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000313 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 13 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000314 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 14 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000315 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 15 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000316 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 16 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000317 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 17 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000318 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 18 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000319 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 19 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000320 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 20 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000325 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 30 min |
- |
Unspecified |
3000364 |
Resolved Velocity - Barker/MPS Code (D-region) - 30 sec |
- |
Unspecified |
17577 |
Poker Flat Meteor Radar |
- |
Unspecified |
17578 |
Amateur Radio Signal Report |
8308 |
Amateur Radio Signal Report |
17579 |
SCINDA GPS scintillation data |
8302 |
Jicamarca SCINDA Scintillation Receiver |
17580 |
SCINDA GEO scintillation data |
8302 |
Jicamarca SCINDA Scintillation Receiver |