madrigal.derivation module
The derivation module creates new cedar objects with possibly derived parameters
The fundamental inputs are a list of desired parameters, and an existing cedar.MadrigalCedarFile object.
Its fundamental output is a new cedar.MadrigalCedarFile object with the requested parameters
The derivation was built to be both flexible and fast. It tries to minimize the number of calls to derive parameters by testing filters as soon as possible in order to drop records or 2D rows as soon as possible. This basic algorithm is as follows:
for each MadrigalDataRecord: - if the analysis says a filter depends on an underivable parameter, the record is rejected immediately. - Any filter that depends on only 1D measured data is applied - all 1D data is derived. But any filter that depends only on derived 1D data is called as soon as all its inputs are derived. - for each 2D row: - Any filter that depends on only 2D measured data is applied - all 2D data is derived. But any filter that depends only on derived 2D data is called as soon as all its inputs are derived.
$Id: 7044 2019-10-07 19:13:16Z brideout $
"""The derivation module creates new cedar objects with possibly derived parameters
The fundamental inputs are a list of desired parameters, and an existing cedar.MadrigalCedarFile object.
Its fundamental output is a new cedar.MadrigalCedarFile object with the requested parameters
The derivation was built to be both flexible and fast. It tries to minimize the number of calls to
derive parameters by testing filters as soon as possible in order to drop records or 2D rows as soon as
possible. This basic algorithm is as follows:
for each MadrigalDataRecord:
- if the analysis says a filter depends on an underivable
parameter, the record is rejected immediately.
- Any filter that depends on only 1D measured data is applied
- all 1D data is derived. But any filter that depends only on derived 1D data
is called as soon as all its inputs are derived.
- for each 2D row:
- Any filter that depends on only 2D measured data is applied
- all 2D data is derived. But any filter that depends only on derived 2D data
is called as soon as all its inputs are derived.
$Id: 7044 2019-10-07 19:13:16Z brideout $
# standard python imports
import collections
import math
import copy
import os
import datetime, calendar
import random
import tempfile
import types
# third party imports
import numpy
import h5py
import aacgmv2
# Madrigal imports
import madrigal.cedar
import madrigal.metadata
import madrigal._derive
"""Edit the following OrderedDict to modify the list of MadrigalDerivedMethods.
The name of the method is the key. The value is a list with between two and four items.
The first item is the input mnemonic(s).
The second item is the output mnemonic(s).
The optional third parameter is either 'python' or 'C'. If only two parameters, 'C' is assumed.
This determines whether the method is implementated on C (or Fortran wrapped in C), or python.
The optional fourth parameter is a list of kinst values for which the derivation is valid (used in
statistical models, etc). This feature requires 'python' to be the implementation method.
The order of these derivation methods matter - they will be called in a single pass from first to last. The MadrigalDerivationPlan
determines which need to be called, and what parameters are derivable given the initial measured parameters.
Any parameter will be derived by the first available method that has that parameter as an output and
for which all input parameters are measured or themselves derivable.
For the C derivation methods, the methods are implemented in source/madc/madrec/madDeriveMethods.c. All
methods must have a signature of the form:
int methodName(int inCount,
double * inputArr,
int outCount,
double * outputArr,
FILE * errFile)
where inCount is the number of input arguments, and inputArr is a double array of length inCount, with
values for each input variable. Likewise, outCount is the number of output arguments, and outputArr
is already allocated double array of length outCount, where the method sets the values for each
output variable when it returns. If values cannot be calulated, that output value is set to nan.
For the python derivation methods, all methods are defined in madrigal.derivation.MadrigalDerivationMethods
in this module. Each method has two arguments - a double array of input values of length the number of input
variables, and the output array the length of the number of output variable. As in the C, the output
array is passed in to the derivation method preallocated.
MadrigalDerivedMethods = collections.OrderedDict()
# Pure time
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getFirstTime"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getPrologTime"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX",),
("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getByear"] = [("IBYR",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTime"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
("YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY", "HOUR", "MIN", "SEC", "CSEC",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getBmd"] = [("IBDT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getBMonthDay"] = [("IBDT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getMd"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getUtUnix"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDayno"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getBhm"] = [("IBHM",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getBhhmmss"] = [("IBHM", "IBCS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getEhhmmss"] = [("IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getHm"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getUth"] = [("FIRST_IBYR", "FIRST_IBDT", "FIRST_IBHM", "FIRST_IBCS",
"IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getUts"] = [("FIRST_IBYR", "FIRST_IBDT", "FIRST_IBHM", "FIRST_IBCS",
"IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getBUth"] = [("FIRST_IBYR", "FIRST_IBDT", "FIRST_IBHM", "FIRST_IBCS",
"IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getInttms"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getInttmm"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDatntd"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getUt"] = [("UTH",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getBegUt"] = [("B_UTH",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getJdayno"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getJulian_date"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "JDAYNO",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getJulian_day"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getUt1"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getUt2"] = [("IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDut21"] = [("UT1", "UT2",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getFyear"] = [("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS",),
# time and space
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getStation"] = [("KINST",),
("GDLATR", "GDLONR", "GALTR",), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAltInc"] = [("ROW", "ALTB", "ALTAV",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAveAlt"] = [("ALTB", "ALTE",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAveDAlt"] = [("DALTB", "DALTE",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getResl"] = [("MRESL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAzmDaz"] = [("AZ1", "AZ2",),
("AZM", "DAZ",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDAzmDDaz"] = [("DAZ1", "DAZ2",),
("DAZM", "DDAZ",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getElmDel"] = [("EL1", "EL2",),
("ELM", "DEL",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDElmDDel"] = [("DEL1", "DEL2",),
("DELM", "DDEL",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getGeod"] = [("KINST", "AZM", "ELM", "RANGE",),
("GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDGeod"] = [("KINST", "AZM", "DAZM", "ELM", "DELM", "RANGE", "DRANGE",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getGeodGdalt"] = [("KINST", "AZM", "ELM", "GDALT",),
("GDLAT", "GLON",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getGeodAlt"] = [("GDLATR", "GDLONR",),
("GDLAT", "GLON",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAzElRange"] = [("GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT", "GDLATR", "GDLONR", "GALTR",),
("AZM","ELM", "RANGE",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSZen"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSltmut"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSlt"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSdwHt"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSuntime"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTecGdalt"] = [("TEC", "GDLAT", "GLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getGcdist"] = [("GDLATR", "GDLONR", "GDLAT", "GLON",),
# magnetic parameters
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getMag"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getMag2"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getMagStat"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT","GDLATR", "GDLONR", "GALTR",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSltc"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "MAGCONJLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAplt"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "APLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSZenc"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "MAGCONJLAT","MAGCONJLON",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getConjSun"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "MAGCONJLAT", "MAGCONJLON", "GDALT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTsygan"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAacgm"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
("AACGM_LAT","AACGM_LONG", "MLT"), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["fromAacgm"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "AACGM_LAT","AACGM_LONG","GDALT",),
("GDLAT", "GLON",), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getEregion"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getAspect"] = [("UT1", "UT2", "GDLATR", "GDLONR", "GALTR","AZM", "ELM", "RANGE",),
# geophysical parameters
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getGeo"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX",),
("KP", "AP3", "AP", "F10.7", "FBAR",), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDst"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX",),
("DST",), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getFof2Mlh"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "KINST",),
("FOF2_MLH",), 'python', [30,31,32,5340,5360]]
# isr parameters
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getPopl"] = [("POP",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getPop"] = [("POPL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getNeNe8"] = [("NE8",),
("NE",), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDNeDNe8"] = [("DNE8",),
("DNE",), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getNel"] = [("NE",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getNe"] = [("NEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDNel"] = [("DNE",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDNe"] = [("DNEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getNemaxl"] = [("NEMAX",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getNemax"] = [("NEMAXL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTr"] = [("TE","TI",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTe"] = [("TR","TI",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTi"] = [("TE","TR",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDteCctitr"] = [("CCTITR","TI", "TR", "DTI", "DTR",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDte"] = [("TE","TI", "TR", "DTI", "DTR",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getCol"] = [("CO",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getCo"] = [("COL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getNeNel"] = [("TI","TR", "POPL", "ASPECT",),
("NE", "NEL",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDNeDNel"] = [("TI","TR", "POPL", "ASPECT", "DTI","DTR", "DPOPL",),
("DNE", "DNEL",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrNe"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM",),
("NE_MODEL", "NEL_MODEL",), 'python',
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrTe"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM",),
("TE_MODEL",), 'python',
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrTi"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM",),
("TI_MODEL",), 'python',
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrVo"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM",),
("VO_MODEL",), 'python',
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrHNMax"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM",),
("HMAX_MODEL", "NMAX_MODEL",), 'python',
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrNeDiff"] = [("NE", "NE_MODEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrNelDiff"] = [("NEL", "NEL_MODEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrTeDiff"] = [("TE", "TE_MODEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrTiDiff"] = [("TI", "TI_MODEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVisrVoDiff"] = [("VO", "VO_MODEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSn"] = [("SNP3",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getSnp3"] = [("SN",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getChip31"] = [("CHISQ",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getWchsq1"] = [("CHIP3",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getChisq1"] = [("WCHSQ",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getChip32"] = [("WCHSQ",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getWchsq2"] = [("CHISQ",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getChisq2"] = [("CHIP3",),
# vector transformations
# ion velocity
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVi1Vi1f"] = [("VI1F",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVi2Vi2f"] = [("VI2F",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVipeVipe1"] = [("VIPE1",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVipeVipe2"] = [("VIPE2",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVipnVipn1"] = [("VIPN1",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVipnVipn2"] = [("VIPN2",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVi6Vipu"] = [("VI6",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getViGeom"] = [("VI1", "VI2", "VI3", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("VIPE", "VIPN", "VIPU",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getViGeod"] = [("VIPE", "VIPN", "VIPU", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("VI1", "VI2", "VI3",)]
# neutral velocity
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVn1Vn1p2"] = [("VN1P2",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVn2Vn2p2"] = [("VN2P2",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVnGeom"] = [("VN1", "VN2", "VN3", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("VN4", "VN5", "VN6",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getVnGeod"] = [("VN4", "VN5", "VN6", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("VN1", "VN2", "VN3",)]
# electric field
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getEFGeom"] = [("EE", "EN", "EU", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("EPE", "EPN", "EAP",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getEFGeod"] = [("EPE", "EPN", "EAP", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("EE", "EN", "EU",)]
# current density
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getJGeom"] = [("J1", "J2", "J3", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("J4", "J5", "J6",)]
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getJGeod"] = [("J4", "J5", "J6", "BN", "BE", "BD", "BMAG",),
("J1", "J2", "J3",)]
# neutral atmosphere
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getNeut"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY",
"HOUR", "MIN", "SEC", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
("TNM", "TINFM", "MOL", "NTOTL", "NN2L",
"NO2L", "NOL", "NARL", "NHEL", "NHL",
"DNN4SL", "DNPRESL", "DPSH",), 'python']
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTn"] = [("TI", "TE", "NE", "PH+", "NOL", "NHL",
"NN4SL", "NO2L", "NHEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getTnNoPhp"] = [("TI", "TE", "NE", "NOL", "NHL",
"NN4SL", "NO2L", "NHEL",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDTn"] = [("TI", "TE", "NE", "NOL", "NHL",
"NN4SL", "NO2L", "NHEL",
"DTI", "DTE", "DNE", "DNOL", "DNHL",
"DNN4SL", "DNO2L", "DNHEL",),
# IRI model
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getIri"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "YEAR", "MONTH", "DAY",
"HOUR", "MIN", "SEC", "GDLAT", "GLON", "GDALT",),
"PO+_IRI", "PNO+_IRI", "PO2+_IRI", "PHE+_IRI", "PH+_IRI", "PN+_IRI",),
# conductivity
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getCond"] = [("TI", "TE", "NE", "PH+_IRI", "PO+_IRI", "NOL", "NN2L",
"NO2L", "TNM", "BMAG",),
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getDCond"] = [("TI", "TE", "NE", "PH+_IRI", "PO+_IRI", "NOL", "NN2L",
"NO2L", "TNM", "BMAG",
"DTI", "DTE", "DNE", "DNOL", "DNN2L",
# interplanetary mag field
MadrigalDerivedMethods["getImf"] = [("UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX",),
"SWDEN", "SWSPD", "SWQ",), 'python']
def getLowerCaseSet(l):
"""getLowerCaseSet returns a new set that is all lowercase given an input list
that may have upper case strings
return(set([s.lower() for s in l]))
def getLowerCaseList(l):
"""getLowerCaseList returns a new list that is all lowercase given an input list
that may have upper case strings
return([s.lower() for s in l])
def getDerivableParms(inputParmList=[], kinst=None):
"""getDerivableParms is a method to determine what parameters can be derived given the input parameters.
Time/prolog parameters ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "KINDAT", "KINST",
"RECNO") are always assumed to be known, even if default empty list passed in.
Meant mainly for UI interfaces, because it does not keep 1D and 2D parameters separate, so it not used
for the main derivation engine.
inputParmList - list of input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic)
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
Returns a list of all parameters that can be derived, including time/prolog parms and
inputParmList. Order is order would be derived using ordering in MadrigalDerivedMethods
madParmObj =
timeParameters = ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "KINDAT", "KINST", "RECNO")
inputParmList = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in inputParmList] # make sure all mnemonics
inputParms = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in inputParmList if parm.upper() not in timeParameters] # get all parms in std form
availParmsSet = set(inputParms) # python set allows for rapidly determining if all inputs are available
retList = list(timeParameters) + inputParms
for key in list(MadrigalDerivedMethods.keys()):
inputSet = set(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][0])
if inputSet.issubset(availParmsSet):
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key]) >= 4:
if kinst not in MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][3]:
continue # did not pass kinst requirement
# this method can be derived because all inputs available
outputParms = MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][1]
newAvailParms = []
for parm in outputParms:
if parm not in retList:
if len(newAvailParms) > 0:
def get1D2DDerivableParms(input1DParmList=[], input2DParmList=[], kinst=None):
"""get1D2DDerivableParms is a method to determine what 1 and 2D parameters can be derived given the 1 and 2D input parameters.
Time/prolog parameters ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "KINDAT", "KINST",
"RECNO") are always assumed to be known, even if default empty list passed in.
input1DParmList - list of 1D input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic) - Default is Empty list
input2DParmList - list of 2D input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic) - Default is Empty list
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
Returns a tuple of two lists (1D and 2D) of all parameters that can be derived, including time/prolog parms and
inputParmList. Order is order would be derived using ordering in MadrigalDerivedMethods
madParmObj =
timeParameters = ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "KINDAT", "KINST", "RECNO")
input1DParmList = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in input1DParmList] # make sure all mnemonics
input1DParms = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in input1DParmList if parm.upper() not in timeParameters] # get all parms in std form
input2DParms = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in input2DParmList] # make sure all mnemonics
avail1DParmsSet = set(input1DParms) # python set allows for rapidly determining if all inputs are available
availParmsSet = set(input1DParms + input2DParms + list(timeParameters)) # all parms
ret1DList = list(timeParameters) + input1DParms
ret2DList = [p for p in input2DParms]
for key in MadrigalDerivedMethods:
inputSet = set(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][0])
if inputSet.issubset(availParmsSet):
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key]) >= 4:
if kinst not in MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][3]:
continue # did not pass kinst requirement
# see if this method only requires 1D
only1D = False
if inputSet.issubset(avail1DParmsSet):
only1D = True
# this method can be derived because all inputs available
outputParms = MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][1]
newAvailParms = []
for parm in outputParms:
if only1D:
if parm not in ret1DList:
if parm not in ret2DList:
if len(newAvailParms) > 0:
if only1D:
return((ret1DList, ret2DList))
def getUnderivableParms(inputParms, requestedParms):
"""getUnderivableParms returns a set of all parms in requestedParms cannot be derived from requestedParms.
May be empty set
madParmObj =
requestedParmList = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in requestedParms]
requestParmSet = set(requestedParmList)
derivableParms = getDerivableParms(inputParms)
derivableParmSet = set(derivableParms)
def createBaseMadrigalFileGrid(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None):
"""createBaseMadrigalFileGrid is a helper method to create a temp Madrigal Hdf5 file to be used in
running the madCalculatorGrid engine.
Called grid because it creates points at each unique combination of input latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes.
That is, number of points = len(latList) x len(lonList) x len(altList)
dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more.
latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique.
latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0.
altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0.
oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be
length of dtList.
twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values = 4D numpy array of values. Shape must be
(length of dtList, len of latList, len of lonList, len of altList).
tmpFileName = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tmp_%i.hdf5' % (random.randint(0,999999)))
cedarFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(tmpFileName, createFlag=True)
if not oneDParmDict is None:
if 'kinst' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kinst = int(oneDParmDict['kinst'][0])
kinst = 31 # random kinst
if 'kindat' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kindat = int(oneDParmDict['kindat'][0])
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
kinst = 31 # random kinst
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
if len(dtList) == 0:
raise ValueError('dtList cannot be empty')
if len(latList) > 0:
ind2DList = ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
if len(lonList) == 0 or len(altList) == 0:
raise ValueError('If latList non-empty, lonList and altList must also not be empty')
for l in (latList, lonList, altList):
if len(l) != len(set(l)):
raise ValueError('Non-unique values found in list %s' % (str(l)))
num2DRows = len(latList)*len(lonList)*len(altList)
if len(lonList) != 0 or len(altList) != 0:
raise ValueError('If latList empty, lonList and altList must also be empty')
ind2DList = []
num2DRows = 1
if oneDParmDict is None:
oneDParms = []
oneDParms = list(oneDParmDict.keys())
if twoDParmDict is None:
twoDParms = []
twoDParms = list(twoDParmDict.keys())
if len(latList) > 0:
twoDParms += ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
for i, dt in enumerate(dtList):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = dt.year, dt.month,, \
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second
newRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(kinst, kindat,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
# set all oneD values
for oneDParm in oneDParms:
newRec.set1D(oneDParm, oneDParmDict[oneDParm][i])
for twoDParm in twoDParms:
for j in range(len(latList)):
for k in range(len(lonList)):
for l in range(len(altList)):
index = l + k*(len(altList)) + j*(len(altList))*len(lonList)
if twoDParm == 'gdlat':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, latList[j])
elif twoDParm == 'glon':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, lonList[k])
elif twoDParm == 'gdalt':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, altList[l])
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, twoDParmDict[twoDParm][i,j,k,l])
def createBaseMadrigalFileList(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None):
"""createBaseMadrigalFileList is a helper method to create a temp Madrigal Hdf5 file to be used in
running the madCalculatorList engine.
Called list because it creates points at zip(latList, lonList, altList)
That is, number of points = len(latList)
dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more.
latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation.
latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList)
altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList)
oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be
length of dtList.
twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values numpy float array with shape
(len(dtList), len(latList))
tmpFileName = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tmp_%i.hdf5' % (random.randint(0,999999)))
cedarFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(tmpFileName, createFlag=True)
if not oneDParmDict is None:
if 'kinst' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kinst = int(oneDParmDict['kinst'][0])
kinst = 31 # random kinst
if 'kindat' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kindat = int(oneDParmDict['kindat'][0])
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
kinst = 31 # random kinst
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
if len(dtList) == 0:
raise ValueError('dtList cannot be empty')
if len(latList) > 0:
ind2DList = ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
num2DRows = len(latList)
if len(lonList) != 0 or len(altList) != 0:
raise ValueError('If latList empty, lonList and altList must also be empty')
ind2DList = []
num2DRows = 1
if len(lonList) != len(latList) or len(altList) != len(latList):
raise ValueError('All position lists must be equal length')
if oneDParmDict is None:
oneDParms = []
oneDParms = list(oneDParmDict.keys())
if twoDParmDict is None:
twoDParms = []
twoDParms = list(twoDParmDict.keys())
if len(latList) > 0:
twoDParms += ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
for i, dt in enumerate(dtList):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = dt.year, dt.month,, \
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second
newRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(kinst, kindat,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
# set all oneD values
for oneDParm in oneDParms:
newRec.set1D(oneDParm, oneDParmDict[oneDParm][i])
for twoDParm in twoDParms:
for j in range(len(latList)):
if twoDParm == 'gdlat':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, latList[j])
elif twoDParm == 'glon':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, lonList[j])
elif twoDParm == 'gdalt':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, altList[j])
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, twoDParmDict[twoDParm][i,j])
class MadrigalDerivationPlan:
"""MadrigalDerivationPlan is the main class in derivation. It creates an object that figures out how to create
new madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecords based on available parms (recordSet), requested parms, and filters.
def __init__(self, recordSet, requestedParms, filterList=[], madParmObj=None, kinst=None, indParms=None,
"""__init__ creates a MadrigalDerivationPlan.
recordSet - a numpy recarray with column names lower case mnemonics of the
parameters in the input cedar file. The first parameters will always be
'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec','recno', 'kindat', 'kinst',
'ut1_unix', 'ut2_unix'. Other parameters may follow. The data type is int64.
A value of 1 means a one-D parameter, and value of 2 means a dependent
2D parameter, and a value of 3 means an independent 2D spatial parameter.
requestedParms - the list of lower case mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
The following attributes are created:
self.recordSet - a copy of the input numpy recarray with column names lower case
mnemonics of the parameters in the input cedar file.
self.underivableFilterList - a list a filters with parameters that cannot
be derived from inputs. Results in immediate return of empty
self.meas1DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
1D parameters.
self.oneDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 1D filters that
can be called after that 1D method is executed
self.meas2DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
2D parameters.
self.twoDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 2D filters that
can be called after that 2D method is executed
self.oneDMethods - a list of 1D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.oneDFilterDict
self.twoDMethods - a list of 2D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.twoDFilterDict
self.requiredParms - an ordered list of all mnemonics to be used in the derivation
self.tempArray - a numpy recarray of type int/string/double with all parameters used
by all methods. length is that of self.requiredParms. Used to store data
during derivation.
self.tempArrayMapDict - a dictionary with keys = method names in self.oneDMethods
and self.twoDMethods, value is a tuple of two lists of integers 1) the list of indices
of the positions of the input parameters in self.tempArray for that method, and
1) the list of indices of the positions of the output parameters in self.tempArray
for that method. These values are used to rapidly map arrays from self.twoDMethods
to arrays to passed into and read from madrigal._derive
self.requested1D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 1D parms. Always includes
std parms
self.requested2D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 2D parms
self.requestedNA - a set of parameters that cannot be derived (will be set to 1D)
self.newRecordSet - the recordset for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.datasetDtype - the dataset dtype for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.maxInputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of inputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
into C methods.
self.maxOutputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of outputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
back from C methods.
self.parmObjList - a tuple of three lists: self._oneDList, self._twoDList, and
self._ind2DList made up of madrigal.cedar.CedarParameter objects. Passed
into madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord inits to speed performance.
if madParmObj is None:
madParmObj =
madParmObj = madParmObj
self.recordSet = copy.copy(recordSet)
self.maxInputCount = 0
self.maxOutputCount = 0
self.indParms = indParms
if not indParms is None:
# get list of indParm in existing file
orgIndParms = [parm for parm in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[parm] == 3]
if len(indParms) != len(orgIndParms):
raise ValueError('indParms passed in <%s> has len %i, but original file had len %i: ' \
% (str(indParms), len(indParms), len(orgIndParms), str(orgIndParms)))
for indParm in indParms:
if indParm not in requestedParms:
raise ValueError('indParm %s not in requestedParms' % (indParm))
if not arraySplitParms is None:
# make sure they are ascii
newArraySplitParm = []
for arraySplitParm in arraySplitParms:
if type(arraySplitParm) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
arraySplitParms = newArraySplitParm
self.arraySplitParms = arraySplitParms
if not arraySplitParms is None:
for arraySplitParm in arraySplitParms:
if arraySplitParm not in requestedParms:
raise ValueError('arraySplitParm %s not in requestedParms' % (arraySplitParm))
# step one - create a list of all derived methods that are callable because their inputs
# exist and they create outputs that are new. Each item in this list is a tuple
# with values (method name, input set, is1D (bool), new output set
possibleDerivedMeths = []
meas1DParms = set(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
avail1DParms = set(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
file1DParms = [name for name in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[name][0] == 1]
file2DParms = [name for name in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[name][0] in (2,3)]
meas1DParms.update(file1DParms) # just in case default were not included
meas2DParms = set(file2DParms)
avail2DParms = set(file2DParms)
allAvailParms = avail1DParms.union(avail2DParms)
for methodName in list(MadrigalDerivedMethods.keys()):
inputParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0])
outputParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName]) >= 4:
if kinst not in MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][3]:
continue # did not pass kinst requirement
# see if this can be added as a one D method
if inputParms.issubset(avail1DParms):
newParms = outputParms.difference(avail1DParms.union(avail2DParms))
if len(newParms) > 0:
# see if this can be added as a two D method
if inputParms.issubset(allAvailParms):
newParms = outputParms.difference(allAvailParms)
if len(newParms) > 0:
# method loop complete - second step - now deal with filters if any
self.underivableFilterList = []
self.meas1DFilterList = []
self.oneDFilterDict = {}
self.meas2DFilterList = []
self.twoDFilterDict = {}
oneDFilterList = [] # filters that will need to be called after 1D derivation methods
twoDFilterList = [] # filters that will need to be called after 2D derivation methods
allRequiredFiltParms = set([]) # make sure all filter parms are included
for filter in filterList:
# all filters will be assigned to one of the above lists
mnemList = [filter.mnemonic1]
if filter.mnemonic2 is not None:
mnemSet = set(mnemList)
if len(mnemSet.difference(allAvailParms)) > 0:
# this filter has an underivable parameter
elif mnemSet.issubset(meas1DParms):
elif mnemSet.issubset(avail1DParms):
oneDFilterList.append((filter, mnemSet)) # will be assigned to self.oneDFilterDict later
elif mnemSet.issubset(meas2DParms):
twoDFilterList.append((filter, mnemSet)) # will be assigned to self.twoDFilterDict later
# next step - loop backwards through possibleDerivedMeths to fill out all which methods are needed
self.oneDMethods = []
self.twoDMethods = []
requestedSet = getLowerCaseSet(requestedParms)
self.requested1D = meas1DParms.intersection(requestedParms)
self.requested1D = self.requested1D.union(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
self.requested2D = meas2DParms.intersection(requestedParms)
self.requestedNA = set([])
allAvailParms = meas1DParms.union(meas2DParms)
allRequiredParms = self.requested1D.union(self.requested2D, allRequiredFiltParms,
allNeededParms = requestedSet.union(allRequiredFiltParms)
allUnfullfilledParms = allNeededParms.difference(allAvailParms) # the parameters will still need
for i in range(len(possibleDerivedMeths)-1, -1, -1):
methodName, inputSet, is1D, newSet, outputParms = possibleDerivedMeths[i]
newRequiredParms = newSet.intersection(allUnfullfilledParms)
if len(newRequiredParms) > 0:
# this method is required - always put first in list
allUnfullfilledParms = allUnfullfilledParms.difference(newRequiredParms)
allRequiredParms = allRequiredParms.union(outputParms, inputSet)
allAvailParms = allAvailParms.union(outputParms)
# see if any of this methods inputs also need to be derived
newUnfulfilledParms = inputSet.difference(allAvailParms)
allUnfullfilledParms = allUnfullfilledParms.union(newUnfulfilledParms)
if is1D:
self.oneDMethods.insert(0, methodName)
self.twoDMethods.insert(0, methodName)
# check maximum lengths of argument lists
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0]) > self.maxInputCount:
self.maxInputCount = len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0])
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1]) > self.maxOutputCount:
self.maxOutputCount = len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
# determine the requested parms that could not be derived
self.requestedNA = requestedSet.difference(self.requested1D.union(self.requested2D))
# the final step is to walk forward through self.oneDMethods and self.twoDMethods to determine
# exactly where the oneDFilterList and twoDFilterList filter (if any) go
if len(oneDFilterList) or len(twoDFilterList):
# handle 1D
parmsAvail = meas1DParms
for methodName in self.oneDMethods:
newParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(oneDFilterList):
filtersNotRemoved = [] # to keep track of what still needs to be removed
for value in oneDFilterList:
filter, mnemSet = value
if mnemSet.issubset(parmsAvail):
# this filter can now be derived
if methodName in self.oneDFilterDict:
self.oneDFilterDict[methodName] = [filter]
oneDFilterList = filtersNotRemoved
if len(twoDFilterList):
# otherwise we can skip this
# handle 2D
for methodName in self.twoDMethods:
newParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(twoDFilterList):
filtersNotRemoved = [] # to keep track of what still needs to be removed
for value in twoDFilterList:
filter, mnemSet = value
if mnemSet.issubset(parmsAvail):
# this filter can now be derived
if methodName in self.twoDFilterDict:
self.twoDFilterDict[methodName] = [filter]
twoDFilterList = filtersNotRemoved
# bug check - oneDFilterList and twoDFilterList should both be empty
if len(oneDFilterList) or len(twoDFilterList):
raise ValueError('filter %s missed - bug' % str(oneDFilterList + twoDFilterList))
self.requiredParms=self._createSortedParmList(allRequiredParms, requestedParms)
tempArrDtype = []
for mnem in self.requiredParms:
# make sure its utf-8
if type(mnem) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
mnem = mnem.decode("utf8")
if madParmObj.isString(mnem):
width = madParmObj.getStringLen(mnem)
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'S%i' % (width)))
elif madParmObj.isInteger(mnem):
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'i8'))
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'f8'))
self.tempArray = numpy.recarray((1,), dtype=tempArrDtype)
self._createDataTypes(requestedParms, madParmObj)
def _createTempArrayMapDict(self):
"""_createTempArrayMapDict is the method that creates the indices that allow fast reading
and writing of data to the temp array self.tempArray. To be precises, creates:
self.tempArrayMapDict - a dictionary with keys = method names in self.oneDMethods
and self.twoDMethods, value is a tuple of two lists of integers 1) the list of indices
of the positions of the input parameters in self.tempArray for that method, and
1) the list of indices of the positions of the output parameters in self.tempArray
for that method. These values are used to rapidly map arrays from self.twoDMethods
to arrays to passed into and read from madrigal._derive
self.tempArrayMapDict = {}
for method in self.oneDMethods + self.twoDMethods:
inputParms = getLowerCaseList(MadrigalDerivedMethods[method][0])
outputParms = getLowerCaseList(MadrigalDerivedMethods[method][1])
inputIndices = [self.requiredParms.index(parm) for parm in inputParms]
outputIndices = [self.requiredParms.index(parm) for parm in outputParms]
self.tempArrayMapDict[method] = (inputParms, outputParms, inputIndices, outputIndices)
def _createDataTypes(self, requestedParms, madParmObj):
"""_createDataTypes creates self.newRecordSet and self.datasetDtype based on previously
created attributes
Inputs: requestedParms - the list of lower case mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile. Used for ordering.
madParmObj - a object.
self.datasetDtype = [] # data type for the Table Layout recarray
recDType = [] # data type for _record_layout recarray
recDims = [] # dimension of each parameter (1 for 1D, 2 for dependent 2D, 3 for independent 2D)
# default parms
for mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
if madParmObj.isInteger(mnem):
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), int))
elif madParmObj.isString(mnem):
strLen = madParmObj.getStringLen(mnem)
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), numpy.str_, strLen))
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), float))
recDType.append((mnem.lower(), int))
# add requestedParms
for mnem in requestedParms:
if type(mnem) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
mnem = mnem.decode('utf8')
if mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
continue # legal because it may be a default parm
if madParmObj.isInteger(mnem):
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), int))
elif madParmObj.isString(mnem):
strLen = madParmObj.getStringLen(mnem)
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), numpy.str_, strLen))
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), float))
recDType.append((mnem.lower(), int))
if mnem in self.requested1D or mnem in self.requestedNA:
value = 2
if not self.indParms is None:
if mnem in self.indParms:
value = 3
self.newRecordSet = numpy.array([tuple(recDims),], dtype = recDType)
def _createCedarParmsLists(self, madParmObj):
"""_createCedarParmsLists creates the attribute self.parmObjList, which is an object
passed into madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord to speed up the init
Input: madParmObj - a object.
_oneDList = []
_twoDList = []
_ind2DList = []
for parm in self.newRecordSet.dtype.names[len(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms):]:
if madParmObj.isInteger(parm):
isInt = True
isInt = False
newCedarParm = madrigal.cedar.CedarParameter(madParmObj.getParmCodeFromMnemonic(parm),
parm, madParmObj.getParmDescription(parm),
if self.newRecordSet[parm][0] == 1:
if self.newRecordSet[parm][0] in (2,3):
if self.newRecordSet[parm][0] == 3:
self.parmObjList = (_oneDList, _twoDList, _ind2DList)
def _createSortedParmList(self, allRequiredParms, requestedParms):
"""_createSortedParmList takes the set of allRequiredParms and returns a list, where the order matches that
of self.datasetDtype in the beginning of the list so that direct copy can be done for speed.
allRequiredParms - set of all required parms for derivation
requestedParms - parms wanted for output
retList = []
usedMnemList = [] # record which are used already
for mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
if mnem not in allRequiredParms:
raise ValueError('Parm %s not in allRequiredParms' % (mnem))
for mnem in requestedParms:
mnem = mnem.lower()
if mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
continue # legal because it may be a default parm
# add the rest in any order
for mnem in allRequiredParms:
mnem = mnem.lower()
if not mnem in usedMnemList:
def __str__(self):
retStr = ''
retStr += 'self.requested1D: %s\n' % (str(self.requested1D))
retStr += 'self.requested2D: %s\n' % (str(self.requested2D))
retStr += 'self.requestedNA: %s\n' % (str(self.requestedNA))
retStr += 'self.oneDMethods: %s\n' % (str(self.oneDMethods))
retStr += 'self.twoDMethods: %s\n' % (str(self.twoDMethods))
retStr += 'self.requiredParms:\n'
for i, parm in enumerate(self.requiredParms):
retStr += '\t%03i: %s\n' % (i, parm)
retStr += 'self.tempArray: %s - %s\n' % (str(self.tempArray), str(self.tempArray.dtype))
retStr += 'self.tempArray.shape %s\n' % (str(self.tempArray.shape))
retStr += 'self.tempArrayMapDict:\n'
for key in list(self.tempArrayMapDict.keys()):
retStr += '\tmethod: %s - %s\n' % (str(key), str(self.tempArrayMapDict[key]))
# filters
retStr += 'self.oneDFilterDict: %s\n' % (str(self.oneDFilterDict))
retStr += 'self.twoDFilterDict: %s\n' % (str(self.twoDFilterDict))
retStr += 'self.meas1DFilterList: %s\n' % (str(self.meas1DFilterList))
retStr += 'self.meas2DFilterList: %s\n' % (str(self.meas2DFilterList))
retStr += 'self.underivableFilterList: %s\n' % (str(self.underivableFilterList))
retStr += 'self.newRecordSet: %s\n' % (str(self.newRecordSet))
retStr += 'self.datasetDtype: %s\n' % (str(self.datasetDtype))
retStr += 'self.maxInputCount %i, self.maxOutputCount %i\n' % (self.maxInputCount,
class MadrigalDerivation:
"""MadrigalDerivation is the main class in this module. It creates a new MadrigalCedarFile based
on an input MadrigalCedarFile, requestedParms, and input filters
self.madCedarFile - the created new MadrigalCedarFile
def __init__(self, inMadCedarFile, requestedParms, filterList=[], fullFilename=None,
madInstObj=None, madParmObj=None, madMethodsObj=None, madDB=None,
indParms=None, arraySplitParms=None):
inMadCedarFile - input MadrigalCedarFile object from which to start derivation.
requestedParms - the list of mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
fullFilename - a file to be created. May also be None (the default) if this
data is simply derived parameters that be written to stdout.
madInstObj - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object. If None, one will be created.
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
madMethodsObj - a MadrigalDerivationMethods object. If None, one will be created.
madDB - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalDB object. If None, one will be created.
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
creates self._madCedarFile, which is the new MadrigalCedarFile. May have zero records if all
data rejected by filters. Sets self._numRecsAccepted to the total number of records accpeted
so far
self._inMadCedarFile = inMadCedarFile
# create any needed Madrigal objects, if not passed in
if madDB is None:
self._madDB = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalDB()
self._madDB = madDB
if madInstObj is None:
self._madInstObj = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument(self._madDB)
self._madInstObj = madInstObj
if madParmObj is None:
self._madParmObj =
self._madParmObj = madParmObj
if madMethodsObj is None:
self._madMethodsObj = MadrigalDerivationMethods(self._madDB.getMadroot(),
self._madMethodsObj = madMethodsObj
requestedParms = getLowerCaseList(requestedParms)
recordset = self._inMadCedarFile.getRecordset()
kinst = self._inMadCedarFile.getKinstList()[0]
kinst = None
self.indParms = indParms
self._numRecsAccepted = 0 # total number of records accepted so far
self._madDerivationPlan = MadrigalDerivationPlan(recordset, requestedParms, filterList,
self._madParmObj, kinst, indParms=indParms,
self._madCedarFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(fullFilename, createFlag=True,
if len(self._madDerivationPlan.underivableFilterList) > 0:
return # accept this error
# the following for loop may be replaced by a map/multiprocessing call
for rec in self._inMadCedarFile:
if rec.getType() == 'data':
# for the moment a class method, but will use no class attributes so can easily
# be switched for a map call
newRec = self._deriveRecord(rec, self._madDerivationPlan)
if newRec != None:
self._numRecsAccepted += 1
if len(self._madCedarFile) > 0:
def loadRecords(self, maxRecords):
"""loadRecords loads more records into self._madCedarFile
Returns a tuple of (number of records loaded from the input file this time, isComplete boolean).
numRecs, isComplete = self._inMadCedarFile.loadNextRecords(maxRecords)
# the following for loop may be replaced by a map/multiprocessing call
for rec in self._inMadCedarFile:
if rec.getType() == 'data':
# for the moment a class method, but will use no class attributes so can easily
# be switched for a map call
newRec = self._deriveRecord(rec, self._madDerivationPlan)
if newRec != None:
self._numRecsAccepted += 1
if len(self._madCedarFile) > 0:
return((numRecs, isComplete))
def getNewCedarFile(self):
"""getNewCedarFile returns the created MadrigalCedarFile
def getNumRecsAccepted(self):
"""getNumRecsAccepted returned the total number of records so far that passed all filters
def _deriveRecord(self, madDataRec, madDerPlan):
"""_deriveRecord is a method that creates a single MadrigalDataRecord based on an input
record and a madDerivationPlan
madDataRec - a madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord from the input file
madDerPlan - the MadrigalDerivationPlan to apply
dataset = madDataRec.getDataset() # input measured data
inputArr = numpy.zeros((madDerPlan.maxInputCount,), dtype='f8') # used to pass in arg to _derive
outputArr = numpy.zeros((madDerPlan.maxOutputCount,), dtype='f8') # used to pass in arg to _derive
# step one - fill out madDerPlan.tempArray with all measured parms so we can apply
# any filters in madDerPlan.meas1DFilterList
for mnem in madDerPlan.recordSet.dtype.names:
if mnem in madDerPlan.requiredParms: # and not self._madParmObj.isString(mnem):
madDerPlan.tempArray[mnem] = dataset[mnem][0]
for filter in madDerPlan.meas1DFilterList:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
# step 2 - call all needed 1D methods. After each, check if there are any more 1D filters to call
for methodName in madDerPlan.oneDMethods:
# first check if its a C or python method
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName]) == 2:
isC = True
elif MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][2] == 'C':
isC = True
isC = False
inParms, outParms, inIndices, outIndices = madDerPlan.tempArrayMapDict[methodName]
for i, inParm in enumerate(inParms):
inputArr[i] = madDerPlan.tempArray[inParm]
# check for Nan in inputs
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(inputArr[:len(inIndices)])):
outputArr[:len(outIndices)] = numpy.nan
# call either C or Python derivation engine
if isC:
# C method
madrigal._derive.madDispatch(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
# python method
self._madMethodsObj.dispatchPython(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
for i in range(len(outIndices)):
madDerPlan.tempArray[outParms[i]] = outputArr[i]
# see if there is one or more 1D filters to call
if methodName in madDerPlan.oneDFilterDict:
for filter in madDerPlan.oneDFilterDict[methodName]:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
# step 3 - if there no are 2D parameters requested, create a MadrigalDataRecord and return
if len(madDerPlan.requested2D) == 0:
new_dataset = numpy.recarray((1,), dtype=madDerPlan.datasetDtype)
for parm in madDerPlan.requested1D:
new_dataset[parm] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm]
if len(madDerPlan.requestedNA) > 0:
for badParm in madDerPlan.requestedNA:
# we need to get data type
for i, value in enumerate(madDerPlan.datasetDtype):
if value[0] == badParm:
if value[1] == float:
new_dataset[badParm] = numpy.nan
elif value[1] in (int, int):
new_dataset[badParm] = -9999
elif value[1] is numpy.string_:
new_dataset[badParm] = '?'
newDataRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(dataset=new_dataset,
# step 4 - start loop through existing 2D records
new_dataset = None
for i in range(madDataRec.getNrow()):
# step 4.1 - fill in all required measured data for this row
if i != 0: # skip first row because it was already populated for 1D work
for mnem in madDerPlan.recordSet.dtype.names:
if mnem in madDerPlan.requiredParms:
madDerPlan.tempArray[mnem] = dataset[mnem][i]
# step 4.2 - call any 2D filters that do not require derived parms
passedAll = True
for filter in madDerPlan.meas2DFilterList:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
passedAll = False
break # this row rejected - no sense continuing
if not passedAll:
# set 4.3 - call all required 2D methods, and any associated filters afterwards
for methodName in madDerPlan.twoDMethods:
# first check if its a C or python method
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName]) == 2:
isC = True
elif MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][2] == 'C':
isC = True
isC = False
inParms, outParms, inIndices, outIndices = madDerPlan.tempArrayMapDict[methodName]
for i, inParm in enumerate(inParms):
inputArr[i] = float(madDerPlan.tempArray[inParm])
# check for Nan in inputs
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(inputArr[:len(inIndices)])):
outputArr[:len(outIndices)] = numpy.nan
# call either C or Python derivation engine
if isC:
# C method
madrigal._derive.madDispatch(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
# python method
self._madMethodsObj.dispatchPython(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
for i in range(len(outIndices)):
madDerPlan.tempArray[outParms[i]] = outputArr[i]
# see if there is one or more 2D filters to call
if methodName in madDerPlan.twoDFilterDict:
for filter in madDerPlan.twoDFilterDict[methodName]:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
passedAll = False
break # this row rejected - no sense continuing
if not passedAll:
break # this row rejected - no sense continuing
if not passedAll:
continue # this row rejected
# if we made it to here, then this is a new row to add to the dataset
if new_dataset is None:
new_dataset = numpy.recarray((1,), dtype=madDerPlan.datasetDtype)
for parm in madDerPlan.requested1D: # get the 1D data just for the first row
new_dataset[parm] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm]
for parm in madDerPlan.requested2D:
if not self._madParmObj.isString(parm):
new_dataset[parm][-1] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm]
new_dataset[parm][-1] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm][-1]
# done looping over all the rows - check if any passed
if new_dataset is None:
# no rows made it through the 2D filters
# now we need to copy all the 1D data from the first row to the rest of the rows
for parm in madDerPlan.requested1D:
new_dataset[parm][:] = new_dataset[parm][0]
# set all the underivable parms to nan or -9999
if len(madDerPlan.requestedNA) > 0:
for badParm in madDerPlan.requestedNA:
# we need to get data type
for i, value in enumerate(madDerPlan.datasetDtype):
if value[0] == badParm:
if value[1] == float:
new_dataset[badParm][:] = numpy.nan
elif value[1] in (int, int):
new_dataset[badParm][:] = -9999
elif value[1] is numpy.string_:
new_dataset[badParm] = '?'
# create MadrigalDataRecord to return
newDataRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(dataset=new_dataset,
def _callFilter(self, filter, madDerPlan):
"""_callFilter calls a specific filter and returns True if pass, False if fail
filter - the MadrigalFilter object to call
madDerPlan - the MadrigalDerivationPlan being used
if filter.mnemonic2 is not None:
result = filter.filter(madDerPlan.tempArray[filter.mnemonic1],
result = filter.filter(madDerPlan.tempArray[filter.mnemonic1])
class MadrigalFilter:
"""MadrigalFilter is a class that holds all information about a filter being applied
mnemonic1 - first mnemonic used in filter in std form
mnemonic2 - second mnemonic. May be None. Only not None when filter is mnem1 [+-*/]
operator - the operator to apply between mnemonic1 and mnemonic2. None if mnemonic2 is None.
Must be in ('+', '-', '*', '/') if not None
rangeList - a list of lower and upper values. Values must be float or nan. Nan limits are ignored
unless derived value is Nan.
mnem1IsError - True if mnemonic1 is an error parameter, False otherwise.
mnem2IsError - True if mnemonic2 is an error parameter, False is not, None if mnemonic2 is None.
def __init__(self, mnemonic1, rangeList, madParmObj=None, mnemonic2=None, operator=None):
mnemonic1 - first mnemonic used in filter in std form
rangeList - a list of lower and upper values. Values must be float or nan. Nan limits are ignored
unless derived value is Nan.
madParmObj - a object. Used to determine if parameters are error parms.
Created if None passed in.
mnemonic2 - second mnemonic. May be None. Only not None when filter is mnem1 [+-*/]
operator - the operator to apply between mnemonic1 and mnemonic2. None if mnemonic2 is None.
Must be in ('+', '-', '*', '/') if not None
if madParmObj is None:
madParmObj =
self.mnemonic1 = mnemonic1.lower()
if madParmObj.isError(mnemonic1):
self.mnem1IsError = True
self.mnem1IsError = False
self.rangeList = rangeList
# verify valid
for thisRange in self.rangeList:
if len(thisRange) != 2:
raise ValueError('Each range in rangeList must have two items - lower and upper, not <%s>' % (str(thisRange)))
raise ValueError('Lower and upper values must be numbers or nan, not <%s %s>' % (str(thisRange[0]),
if mnemonic2 is not None:
self.mnemonic2 = mnemonic2.lower()
self.mnemonic2 = mnemonic2
if mnemonic2 is None:
self.mnem2IsError = None
if madParmObj.isError(mnemonic2):
self.mnem2IsError = True
self.mnem2IsError = False
if operator not in ('+', '-', '*', '/', None):
raise ValueError('operator must be one of +, -, /, *, None, not <%s>' % (str(operator)))
if operator is None and self.mnemonic2 is not None:
raise ValueError('operator must not be None is mnemonic2 is not None.')
self.operator = operator
def filter(self, mnem1Value, mnem2Value=None):
"""filter returns True or False depending on whether value(s) are accepted by the filter
mnem1Value - value to test. Must be a number or Nan.
mnem2Value - None if no second mnemonic. If there is a second mnemonic
# first step is to see if we can return False immediately based on invalid values
if math.isnan(mnem1Value):
if self.mnem1IsError and mnem1Value < 0.0:
# no valid error value below zero, and all special values are automatically rejected
if not self.mnemonic2 is None:
if math.isnan(mnem2Value):
if self.mnem2IsError and mnem2Value < 0.0:
# no valid error value below zero, and all special values are automatically rejected
# we need to calculate a new value
if self.operator == '+':
value = mnem1Value + mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '-':
value = mnem1Value - mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '*':
value = mnem1Value * mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '/':
# protect again zero division
if mnem2Value == 0.0:
value = mnem1Value / mnem2Value
value = mnem1Value
# finally search the ranges - if any are okay, return True
for lower, upper in self.rangeList:
if math.isnan(lower) and math.isnan(upper):
# all values pass this
elif math.isnan(lower) and value <= upper:
elif math.isnan(upper) and value >= lower:
elif value >= lower and value <= upper:
# no ranges matched
def __repr__(self):
""""__repr__ formats the filter as expected in the isprint summary
if not self.mnemonic2 is None:
retStr = ' %s %s %s\n' % (self.mnemonic1.upper(),
retStr = ' %s\n' % (self.mnemonic1.upper())
for i, values in enumerate(self.rangeList):
lower, upper = values
if math.isnan(lower):
lowerStr = 'no lower limit'
lowerStr = 'Lower = %s' % (str(lower))
if math.isnan(upper):
upperStr = 'no upper limit'
upperStr = 'upper = %s' % (str(upper))
retStr += ' Range %i: %s, %s\n' % (i+1, lowerStr, upperStr)
class MadrigalDerivationMethods:
"""MadrigalDerivationMethods is a class that directly calls derivation methods without going through a C library.
For now, covers all calls to get geophysical parameters
def __init__(self, madroot, firstDT=None):
"""__init__ creates a MadrigalDerivationMethods class. It increases performance of geophysical data lookup
by taking advantage of the fact that the times data is requested is usually close together. So when the first call is
made, data is cached plus and minus a few weeks in either direction. This speeds up lookups. If a request goes
outside the cache, the cache is dumped and a new one created.
If firstDT not None, then getFirstTime succeeds
Creates attributes:
madroot - madroot variable = used to find geo files
firstDT - first datetime in file. None if not passed in.
madInst - madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object
geoTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the geo file.
Default is None - opened only when getGeo called.
startGeoUT, endGeoUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available geoTable
Default is None - set only when getGeo called.
dstTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the dst file.
Default is None - opened only when getDst called.
startDstUT, endDstUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available dstTable.
Default is None - set only when getDst called.
imfTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the imf file.
Default is None - opened only when getImf called.
startImfUT, endImfUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available imfTable.
Default is None - set only when getImf called.
fof2Table - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the Millstone fof2 file.
Default is None - opened only when getFof2 called.
startFof2UT, endFof2UT - the start and end unix ut times of the available fof2Table.
Default is None - set only when getFof2 called.
lastUT1_Unix_iri - used to see if cached iri geophysical data can be reused
iri_iap3 - cache of ap3 values for iri call
iri_f107 - cache of f107 value for iri call
lastUT1_Unix_msis - used to see if cached msis geophysical data can be reused
msis_ap - cache of msis ap array
msis_fbar - cache of msis fbar
msis_f107 - cache of msis f107
lastUT1_Unix_tsygan - used to see if cached Tsyganenko geophysical data can be reused
tsygan_swspd - cache of tsygan swspd array
tsygan_ygsm_now - cache of tsygan ygsm value
tsygan_zgsm - cache of tsygan zgsm array
tsygan_swden - cache of tsygan swden array
tsygan_dst - cache of tsygan dst value
self.madroot = madroot
self.firstDT = firstDT
self.madInst = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument()
self.geoTable = None
self.startGeoUT = None
self.endGeoUT = None
self.dstTable = None
self.startDstUT = None
self.endDstUT = None
self.imfTable = None
self.startImfUT = None
self.endImfUT = None
self.fof2Table = None
self.startFof2UT = None
self.endFof2UT = None
self.numSecsToCache = 3600*24*14 # two weeks
# iri cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_iri = None
self.iri_iap3 = None
self.iri_f107 = None
# msis cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_msis = None
self.msis_ap = None
self.msis_fbar = None
self.msis_f107 = None
# tsygan cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = None
self.tsygan_swspd = None
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
self.tsygan_zgsm = None
self.tsygan_swden = None
self.tsygan_dst = None
def dispatchPython(self, methodName, inputArr, outputArr):
"""dispatchPython is the method called to run any of the derivation methods available through this class.
methodName - name of the method to call
inputArr - numpy f8 array of input values.
outputArr - numpy f8 array of output values to set
if methodName == 'getStation':
self.getStation(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getGeo':
self.getGeo(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getDst':
self.getDst(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getImf':
self.getImf(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getFof2Mlh':
self.getFof2Mlh(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getNeNe8':
self.getNeNe8(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getDNeDNe8':
self.getDNeDNe8(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getIri':
self.getIri(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrNe':
self.getVisrNe(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrTe':
self.getVisrTe(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrTi':
self.getVisrTi(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrVo':
self.getVisrVo(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrHNMax':
self.getVisrHNMax(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getNeut':
self.getNeut(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getTsygan':
self.getTsygan(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getFirstTime':
self.getFirstTime(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getAacgm':
self.getAacgm(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'fromAacgm':
self.fromAacgm(inputArr, outputArr)
raise ValueError('method %s not implemented' % (methodName))
# method implementations
def getStation(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getStation modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
kinst = int(inputArr[0])
gdlatr = self.madInst.getLatitude(kinst)
gdlonr = self.madInst.getLongitude(kinst)
galtr = self.madInst.getAltitude(kinst)
for i, item in enumerate((gdlatr, gdlonr, galtr)):
if item is None:
outputArr[i] = 0.0
outputArr[i] = item
def getGeo(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getGeo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
"KP", "AP3", "AP", "F10.7", "FBAR"
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1950/gpi/01jan50/geo500101g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.geoTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.geoTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startGeoUT = self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endGeoUT = self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startGeoUT or aveUT > self.endGeoUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.geoTable = numpy.array(self.geoTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startGeoUT or aveUT > self.endGeoUT:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
# this is not expected to fail
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.geoTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.geoTable = numpy.array(self.geoTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 10800.0: # three hours - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.geoTable[index-1]
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['kp']
outputArr[1] = correctRow['ap3']
outputArr[2] = correctRow['ap']
outputArr[3] = correctRow['f10.7']
outputArr[4] = correctRow['fbar']
def getDst(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1957/dst/01jan57/dst570101g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.dstTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.dstTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startDstUT = self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endDstUT = self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startDstUT or aveUT > self.endDstUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.dstTable = numpy.array(self.dstTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startDstUT or aveUT > self.endDstUT:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.dstTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.dstTable = numpy.array(self.dstTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 3600.0: # one hour - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.dstTable[index-1]
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['dst']
def getImf(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1963/imf/27nov63/imf631127g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.imfTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.imfTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startImfUT = self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endImfUT = self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startImfUT or aveUT > self.endImfUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.imfTable = numpy.array(self.imfTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startImfUT or aveUT > self.endImfUT:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.imfTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.imfTable = numpy.array(self.imfTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 3600.0: # one hour - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.imfTable[index-1]
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['bxgsm']
outputArr[1] = correctRow['bygsm']
outputArr[2] = correctRow['bzgsm']
outputArr[3] = math.sqrt(math.pow(correctRow['bxgsm'], 2) + \
math.pow(correctRow['bygsm'], 2) + \
math.pow(correctRow['bzgsm'], 2)) # square root of sum of squares
outputArr[4] = correctRow['bxgsm'] # bxgse equals bxgsm
outputArr[5] = correctRow['bygse']
outputArr[6] = correctRow['bzgse']
outputArr[7] = correctRow['swden']
outputArr[8] = correctRow['swspd']
outputArr[9] = correctRow['swq']
def getFof2Mlh(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getFof2Mlh modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1976/uld/03dec76/uld761203g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if not inputArr[2] in [30,31,32,5340,5360]:
# only applies to Millstone ISR
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
if self.fof2Table is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.fof2Table = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startFof2UT = self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endFof2UT = self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startFof2UT or aveUT > self.endFof2UT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.fof2Table = numpy.array(self.fof2Table[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startFof2UT or aveUT > self.endFof2UT:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.fof2Table = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.fof2Table = numpy.array(self.fof2Table[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 1800.0: # 30 minutes - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.fof2Table[index-1]
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['fof2_mlh']
def getNeNe8(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getNeNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
outputArr[0] = inputArr[0];
def getDNeDNe8(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDNeDNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
outputArr[0] = inputArr[0];
def getIri(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getIri modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
# the first step is to create an array of 13 ap3 values (as ints), with times from 12*3 hours ago to
# present time
if self.iri_iap3 is None:
self.iri_iap3 = numpy.zeros((13,), dtype=numpy.int32)
self.iri_f107 = None
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_iri != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_iri = inputArr[0]
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(13):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[1]):
self.iri_f107 = None # force future calls with same ut1 to fail
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
self.iri_iap3[i] = int(outArr[1])
if i == 12:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
self.iri_f107 = None # force future calls with same ut1 to fail
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
self.iri_f107 = outArr[3]
# use cache
if self.iri_f107 is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
year = int(inputArr[2])
month = int(inputArr[3])
day = int(inputArr[4])
hour = int(inputArr[5])
minute = int(inputArr[6])
second = int(inputArr[7])
gdlat = inputArr[8]
glon = inputArr[9]
gdalt = inputArr[10]
madrigal._derive.madRunIri(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.iri_iap3, self.iri_f107, outputArr)
def getVisrNe(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrNe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 1 # gets Ne
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrTe(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrTe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 2 # gets Te
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrTi(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrTi modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 3 # gets Ti
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrVo(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrVo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,30,32,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 4 # gets Vo
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrHNMax(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrHNMax modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 5 # gets HMAX, NMAX
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getNeut(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getNeut modifies the outputArr with the values of:
"TNM", "TINFM", "MOL", "NTOTL", "NN2L",
"NO2L", "NOL", "NARL", "NHEL", "NHL",
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
MSIS requires
if self.msis_ap is None:
self.msis_ap = numpy.zeros((7,), dtype='f8')
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_msis != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_msis = inputArr[0]
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the MSIS model
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(20):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - (i*3*3600)
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - (i*3*3600)
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[2]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
if i == 0:
self.msis_ap[0] = outArr[2]
self.msis_ap[1] = outArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(outArr[4]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
self.msis_fbar = outArr[4]*1.0e22
if i in (1,2,3):
self.msis_ap[i+1] = outArr[2]
if i in (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11):
self.msis_ap[5] += outArr[1]/8.0;
if i == 8:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
self.msis_f107 = outArr[3]*1.0e22
self.msis_ap[6] += outArr[1]/8.0
# use cache
if self.msis_fbar is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
year = int(inputArr[2])
month = int(inputArr[3])
day = int(inputArr[4])
hour = int(inputArr[5])
minute = int(inputArr[6])
second = int(inputArr[7])
gdlat = inputArr[8]
glon = inputArr[9]
gdalt = inputArr[10]
madrigal._derive.madRunMsis(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.msis_ap, self.msis_fbar,
self.msis_f107, outputArr)
def getTsygan(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getTsygan modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getImf and getDst for some earlier times because that is what
Tsyganenko model requires
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = None
self.tsygan_swspd = None
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
self.tsygan_zgsm = None
self.tsygan_swden = None
self.tsygan_dst = None
if self.tsygan_swspd is None:
self.tsygan_swspd = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
self.tsygan_zgsm = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
self.tsygan_swden = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = inputArr[0]
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the Tsyganenko model
# temp arrays to pass into getImf
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((10,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(24):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - ((23-i)*3600)
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - ((23-i)*3600)
self.getImf(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(outArr[:10])):
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
self.tsygan_swspd[i] = outArr[8]
self.tsygan_zgsm[i] = outArr[2] * 1.0E9
self.tsygan_swden[i] = outArr[7]
if i == 23: # the present
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = outArr[1] * 1.0E9
# finally, get present dst
self.getDst(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[0]):
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
self.tsygan_dst = outArr[0]
# use cache
if self.tsygan_ygsm_now is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
mid_time = (inputArr[2] + inputArr[3])/2.0
gdlat = inputArr[4]
glon = inputArr[5]
gdalt = inputArr[6]
madrigal._derive.madRunTsygan(mid_time, gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.tsygan_swspd,
self.tsygan_ygsm_now, self.tsygan_zgsm, self.tsygan_swden,
self.tsygan_dst, outputArr)
def getFirstTime(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getFirstTime modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method uses self.firstDT, and ignores inputs. Raises error if self.firstDT is None
if self.firstDT is None:
raise ValueError('getFirstTime cannot be called with self.firstTime == None')
outputArr[0] = float(self.firstDT.year)
outputArr[1] = float(self.firstDT.month * 100 +
outputArr[2] = float(self.firstDT.hour * 100 + self.firstDT.minute)
outputArr[3] = float(self.firstDT.second * 100 + self.firstDT.microsecond/1.0E4)
def getAacgm(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
t = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
result = aacgmv2.convert([inputArr[2]], [inputArr[3]], [inputArr[4]], dt)
outputArr[0:3] = numpy.nan
outputArr[0] = result[0][0]
outputArr[1] = result[1][0]
# mlt
result2 = aacgmv2.convert_mlt(result[1], dt)
outputArr[2] = numpy.nan
outputArr[2] = result2[0]
def fromAacgm(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
t = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
result = aacgmv2.convert([inputArr[2]], [inputArr[3]], [inputArr[4]], dt, a2g=True)
outputArr[0:2] = numpy.nan
outputArr[0] = result[0][0]
outputArr[1] = result[1][0]
def traceMagneticField(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
model, qualifier, stopAlt, resultArr):
"""traceMagneticField returns the termination point of a magnetic field line trace. Depending on
model input, uses either Tsyganenko of IGRF model
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply
a helper method.
1-6. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints
7. inputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM)
8. outputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM)
(the following parameters depend on inputType)
9. in1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point
10. in2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point
11. in3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point
12. model - 0 for Tsygenanko, 1 for IGRF
13. int qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex
4 for GSM XY plane - but not possible for IGRF, so raises an error
14. Python double stopAlt - altitude to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt.
If other qualifier, this parameter is ignored
15. Python double 1D numpy vector representing the 3 outputs, whose meaning depends on outputType
end_1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point
end_2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point
end_3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point
Returns: 0 to indicate result calculated (which still may be nan)
Calls either madrigal._derive.traceTsygenankoField or madrigal._derive.traceIGRFField
if model not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError("Model must be 0 for Tsyganenko, or 1 for IGRF, not %s" % (str(model)))
if model == 0:
# Tsygenenko requires previous geophysical data
dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
unix_time = calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the Tsyganenko model
# temp arrays to pass into getImf
tsygan_swspd = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
tsygan_zgsm = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
tsygan_swden = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((10,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(24):
inArr[0] = unix_time - ((23-i)*3600)
inArr[1] = unix_time - ((23-i)*3600)
self.getImf(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(outArr[:10])):
resultArr[:3] = numpy.nan
tsygan_swspd[i] = outArr[8]
tsygan_zgsm[i] = outArr[2] * 1.0E9
tsygan_swden[i] = outArr[7]
if i == 23: # the present
tsygan_ygsm_now = outArr[1] * 1.0E9
# finally, get present dst
self.getDst(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[0]):
resultArr[:3] = numpy.nan
tsygan_dst = outArr[0]
madrigal._derive.traceTsyganenkoField(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
tsygan_swspd, tsygan_ygsm_now, tsygan_zgsm,
tsygan_swden, tsygan_dst, qualifier, stopAlt,
madrigal._derive.traceIGRFField(year, inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
qualifier, stopAlt, resultArr)
def getFaradayRotation(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
sgdlat, slon, sgdalt, gdlat, glon, gdalt, freq):
"""getFaradayRotation returns (one way faraday rotation, total tec along line, total tec out to 22000 km)
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply
a helper method.
1. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints
2. observer location as sgdlat, slon, sgdalt
3. starting location as gdlat, glon, gdalt
5. freq in Hz
Returns: a tuple with three items:
1. one way faraday rotation in radians, NAN if error
2. total tec from station to point in electrons/m^2
3. total tec from station to 22000 km along line through point in electrons/m^2
If error, returns a tuple of (None, None, None)
Calls madrigal._derive.faradayRotation
# get geophysica data
iri_iap3 = numpy.zeros((13,), dtype=numpy.int32)
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
unix_time = calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())
for i in range(13):
inArr[0] = unix_time - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
inArr[1] = unix_time - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[1]):
iri_iap3[i] = int(outArr[1])
if i == 12:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
iri_f107 = outArr[3]
return(madrigal._derive.faradayRotation(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
sgdlat, slon, sgdalt, gdlat, glon, gdalt, freq,
iri_iap3, iri_f107))
Module variables
var MadrigalDerivedMethods
def createBaseMadrigalFileGrid(
dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None)
createBaseMadrigalFileGrid is a helper method to create a temp Madrigal Hdf5 file to be used in running the madCalculatorGrid engine.
Called grid because it creates points at each unique combination of input latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes. That is, number of points = len(latList) x len(lonList) x len(altList)
Inputs: dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more.
latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique.
latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0.
altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0.
oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be
length of dtList.
twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values = 4D numpy array of values. Shape must be
(length of dtList, len of latList, len of lonList, len of altList).
def createBaseMadrigalFileGrid(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None):
"""createBaseMadrigalFileGrid is a helper method to create a temp Madrigal Hdf5 file to be used in
running the madCalculatorGrid engine.
Called grid because it creates points at each unique combination of input latitudes, longitudes, and altitudes.
That is, number of points = len(latList) x len(lonList) x len(altList)
dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more.
latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique.
latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0.
altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. If one or more
in length, each value must be unique. Must be at least length 1 if latList length not 0.
oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be
length of dtList.
twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values = 4D numpy array of values. Shape must be
(length of dtList, len of latList, len of lonList, len of altList).
tmpFileName = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tmp_%i.hdf5' % (random.randint(0,999999)))
cedarFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(tmpFileName, createFlag=True)
if not oneDParmDict is None:
if 'kinst' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kinst = int(oneDParmDict['kinst'][0])
kinst = 31 # random kinst
if 'kindat' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kindat = int(oneDParmDict['kindat'][0])
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
kinst = 31 # random kinst
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
if len(dtList) == 0:
raise ValueError('dtList cannot be empty')
if len(latList) > 0:
ind2DList = ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
if len(lonList) == 0 or len(altList) == 0:
raise ValueError('If latList non-empty, lonList and altList must also not be empty')
for l in (latList, lonList, altList):
if len(l) != len(set(l)):
raise ValueError('Non-unique values found in list %s' % (str(l)))
num2DRows = len(latList)*len(lonList)*len(altList)
if len(lonList) != 0 or len(altList) != 0:
raise ValueError('If latList empty, lonList and altList must also be empty')
ind2DList = []
num2DRows = 1
if oneDParmDict is None:
oneDParms = []
oneDParms = list(oneDParmDict.keys())
if twoDParmDict is None:
twoDParms = []
twoDParms = list(twoDParmDict.keys())
if len(latList) > 0:
twoDParms += ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
for i, dt in enumerate(dtList):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = dt.year, dt.month,, \
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second
newRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(kinst, kindat,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
# set all oneD values
for oneDParm in oneDParms:
newRec.set1D(oneDParm, oneDParmDict[oneDParm][i])
for twoDParm in twoDParms:
for j in range(len(latList)):
for k in range(len(lonList)):
for l in range(len(altList)):
index = l + k*(len(altList)) + j*(len(altList))*len(lonList)
if twoDParm == 'gdlat':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, latList[j])
elif twoDParm == 'glon':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, lonList[k])
elif twoDParm == 'gdalt':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, altList[l])
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, index, twoDParmDict[twoDParm][i,j,k,l])
def createBaseMadrigalFileList(
dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None)
createBaseMadrigalFileList is a helper method to create a temp Madrigal Hdf5 file to be used in running the madCalculatorList engine.
Called list because it creates points at zip(latList, lonList, altList) That is, number of points = len(latList)
Inputs: dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more.
latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation.
latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList)
altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList)
oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be
length of dtList.
twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values numpy float array with shape
(len(dtList), len(latList))
def createBaseMadrigalFileList(dtList, latList, lonList, altList, oneDParmDict=None, twoDParmDict=None):
"""createBaseMadrigalFileList is a helper method to create a temp Madrigal Hdf5 file to be used in
running the madCalculatorList engine.
Called list because it creates points at zip(latList, lonList, altList)
That is, number of points = len(latList)
dtList - a list of datetimes in UT, one for each record. Length must be one or more.
latList - a list of latitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation.
latList - a list of longitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList)
altList - a list of altitudes. May be zero length if a pure 1D calcuation. Len must = len(latList)
oneDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case one D parm mnemonics, values = parm values. Length must be
length of dtList.
twoDParmDict - dict with keys = lower case two D parm mnemonics, values numpy float array with shape
(len(dtList), len(latList))
tmpFileName = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'tmp_%i.hdf5' % (random.randint(0,999999)))
cedarFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(tmpFileName, createFlag=True)
if not oneDParmDict is None:
if 'kinst' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kinst = int(oneDParmDict['kinst'][0])
kinst = 31 # random kinst
if 'kindat' in list(oneDParmDict.keys()):
kindat = int(oneDParmDict['kindat'][0])
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
kinst = 31 # random kinst
kindat = 3410 # random kindat
if len(dtList) == 0:
raise ValueError('dtList cannot be empty')
if len(latList) > 0:
ind2DList = ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
num2DRows = len(latList)
if len(lonList) != 0 or len(altList) != 0:
raise ValueError('If latList empty, lonList and altList must also be empty')
ind2DList = []
num2DRows = 1
if len(lonList) != len(latList) or len(altList) != len(latList):
raise ValueError('All position lists must be equal length')
if oneDParmDict is None:
oneDParms = []
oneDParms = list(oneDParmDict.keys())
if twoDParmDict is None:
twoDParms = []
twoDParms = list(twoDParmDict.keys())
if len(latList) > 0:
twoDParms += ['gdlat', 'glon', 'gdalt']
for i, dt in enumerate(dtList):
year, month, day, hour, minute, second = dt.year, dt.month,, \
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second
newRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(kinst, kindat,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0,
# set all oneD values
for oneDParm in oneDParms:
newRec.set1D(oneDParm, oneDParmDict[oneDParm][i])
for twoDParm in twoDParms:
for j in range(len(latList)):
if twoDParm == 'gdlat':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, latList[j])
elif twoDParm == 'glon':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, lonList[j])
elif twoDParm == 'gdalt':
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, altList[j])
newRec.set2D(twoDParm, j, twoDParmDict[twoDParm][i,j])
def get1D2DDerivableParms(
input1DParmList=[], input2DParmList=[], kinst=None)
get1D2DDerivableParms is a method to determine what 1 and 2D parameters can be derived given the 1 and 2D input parameters. Time/prolog parameters ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "KINDAT", "KINST", "RECNO") are always assumed to be known, even if default empty list passed in.
input1DParmList - list of 1D input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic) - Default is Empty list
input2DParmList - list of 2D input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic) - Default is Empty list
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
Returns a tuple of two lists (1D and 2D) of all parameters that can be derived, including time/prolog parms and inputParmList. Order is order would be derived using ordering in MadrigalDerivedMethods
def get1D2DDerivableParms(input1DParmList=[], input2DParmList=[], kinst=None):
"""get1D2DDerivableParms is a method to determine what 1 and 2D parameters can be derived given the 1 and 2D input parameters.
Time/prolog parameters ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "KINDAT", "KINST",
"RECNO") are always assumed to be known, even if default empty list passed in.
input1DParmList - list of 1D input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic) - Default is Empty list
input2DParmList - list of 2D input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic) - Default is Empty list
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
Returns a tuple of two lists (1D and 2D) of all parameters that can be derived, including time/prolog parms and
inputParmList. Order is order would be derived using ordering in MadrigalDerivedMethods
madParmObj =
timeParameters = ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "KINDAT", "KINST", "RECNO")
input1DParmList = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in input1DParmList] # make sure all mnemonics
input1DParms = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in input1DParmList if parm.upper() not in timeParameters] # get all parms in std form
input2DParms = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in input2DParmList] # make sure all mnemonics
avail1DParmsSet = set(input1DParms) # python set allows for rapidly determining if all inputs are available
availParmsSet = set(input1DParms + input2DParms + list(timeParameters)) # all parms
ret1DList = list(timeParameters) + input1DParms
ret2DList = [p for p in input2DParms]
for key in MadrigalDerivedMethods:
inputSet = set(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][0])
if inputSet.issubset(availParmsSet):
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key]) >= 4:
if kinst not in MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][3]:
continue # did not pass kinst requirement
# see if this method only requires 1D
only1D = False
if inputSet.issubset(avail1DParmsSet):
only1D = True
# this method can be derived because all inputs available
outputParms = MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][1]
newAvailParms = []
for parm in outputParms:
if only1D:
if parm not in ret1DList:
if parm not in ret2DList:
if len(newAvailParms) > 0:
if only1D:
return((ret1DList, ret2DList))
def getDerivableParms(
inputParmList=[], kinst=None)
getDerivableParms is a method to determine what parameters can be derived given the input parameters. Time/prolog parameters ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "KINDAT", "KINST", "RECNO") are always assumed to be known, even if default empty list passed in.
Meant mainly for UI interfaces, because it does not keep 1D and 2D parameters separate, so it not used for the main derivation engine.
inputParmList - list of input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic)
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
Returns a list of all parameters that can be derived, including time/prolog parms and inputParmList. Order is order would be derived using ordering in MadrigalDerivedMethods
def getDerivableParms(inputParmList=[], kinst=None):
"""getDerivableParms is a method to determine what parameters can be derived given the input parameters.
Time/prolog parameters ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "KINDAT", "KINST",
"RECNO") are always assumed to be known, even if default empty list passed in.
Meant mainly for UI interfaces, because it does not keep 1D and 2D parameters separate, so it not used
for the main derivation engine.
inputParmList - list of input parameters in any form (integer or mnemonic)
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
Returns a list of all parameters that can be derived, including time/prolog parms and
inputParmList. Order is order would be derived using ordering in MadrigalDerivedMethods
madParmObj =
timeParameters = ("IBYR", "IBDT", "IBHM", "IBCS", "IEYR", "IEDT", "IEHM", "IECS", "UT1_UNIX", "UT2_UNIX", "KINDAT", "KINST", "RECNO")
inputParmList = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in inputParmList] # make sure all mnemonics
inputParms = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in inputParmList if parm.upper() not in timeParameters] # get all parms in std form
availParmsSet = set(inputParms) # python set allows for rapidly determining if all inputs are available
retList = list(timeParameters) + inputParms
for key in list(MadrigalDerivedMethods.keys()):
inputSet = set(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][0])
if inputSet.issubset(availParmsSet):
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[key]) >= 4:
if kinst not in MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][3]:
continue # did not pass kinst requirement
# this method can be derived because all inputs available
outputParms = MadrigalDerivedMethods[key][1]
newAvailParms = []
for parm in outputParms:
if parm not in retList:
if len(newAvailParms) > 0:
def getLowerCaseList(
getLowerCaseList returns a new list that is all lowercase given an input list that may have upper case strings
def getLowerCaseList(l):
"""getLowerCaseList returns a new list that is all lowercase given an input list
that may have upper case strings
return([s.lower() for s in l])
def getLowerCaseSet(
getLowerCaseSet returns a new set that is all lowercase given an input list that may have upper case strings
def getLowerCaseSet(l):
"""getLowerCaseSet returns a new set that is all lowercase given an input list
that may have upper case strings
return(set([s.lower() for s in l]))
def getUnderivableParms(
inputParms, requestedParms)
getUnderivableParms returns a set of all parms in requestedParms cannot be derived from requestedParms.
May be empty set
def getUnderivableParms(inputParms, requestedParms):
"""getUnderivableParms returns a set of all parms in requestedParms cannot be derived from requestedParms.
May be empty set
madParmObj =
requestedParmList = [madParmObj.getParmMnemonic(parm) for parm in requestedParms]
requestParmSet = set(requestedParmList)
derivableParms = getDerivableParms(inputParms)
derivableParmSet = set(derivableParms)
class MadrigalDerivation
MadrigalDerivation is the main class in this module. It creates a new MadrigalCedarFile based on an input MadrigalCedarFile, requestedParms, and input filters
Attributes self.madCedarFile - the created new MadrigalCedarFile
class MadrigalDerivation:
"""MadrigalDerivation is the main class in this module. It creates a new MadrigalCedarFile based
on an input MadrigalCedarFile, requestedParms, and input filters
self.madCedarFile - the created new MadrigalCedarFile
def __init__(self, inMadCedarFile, requestedParms, filterList=[], fullFilename=None,
madInstObj=None, madParmObj=None, madMethodsObj=None, madDB=None,
indParms=None, arraySplitParms=None):
inMadCedarFile - input MadrigalCedarFile object from which to start derivation.
requestedParms - the list of mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
fullFilename - a file to be created. May also be None (the default) if this
data is simply derived parameters that be written to stdout.
madInstObj - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object. If None, one will be created.
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
madMethodsObj - a MadrigalDerivationMethods object. If None, one will be created.
madDB - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalDB object. If None, one will be created.
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
creates self._madCedarFile, which is the new MadrigalCedarFile. May have zero records if all
data rejected by filters. Sets self._numRecsAccepted to the total number of records accpeted
so far
self._inMadCedarFile = inMadCedarFile
# create any needed Madrigal objects, if not passed in
if madDB is None:
self._madDB = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalDB()
self._madDB = madDB
if madInstObj is None:
self._madInstObj = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument(self._madDB)
self._madInstObj = madInstObj
if madParmObj is None:
self._madParmObj =
self._madParmObj = madParmObj
if madMethodsObj is None:
self._madMethodsObj = MadrigalDerivationMethods(self._madDB.getMadroot(),
self._madMethodsObj = madMethodsObj
requestedParms = getLowerCaseList(requestedParms)
recordset = self._inMadCedarFile.getRecordset()
kinst = self._inMadCedarFile.getKinstList()[0]
kinst = None
self.indParms = indParms
self._numRecsAccepted = 0 # total number of records accepted so far
self._madDerivationPlan = MadrigalDerivationPlan(recordset, requestedParms, filterList,
self._madParmObj, kinst, indParms=indParms,
self._madCedarFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(fullFilename, createFlag=True,
if len(self._madDerivationPlan.underivableFilterList) > 0:
return # accept this error
# the following for loop may be replaced by a map/multiprocessing call
for rec in self._inMadCedarFile:
if rec.getType() == 'data':
# for the moment a class method, but will use no class attributes so can easily
# be switched for a map call
newRec = self._deriveRecord(rec, self._madDerivationPlan)
if newRec != None:
self._numRecsAccepted += 1
if len(self._madCedarFile) > 0:
def loadRecords(self, maxRecords):
"""loadRecords loads more records into self._madCedarFile
Returns a tuple of (number of records loaded from the input file this time, isComplete boolean).
numRecs, isComplete = self._inMadCedarFile.loadNextRecords(maxRecords)
# the following for loop may be replaced by a map/multiprocessing call
for rec in self._inMadCedarFile:
if rec.getType() == 'data':
# for the moment a class method, but will use no class attributes so can easily
# be switched for a map call
newRec = self._deriveRecord(rec, self._madDerivationPlan)
if newRec != None:
self._numRecsAccepted += 1
if len(self._madCedarFile) > 0:
return((numRecs, isComplete))
def getNewCedarFile(self):
"""getNewCedarFile returns the created MadrigalCedarFile
def getNumRecsAccepted(self):
"""getNumRecsAccepted returned the total number of records so far that passed all filters
def _deriveRecord(self, madDataRec, madDerPlan):
"""_deriveRecord is a method that creates a single MadrigalDataRecord based on an input
record and a madDerivationPlan
madDataRec - a madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord from the input file
madDerPlan - the MadrigalDerivationPlan to apply
dataset = madDataRec.getDataset() # input measured data
inputArr = numpy.zeros((madDerPlan.maxInputCount,), dtype='f8') # used to pass in arg to _derive
outputArr = numpy.zeros((madDerPlan.maxOutputCount,), dtype='f8') # used to pass in arg to _derive
# step one - fill out madDerPlan.tempArray with all measured parms so we can apply
# any filters in madDerPlan.meas1DFilterList
for mnem in madDerPlan.recordSet.dtype.names:
if mnem in madDerPlan.requiredParms: # and not self._madParmObj.isString(mnem):
madDerPlan.tempArray[mnem] = dataset[mnem][0]
for filter in madDerPlan.meas1DFilterList:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
# step 2 - call all needed 1D methods. After each, check if there are any more 1D filters to call
for methodName in madDerPlan.oneDMethods:
# first check if its a C or python method
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName]) == 2:
isC = True
elif MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][2] == 'C':
isC = True
isC = False
inParms, outParms, inIndices, outIndices = madDerPlan.tempArrayMapDict[methodName]
for i, inParm in enumerate(inParms):
inputArr[i] = madDerPlan.tempArray[inParm]
# check for Nan in inputs
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(inputArr[:len(inIndices)])):
outputArr[:len(outIndices)] = numpy.nan
# call either C or Python derivation engine
if isC:
# C method
madrigal._derive.madDispatch(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
# python method
self._madMethodsObj.dispatchPython(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
for i in range(len(outIndices)):
madDerPlan.tempArray[outParms[i]] = outputArr[i]
# see if there is one or more 1D filters to call
if methodName in madDerPlan.oneDFilterDict:
for filter in madDerPlan.oneDFilterDict[methodName]:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
# step 3 - if there no are 2D parameters requested, create a MadrigalDataRecord and return
if len(madDerPlan.requested2D) == 0:
new_dataset = numpy.recarray((1,), dtype=madDerPlan.datasetDtype)
for parm in madDerPlan.requested1D:
new_dataset[parm] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm]
if len(madDerPlan.requestedNA) > 0:
for badParm in madDerPlan.requestedNA:
# we need to get data type
for i, value in enumerate(madDerPlan.datasetDtype):
if value[0] == badParm:
if value[1] == float:
new_dataset[badParm] = numpy.nan
elif value[1] in (int, int):
new_dataset[badParm] = -9999
elif value[1] is numpy.string_:
new_dataset[badParm] = '?'
newDataRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(dataset=new_dataset,
# step 4 - start loop through existing 2D records
new_dataset = None
for i in range(madDataRec.getNrow()):
# step 4.1 - fill in all required measured data for this row
if i != 0: # skip first row because it was already populated for 1D work
for mnem in madDerPlan.recordSet.dtype.names:
if mnem in madDerPlan.requiredParms:
madDerPlan.tempArray[mnem] = dataset[mnem][i]
# step 4.2 - call any 2D filters that do not require derived parms
passedAll = True
for filter in madDerPlan.meas2DFilterList:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
passedAll = False
break # this row rejected - no sense continuing
if not passedAll:
# set 4.3 - call all required 2D methods, and any associated filters afterwards
for methodName in madDerPlan.twoDMethods:
# first check if its a C or python method
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName]) == 2:
isC = True
elif MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][2] == 'C':
isC = True
isC = False
inParms, outParms, inIndices, outIndices = madDerPlan.tempArrayMapDict[methodName]
for i, inParm in enumerate(inParms):
inputArr[i] = float(madDerPlan.tempArray[inParm])
# check for Nan in inputs
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(inputArr[:len(inIndices)])):
outputArr[:len(outIndices)] = numpy.nan
# call either C or Python derivation engine
if isC:
# C method
madrigal._derive.madDispatch(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
# python method
self._madMethodsObj.dispatchPython(methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
for i in range(len(outIndices)):
madDerPlan.tempArray[outParms[i]] = outputArr[i]
# see if there is one or more 2D filters to call
if methodName in madDerPlan.twoDFilterDict:
for filter in madDerPlan.twoDFilterDict[methodName]:
if not self._callFilter(filter, madDerPlan):
passedAll = False
break # this row rejected - no sense continuing
if not passedAll:
break # this row rejected - no sense continuing
if not passedAll:
continue # this row rejected
# if we made it to here, then this is a new row to add to the dataset
if new_dataset is None:
new_dataset = numpy.recarray((1,), dtype=madDerPlan.datasetDtype)
for parm in madDerPlan.requested1D: # get the 1D data just for the first row
new_dataset[parm] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm]
for parm in madDerPlan.requested2D:
if not self._madParmObj.isString(parm):
new_dataset[parm][-1] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm]
new_dataset[parm][-1] = madDerPlan.tempArray[parm][-1]
# done looping over all the rows - check if any passed
if new_dataset is None:
# no rows made it through the 2D filters
# now we need to copy all the 1D data from the first row to the rest of the rows
for parm in madDerPlan.requested1D:
new_dataset[parm][:] = new_dataset[parm][0]
# set all the underivable parms to nan or -9999
if len(madDerPlan.requestedNA) > 0:
for badParm in madDerPlan.requestedNA:
# we need to get data type
for i, value in enumerate(madDerPlan.datasetDtype):
if value[0] == badParm:
if value[1] == float:
new_dataset[badParm][:] = numpy.nan
elif value[1] in (int, int):
new_dataset[badParm][:] = -9999
elif value[1] is numpy.string_:
new_dataset[badParm] = '?'
# create MadrigalDataRecord to return
newDataRec = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord(dataset=new_dataset,
def _callFilter(self, filter, madDerPlan):
"""_callFilter calls a specific filter and returns True if pass, False if fail
filter - the MadrigalFilter object to call
madDerPlan - the MadrigalDerivationPlan being used
if filter.mnemonic2 is not None:
result = filter.filter(madDerPlan.tempArray[filter.mnemonic1],
result = filter.filter(madDerPlan.tempArray[filter.mnemonic1])
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MadrigalDerivation
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, inMadCedarFile, requestedParms, filterList=[], fullFilename=None, madInstObj=None, madParmObj=None, madMethodsObj=None, madDB=None, indParms=None, arraySplitParms=None)
Inputs: inMadCedarFile - input MadrigalCedarFile object from which to start derivation.
requestedParms - the list of mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
fullFilename - a file to be created. May also be None (the default) if this
data is simply derived parameters that be written to stdout.
madInstObj - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object. If None, one will be created.
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
madMethodsObj - a MadrigalDerivationMethods object. If None, one will be created.
madDB - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalDB object. If None, one will be created.
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
Affects: creates self._madCedarFile, which is the new MadrigalCedarFile. May have zero records if all data rejected by filters. Sets self._numRecsAccepted to the total number of records accpeted so far
def __init__(self, inMadCedarFile, requestedParms, filterList=[], fullFilename=None,
madInstObj=None, madParmObj=None, madMethodsObj=None, madDB=None,
indParms=None, arraySplitParms=None):
inMadCedarFile - input MadrigalCedarFile object from which to start derivation.
requestedParms - the list of mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
fullFilename - a file to be created. May also be None (the default) if this
data is simply derived parameters that be written to stdout.
madInstObj - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object. If None, one will be created.
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
madMethodsObj - a MadrigalDerivationMethods object. If None, one will be created.
madDB - a madrigal.metadata.MadrigalDB object. If None, one will be created.
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
creates self._madCedarFile, which is the new MadrigalCedarFile. May have zero records if all
data rejected by filters. Sets self._numRecsAccepted to the total number of records accpeted
so far
self._inMadCedarFile = inMadCedarFile
# create any needed Madrigal objects, if not passed in
if madDB is None:
self._madDB = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalDB()
self._madDB = madDB
if madInstObj is None:
self._madInstObj = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument(self._madDB)
self._madInstObj = madInstObj
if madParmObj is None:
self._madParmObj =
self._madParmObj = madParmObj
if madMethodsObj is None:
self._madMethodsObj = MadrigalDerivationMethods(self._madDB.getMadroot(),
self._madMethodsObj = madMethodsObj
requestedParms = getLowerCaseList(requestedParms)
recordset = self._inMadCedarFile.getRecordset()
kinst = self._inMadCedarFile.getKinstList()[0]
kinst = None
self.indParms = indParms
self._numRecsAccepted = 0 # total number of records accepted so far
self._madDerivationPlan = MadrigalDerivationPlan(recordset, requestedParms, filterList,
self._madParmObj, kinst, indParms=indParms,
self._madCedarFile = madrigal.cedar.MadrigalCedarFile(fullFilename, createFlag=True,
if len(self._madDerivationPlan.underivableFilterList) > 0:
return # accept this error
# the following for loop may be replaced by a map/multiprocessing call
for rec in self._inMadCedarFile:
if rec.getType() == 'data':
# for the moment a class method, but will use no class attributes so can easily
# be switched for a map call
newRec = self._deriveRecord(rec, self._madDerivationPlan)
if newRec != None:
self._numRecsAccepted += 1
if len(self._madCedarFile) > 0:
def getNewCedarFile(
getNewCedarFile returns the created MadrigalCedarFile
def getNewCedarFile(self):
"""getNewCedarFile returns the created MadrigalCedarFile
def getNumRecsAccepted(
getNumRecsAccepted returned the total number of records so far that passed all filters
def getNumRecsAccepted(self):
"""getNumRecsAccepted returned the total number of records so far that passed all filters
def loadRecords(
self, maxRecords)
loadRecords loads more records into self._madCedarFile
Returns a tuple of (number of records loaded from the input file this time, isComplete boolean).
def loadRecords(self, maxRecords):
"""loadRecords loads more records into self._madCedarFile
Returns a tuple of (number of records loaded from the input file this time, isComplete boolean).
numRecs, isComplete = self._inMadCedarFile.loadNextRecords(maxRecords)
# the following for loop may be replaced by a map/multiprocessing call
for rec in self._inMadCedarFile:
if rec.getType() == 'data':
# for the moment a class method, but will use no class attributes so can easily
# be switched for a map call
newRec = self._deriveRecord(rec, self._madDerivationPlan)
if newRec != None:
self._numRecsAccepted += 1
if len(self._madCedarFile) > 0:
return((numRecs, isComplete))
Instance variables
var indParms
class MadrigalDerivationMethods
MadrigalDerivationMethods is a class that directly calls derivation methods without going through a C library.
For now, covers all calls to get geophysical parameters
class MadrigalDerivationMethods:
"""MadrigalDerivationMethods is a class that directly calls derivation methods without going through a C library.
For now, covers all calls to get geophysical parameters
def __init__(self, madroot, firstDT=None):
"""__init__ creates a MadrigalDerivationMethods class. It increases performance of geophysical data lookup
by taking advantage of the fact that the times data is requested is usually close together. So when the first call is
made, data is cached plus and minus a few weeks in either direction. This speeds up lookups. If a request goes
outside the cache, the cache is dumped and a new one created.
If firstDT not None, then getFirstTime succeeds
Creates attributes:
madroot - madroot variable = used to find geo files
firstDT - first datetime in file. None if not passed in.
madInst - madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object
geoTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the geo file.
Default is None - opened only when getGeo called.
startGeoUT, endGeoUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available geoTable
Default is None - set only when getGeo called.
dstTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the dst file.
Default is None - opened only when getDst called.
startDstUT, endDstUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available dstTable.
Default is None - set only when getDst called.
imfTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the imf file.
Default is None - opened only when getImf called.
startImfUT, endImfUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available imfTable.
Default is None - set only when getImf called.
fof2Table - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the Millstone fof2 file.
Default is None - opened only when getFof2 called.
startFof2UT, endFof2UT - the start and end unix ut times of the available fof2Table.
Default is None - set only when getFof2 called.
lastUT1_Unix_iri - used to see if cached iri geophysical data can be reused
iri_iap3 - cache of ap3 values for iri call
iri_f107 - cache of f107 value for iri call
lastUT1_Unix_msis - used to see if cached msis geophysical data can be reused
msis_ap - cache of msis ap array
msis_fbar - cache of msis fbar
msis_f107 - cache of msis f107
lastUT1_Unix_tsygan - used to see if cached Tsyganenko geophysical data can be reused
tsygan_swspd - cache of tsygan swspd array
tsygan_ygsm_now - cache of tsygan ygsm value
tsygan_zgsm - cache of tsygan zgsm array
tsygan_swden - cache of tsygan swden array
tsygan_dst - cache of tsygan dst value
self.madroot = madroot
self.firstDT = firstDT
self.madInst = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument()
self.geoTable = None
self.startGeoUT = None
self.endGeoUT = None
self.dstTable = None
self.startDstUT = None
self.endDstUT = None
self.imfTable = None
self.startImfUT = None
self.endImfUT = None
self.fof2Table = None
self.startFof2UT = None
self.endFof2UT = None
self.numSecsToCache = 3600*24*14 # two weeks
# iri cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_iri = None
self.iri_iap3 = None
self.iri_f107 = None
# msis cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_msis = None
self.msis_ap = None
self.msis_fbar = None
self.msis_f107 = None
# tsygan cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = None
self.tsygan_swspd = None
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
self.tsygan_zgsm = None
self.tsygan_swden = None
self.tsygan_dst = None
def dispatchPython(self, methodName, inputArr, outputArr):
"""dispatchPython is the method called to run any of the derivation methods available through this class.
methodName - name of the method to call
inputArr - numpy f8 array of input values.
outputArr - numpy f8 array of output values to set
if methodName == 'getStation':
self.getStation(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getGeo':
self.getGeo(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getDst':
self.getDst(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getImf':
self.getImf(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getFof2Mlh':
self.getFof2Mlh(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getNeNe8':
self.getNeNe8(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getDNeDNe8':
self.getDNeDNe8(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getIri':
self.getIri(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrNe':
self.getVisrNe(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrTe':
self.getVisrTe(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrTi':
self.getVisrTi(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrVo':
self.getVisrVo(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrHNMax':
self.getVisrHNMax(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getNeut':
self.getNeut(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getTsygan':
self.getTsygan(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getFirstTime':
self.getFirstTime(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getAacgm':
self.getAacgm(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'fromAacgm':
self.fromAacgm(inputArr, outputArr)
raise ValueError('method %s not implemented' % (methodName))
# method implementations
def getStation(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getStation modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
kinst = int(inputArr[0])
gdlatr = self.madInst.getLatitude(kinst)
gdlonr = self.madInst.getLongitude(kinst)
galtr = self.madInst.getAltitude(kinst)
for i, item in enumerate((gdlatr, gdlonr, galtr)):
if item is None:
outputArr[i] = 0.0
outputArr[i] = item
def getGeo(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getGeo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
"KP", "AP3", "AP", "F10.7", "FBAR"
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1950/gpi/01jan50/geo500101g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.geoTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.geoTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startGeoUT = self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endGeoUT = self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startGeoUT or aveUT > self.endGeoUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.geoTable = numpy.array(self.geoTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startGeoUT or aveUT > self.endGeoUT:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
# this is not expected to fail
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.geoTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.geoTable = numpy.array(self.geoTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 10800.0: # three hours - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.geoTable[index-1]
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['kp']
outputArr[1] = correctRow['ap3']
outputArr[2] = correctRow['ap']
outputArr[3] = correctRow['f10.7']
outputArr[4] = correctRow['fbar']
def getDst(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1957/dst/01jan57/dst570101g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.dstTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.dstTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startDstUT = self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endDstUT = self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startDstUT or aveUT > self.endDstUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.dstTable = numpy.array(self.dstTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startDstUT or aveUT > self.endDstUT:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.dstTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.dstTable = numpy.array(self.dstTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 3600.0: # one hour - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.dstTable[index-1]
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['dst']
def getImf(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1963/imf/27nov63/imf631127g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.imfTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.imfTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startImfUT = self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endImfUT = self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startImfUT or aveUT > self.endImfUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.imfTable = numpy.array(self.imfTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startImfUT or aveUT > self.endImfUT:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.imfTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.imfTable = numpy.array(self.imfTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 3600.0: # one hour - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.imfTable[index-1]
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['bxgsm']
outputArr[1] = correctRow['bygsm']
outputArr[2] = correctRow['bzgsm']
outputArr[3] = math.sqrt(math.pow(correctRow['bxgsm'], 2) + \
math.pow(correctRow['bygsm'], 2) + \
math.pow(correctRow['bzgsm'], 2)) # square root of sum of squares
outputArr[4] = correctRow['bxgsm'] # bxgse equals bxgsm
outputArr[5] = correctRow['bygse']
outputArr[6] = correctRow['bzgse']
outputArr[7] = correctRow['swden']
outputArr[8] = correctRow['swspd']
outputArr[9] = correctRow['swq']
def getFof2Mlh(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getFof2Mlh modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1976/uld/03dec76/uld761203g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if not inputArr[2] in [30,31,32,5340,5360]:
# only applies to Millstone ISR
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
if self.fof2Table is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.fof2Table = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startFof2UT = self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endFof2UT = self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startFof2UT or aveUT > self.endFof2UT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.fof2Table = numpy.array(self.fof2Table[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startFof2UT or aveUT > self.endFof2UT:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.fof2Table = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.fof2Table = numpy.array(self.fof2Table[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 1800.0: # 30 minutes - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.fof2Table[index-1]
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['fof2_mlh']
def getNeNe8(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getNeNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
outputArr[0] = inputArr[0];
def getDNeDNe8(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDNeDNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
outputArr[0] = inputArr[0];
def getIri(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getIri modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
# the first step is to create an array of 13 ap3 values (as ints), with times from 12*3 hours ago to
# present time
if self.iri_iap3 is None:
self.iri_iap3 = numpy.zeros((13,), dtype=numpy.int32)
self.iri_f107 = None
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_iri != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_iri = inputArr[0]
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(13):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[1]):
self.iri_f107 = None # force future calls with same ut1 to fail
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
self.iri_iap3[i] = int(outArr[1])
if i == 12:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
self.iri_f107 = None # force future calls with same ut1 to fail
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
self.iri_f107 = outArr[3]
# use cache
if self.iri_f107 is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
year = int(inputArr[2])
month = int(inputArr[3])
day = int(inputArr[4])
hour = int(inputArr[5])
minute = int(inputArr[6])
second = int(inputArr[7])
gdlat = inputArr[8]
glon = inputArr[9]
gdalt = inputArr[10]
madrigal._derive.madRunIri(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.iri_iap3, self.iri_f107, outputArr)
def getVisrNe(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrNe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 1 # gets Ne
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrTe(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrTe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 2 # gets Te
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrTi(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrTi modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 3 # gets Ti
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrVo(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrVo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,30,32,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 4 # gets Vo
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrHNMax(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrHNMax modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 5 # gets HMAX, NMAX
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getNeut(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getNeut modifies the outputArr with the values of:
"TNM", "TINFM", "MOL", "NTOTL", "NN2L",
"NO2L", "NOL", "NARL", "NHEL", "NHL",
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
MSIS requires
if self.msis_ap is None:
self.msis_ap = numpy.zeros((7,), dtype='f8')
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_msis != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_msis = inputArr[0]
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the MSIS model
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(20):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - (i*3*3600)
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - (i*3*3600)
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[2]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
if i == 0:
self.msis_ap[0] = outArr[2]
self.msis_ap[1] = outArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(outArr[4]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
self.msis_fbar = outArr[4]*1.0e22
if i in (1,2,3):
self.msis_ap[i+1] = outArr[2]
if i in (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11):
self.msis_ap[5] += outArr[1]/8.0;
if i == 8:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
self.msis_f107 = outArr[3]*1.0e22
self.msis_ap[6] += outArr[1]/8.0
# use cache
if self.msis_fbar is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
year = int(inputArr[2])
month = int(inputArr[3])
day = int(inputArr[4])
hour = int(inputArr[5])
minute = int(inputArr[6])
second = int(inputArr[7])
gdlat = inputArr[8]
glon = inputArr[9]
gdalt = inputArr[10]
madrigal._derive.madRunMsis(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.msis_ap, self.msis_fbar,
self.msis_f107, outputArr)
def getTsygan(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getTsygan modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getImf and getDst for some earlier times because that is what
Tsyganenko model requires
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = None
self.tsygan_swspd = None
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
self.tsygan_zgsm = None
self.tsygan_swden = None
self.tsygan_dst = None
if self.tsygan_swspd is None:
self.tsygan_swspd = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
self.tsygan_zgsm = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
self.tsygan_swden = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = inputArr[0]
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the Tsyganenko model
# temp arrays to pass into getImf
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((10,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(24):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - ((23-i)*3600)
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - ((23-i)*3600)
self.getImf(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(outArr[:10])):
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
self.tsygan_swspd[i] = outArr[8]
self.tsygan_zgsm[i] = outArr[2] * 1.0E9
self.tsygan_swden[i] = outArr[7]
if i == 23: # the present
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = outArr[1] * 1.0E9
# finally, get present dst
self.getDst(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[0]):
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
self.tsygan_dst = outArr[0]
# use cache
if self.tsygan_ygsm_now is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
mid_time = (inputArr[2] + inputArr[3])/2.0
gdlat = inputArr[4]
glon = inputArr[5]
gdalt = inputArr[6]
madrigal._derive.madRunTsygan(mid_time, gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.tsygan_swspd,
self.tsygan_ygsm_now, self.tsygan_zgsm, self.tsygan_swden,
self.tsygan_dst, outputArr)
def getFirstTime(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getFirstTime modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method uses self.firstDT, and ignores inputs. Raises error if self.firstDT is None
if self.firstDT is None:
raise ValueError('getFirstTime cannot be called with self.firstTime == None')
outputArr[0] = float(self.firstDT.year)
outputArr[1] = float(self.firstDT.month * 100 +
outputArr[2] = float(self.firstDT.hour * 100 + self.firstDT.minute)
outputArr[3] = float(self.firstDT.second * 100 + self.firstDT.microsecond/1.0E4)
def getAacgm(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
t = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
result = aacgmv2.convert([inputArr[2]], [inputArr[3]], [inputArr[4]], dt)
outputArr[0:3] = numpy.nan
outputArr[0] = result[0][0]
outputArr[1] = result[1][0]
# mlt
result2 = aacgmv2.convert_mlt(result[1], dt)
outputArr[2] = numpy.nan
outputArr[2] = result2[0]
def fromAacgm(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
t = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
result = aacgmv2.convert([inputArr[2]], [inputArr[3]], [inputArr[4]], dt, a2g=True)
outputArr[0:2] = numpy.nan
outputArr[0] = result[0][0]
outputArr[1] = result[1][0]
def traceMagneticField(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
model, qualifier, stopAlt, resultArr):
"""traceMagneticField returns the termination point of a magnetic field line trace. Depending on
model input, uses either Tsyganenko of IGRF model
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply
a helper method.
1-6. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints
7. inputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM)
8. outputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM)
(the following parameters depend on inputType)
9. in1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point
10. in2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point
11. in3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point
12. model - 0 for Tsygenanko, 1 for IGRF
13. int qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex
4 for GSM XY plane - but not possible for IGRF, so raises an error
14. Python double stopAlt - altitude to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt.
If other qualifier, this parameter is ignored
15. Python double 1D numpy vector representing the 3 outputs, whose meaning depends on outputType
end_1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point
end_2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point
end_3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point
Returns: 0 to indicate result calculated (which still may be nan)
Calls either madrigal._derive.traceTsygenankoField or madrigal._derive.traceIGRFField
if model not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError("Model must be 0 for Tsyganenko, or 1 for IGRF, not %s" % (str(model)))
if model == 0:
# Tsygenenko requires previous geophysical data
dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
unix_time = calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the Tsyganenko model
# temp arrays to pass into getImf
tsygan_swspd = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
tsygan_zgsm = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
tsygan_swden = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((10,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(24):
inArr[0] = unix_time - ((23-i)*3600)
inArr[1] = unix_time - ((23-i)*3600)
self.getImf(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(outArr[:10])):
resultArr[:3] = numpy.nan
tsygan_swspd[i] = outArr[8]
tsygan_zgsm[i] = outArr[2] * 1.0E9
tsygan_swden[i] = outArr[7]
if i == 23: # the present
tsygan_ygsm_now = outArr[1] * 1.0E9
# finally, get present dst
self.getDst(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[0]):
resultArr[:3] = numpy.nan
tsygan_dst = outArr[0]
madrigal._derive.traceTsyganenkoField(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
tsygan_swspd, tsygan_ygsm_now, tsygan_zgsm,
tsygan_swden, tsygan_dst, qualifier, stopAlt,
madrigal._derive.traceIGRFField(year, inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
qualifier, stopAlt, resultArr)
def getFaradayRotation(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
sgdlat, slon, sgdalt, gdlat, glon, gdalt, freq):
"""getFaradayRotation returns (one way faraday rotation, total tec along line, total tec out to 22000 km)
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply
a helper method.
1. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints
2. observer location as sgdlat, slon, sgdalt
3. starting location as gdlat, glon, gdalt
5. freq in Hz
Returns: a tuple with three items:
1. one way faraday rotation in radians, NAN if error
2. total tec from station to point in electrons/m^2
3. total tec from station to 22000 km along line through point in electrons/m^2
If error, returns a tuple of (None, None, None)
Calls madrigal._derive.faradayRotation
# get geophysica data
iri_iap3 = numpy.zeros((13,), dtype=numpy.int32)
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
unix_time = calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())
for i in range(13):
inArr[0] = unix_time - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
inArr[1] = unix_time - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[1]):
iri_iap3[i] = int(outArr[1])
if i == 12:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
iri_f107 = outArr[3]
return(madrigal._derive.faradayRotation(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
sgdlat, slon, sgdalt, gdlat, glon, gdalt, freq,
iri_iap3, iri_f107))
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MadrigalDerivationMethods
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, madroot, firstDT=None)
init creates a MadrigalDerivationMethods class. It increases performance of geophysical data lookup by taking advantage of the fact that the times data is requested is usually close together. So when the first call is made, data is cached plus and minus a few weeks in either direction. This speeds up lookups. If a request goes outside the cache, the cache is dumped and a new one created.
If firstDT not None, then getFirstTime succeeds
Creates attributes:
madroot - madroot variable = used to find geo files
firstDT - first datetime in file. None if not passed in.
madInst - madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object
geoTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the geo file.
Default is None - opened only when getGeo called.
startGeoUT, endGeoUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available geoTable
Default is None - set only when getGeo called.
dstTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the dst file.
Default is None - opened only when getDst called.
startDstUT, endDstUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available dstTable.
Default is None - set only when getDst called.
imfTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the imf file.
Default is None - opened only when getImf called.
startImfUT, endImfUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available imfTable.
Default is None - set only when getImf called.
fof2Table - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the Millstone fof2 file.
Default is None - opened only when getFof2 called.
startFof2UT, endFof2UT - the start and end unix ut times of the available fof2Table.
Default is None - set only when getFof2 called.
lastUT1_Unix_iri - used to see if cached iri geophysical data can be reused
iri_iap3 - cache of ap3 values for iri call
iri_f107 - cache of f107 value for iri call
lastUT1_Unix_msis - used to see if cached msis geophysical data can be reused
msis_ap - cache of msis ap array
msis_fbar - cache of msis fbar
msis_f107 - cache of msis f107
lastUT1_Unix_tsygan - used to see if cached Tsyganenko geophysical data can be reused
tsygan_swspd - cache of tsygan swspd array
tsygan_ygsm_now - cache of tsygan ygsm value
tsygan_zgsm - cache of tsygan zgsm array
tsygan_swden - cache of tsygan swden array
tsygan_dst - cache of tsygan dst value
def __init__(self, madroot, firstDT=None):
"""__init__ creates a MadrigalDerivationMethods class. It increases performance of geophysical data lookup
by taking advantage of the fact that the times data is requested is usually close together. So when the first call is
made, data is cached plus and minus a few weeks in either direction. This speeds up lookups. If a request goes
outside the cache, the cache is dumped and a new one created.
If firstDT not None, then getFirstTime succeeds
Creates attributes:
madroot - madroot variable = used to find geo files
firstDT - first datetime in file. None if not passed in.
madInst - madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument object
geoTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the geo file.
Default is None - opened only when getGeo called.
startGeoUT, endGeoUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available geoTable
Default is None - set only when getGeo called.
dstTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the dst file.
Default is None - opened only when getDst called.
startDstUT, endDstUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available dstTable.
Default is None - set only when getDst called.
imfTable - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the imf file.
Default is None - opened only when getImf called.
startImfUT, endImfUT - the start and end unix ut times of the available imfTable.
Default is None - set only when getImf called.
fof2Table - a subset around the requested time of the Table from the Millstone fof2 file.
Default is None - opened only when getFof2 called.
startFof2UT, endFof2UT - the start and end unix ut times of the available fof2Table.
Default is None - set only when getFof2 called.
lastUT1_Unix_iri - used to see if cached iri geophysical data can be reused
iri_iap3 - cache of ap3 values for iri call
iri_f107 - cache of f107 value for iri call
lastUT1_Unix_msis - used to see if cached msis geophysical data can be reused
msis_ap - cache of msis ap array
msis_fbar - cache of msis fbar
msis_f107 - cache of msis f107
lastUT1_Unix_tsygan - used to see if cached Tsyganenko geophysical data can be reused
tsygan_swspd - cache of tsygan swspd array
tsygan_ygsm_now - cache of tsygan ygsm value
tsygan_zgsm - cache of tsygan zgsm array
tsygan_swden - cache of tsygan swden array
tsygan_dst - cache of tsygan dst value
self.madroot = madroot
self.firstDT = firstDT
self.madInst = madrigal.metadata.MadrigalInstrument()
self.geoTable = None
self.startGeoUT = None
self.endGeoUT = None
self.dstTable = None
self.startDstUT = None
self.endDstUT = None
self.imfTable = None
self.startImfUT = None
self.endImfUT = None
self.fof2Table = None
self.startFof2UT = None
self.endFof2UT = None
self.numSecsToCache = 3600*24*14 # two weeks
# iri cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_iri = None
self.iri_iap3 = None
self.iri_f107 = None
# msis cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_msis = None
self.msis_ap = None
self.msis_fbar = None
self.msis_f107 = None
# tsygan cache
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = None
self.tsygan_swspd = None
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
self.tsygan_zgsm = None
self.tsygan_swden = None
self.tsygan_dst = None
def dispatchPython(
self, methodName, inputArr, outputArr)
dispatchPython is the method called to run any of the derivation methods available through this class.
Inputs: methodName - name of the method to call
inputArr - numpy f8 array of input values.
outputArr - numpy f8 array of output values to set
def dispatchPython(self, methodName, inputArr, outputArr):
"""dispatchPython is the method called to run any of the derivation methods available through this class.
methodName - name of the method to call
inputArr - numpy f8 array of input values.
outputArr - numpy f8 array of output values to set
if methodName == 'getStation':
self.getStation(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getGeo':
self.getGeo(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getDst':
self.getDst(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getImf':
self.getImf(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getFof2Mlh':
self.getFof2Mlh(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getNeNe8':
self.getNeNe8(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getDNeDNe8':
self.getDNeDNe8(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getIri':
self.getIri(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrNe':
self.getVisrNe(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrTe':
self.getVisrTe(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrTi':
self.getVisrTi(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrVo':
self.getVisrVo(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getVisrHNMax':
self.getVisrHNMax(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getNeut':
self.getNeut(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getTsygan':
self.getTsygan(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getFirstTime':
self.getFirstTime(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'getAacgm':
self.getAacgm(inputArr, outputArr)
elif methodName == 'fromAacgm':
self.fromAacgm(inputArr, outputArr)
raise ValueError('method %s not implemented' % (methodName))
def fromAacgm(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
def fromAacgm(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
t = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
result = aacgmv2.convert([inputArr[2]], [inputArr[3]], [inputArr[4]], dt, a2g=True)
outputArr[0:2] = numpy.nan
outputArr[0] = result[0][0]
outputArr[1] = result[1][0]
def getAacgm(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
def getAacgm(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getAacgm modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
Uses the external module aacgmv2
t = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t)
result = aacgmv2.convert([inputArr[2]], [inputArr[3]], [inputArr[4]], dt)
outputArr[0:3] = numpy.nan
outputArr[0] = result[0][0]
outputArr[1] = result[1][0]
# mlt
result2 = aacgmv2.convert_mlt(result[1], dt)
outputArr[2] = numpy.nan
outputArr[2] = result2[0]
def getDNeDNe8(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getDNeDNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
def getDNeDNe8(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDNeDNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
outputArr[0] = inputArr[0];
def getDst(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
def getDst(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1957/dst/01jan57/dst570101g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.dstTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.dstTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startDstUT = self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endDstUT = self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startDstUT or aveUT > self.endDstUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.dstTable = numpy.array(self.dstTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startDstUT or aveUT > self.endDstUT:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.dstTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.dstTable = numpy.array(self.dstTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.dstTable) == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.dstTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.dstTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 3600.0: # one hour - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.dstTable[index-1]
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['dst']
def getFaradayRotation(
self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, sgdlat, slon, sgdalt, gdlat, glon, gdalt, freq)
getFaradayRotation returns (one way faraday rotation, total tec along line, total tec out to 22000 km)
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply a helper method.
Inputs: 1. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints 2. observer location as sgdlat, slon, sgdalt 3. starting location as gdlat, glon, gdalt 5. freq in Hz
Returns: a tuple with three items: 1. one way faraday rotation in radians, NAN if error 2. total tec from station to point in electrons/m^2 3. total tec from station to 22000 km along line through point in electrons/m^2
If error, returns a tuple of (None, None, None)
Calls madrigal._derive.faradayRotation
def getFaradayRotation(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
sgdlat, slon, sgdalt, gdlat, glon, gdalt, freq):
"""getFaradayRotation returns (one way faraday rotation, total tec along line, total tec out to 22000 km)
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply
a helper method.
1. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints
2. observer location as sgdlat, slon, sgdalt
3. starting location as gdlat, glon, gdalt
5. freq in Hz
Returns: a tuple with three items:
1. one way faraday rotation in radians, NAN if error
2. total tec from station to point in electrons/m^2
3. total tec from station to 22000 km along line through point in electrons/m^2
If error, returns a tuple of (None, None, None)
Calls madrigal._derive.faradayRotation
# get geophysica data
iri_iap3 = numpy.zeros((13,), dtype=numpy.int32)
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
unix_time = calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())
for i in range(13):
inArr[0] = unix_time - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
inArr[1] = unix_time - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[1]):
iri_iap3[i] = int(outArr[1])
if i == 12:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
iri_f107 = outArr[3]
return(madrigal._derive.faradayRotation(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
sgdlat, slon, sgdalt, gdlat, glon, gdalt, freq,
iri_iap3, iri_f107))
def getFirstTime(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getFirstTime modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method uses self.firstDT, and ignores inputs. Raises error if self.firstDT is None
def getFirstTime(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getFirstTime modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method uses self.firstDT, and ignores inputs. Raises error if self.firstDT is None
if self.firstDT is None:
raise ValueError('getFirstTime cannot be called with self.firstTime == None')
outputArr[0] = float(self.firstDT.year)
outputArr[1] = float(self.firstDT.month * 100 +
outputArr[2] = float(self.firstDT.hour * 100 + self.firstDT.minute)
outputArr[3] = float(self.firstDT.second * 100 + self.firstDT.microsecond/1.0E4)
def getFof2Mlh(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getFof2Mlh modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
def getFof2Mlh(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getFof2Mlh modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1976/uld/03dec76/uld761203g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if not inputArr[2] in [30,31,32,5340,5360]:
# only applies to Millstone ISR
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
if self.fof2Table is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.fof2Table = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startFof2UT = self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endFof2UT = self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startFof2UT or aveUT > self.endFof2UT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.fof2Table = numpy.array(self.fof2Table[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startFof2UT or aveUT > self.endFof2UT:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.fof2Table = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.fof2Table = numpy.array(self.fof2Table[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.fof2Table) == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.fof2Table['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 1800.0: # 30 minutes - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.fof2Table[index-1]
outputArr[:1] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['fof2_mlh']
def getGeo(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getGeo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
"KP", "AP3", "AP", "F10.7", "FBAR"
given an inputArr with:
def getGeo(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getGeo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
"KP", "AP3", "AP", "F10.7", "FBAR"
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1950/gpi/01jan50/geo500101g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.geoTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.geoTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startGeoUT = self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endGeoUT = self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startGeoUT or aveUT > self.endGeoUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.geoTable = numpy.array(self.geoTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startGeoUT or aveUT > self.endGeoUT:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
# this is not expected to fail
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.geoTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.geoTable = numpy.array(self.geoTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.geoTable) == 0:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.geoTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.geoTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 10800.0: # three hours - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.geoTable[index-1]
outputArr[:5] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['kp']
outputArr[1] = correctRow['ap3']
outputArr[2] = correctRow['ap']
outputArr[3] = correctRow['f10.7']
outputArr[4] = correctRow['fbar']
def getImf(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
def getImf(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getDst modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
dataFile = 'experiments/1963/imf/27nov63/imf631127g.002.hdf5'
aveUT = (inputArr[0] + inputArr[1])/2.0
if self.imfTable is None:
# first need to open file
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.imfTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
self.startImfUT = self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][0]
self.endImfUT = self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][-1]
if aveUT < self.startImfUT or aveUT > self.endImfUT:
raise ValueError('')
# get cache
cond1 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.imfTable = numpy.array(self.imfTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
raise ValueError('')
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# check that data is available
if aveUT < self.startImfUT or aveUT > self.endImfUT:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# check if cache needs to be updated
updateNeeded = False
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
updateNeeded = True
elif (aveUT < self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][0] or aveUT > self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][-1]):
updateNeeded = True
except ValueError:
updateNeeded = True
if updateNeeded:
filename = os.path.join(self.madroot, dataFile)
f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')
self.imfTable = f['Data']['Table Layout']
cond1 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] > aveUT - self.numSecsToCache)
cond2 = numpy.where(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'] < aveUT + self.numSecsToCache)
selection = numpy.intersect1d(cond1, cond2)
self.imfTable = numpy.array(self.imfTable[selection.tolist()])
if len(self.imfTable) == 0:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
# find out where this value fits
index = numpy.searchsorted(self.imfTable['ut1_unix'], [aveUT])[0]
if index == 0:
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
correctRow = None
if aveUT - self.imfTable['ut1_unix'][index-1] <= 3600.0: # one hour - the spacing of data in file
correctRow = self.imfTable[index-1]
outputArr[:10] = numpy.NaN
outputArr[0] = correctRow['bxgsm']
outputArr[1] = correctRow['bygsm']
outputArr[2] = correctRow['bzgsm']
outputArr[3] = math.sqrt(math.pow(correctRow['bxgsm'], 2) + \
math.pow(correctRow['bygsm'], 2) + \
math.pow(correctRow['bzgsm'], 2)) # square root of sum of squares
outputArr[4] = correctRow['bxgsm'] # bxgse equals bxgsm
outputArr[5] = correctRow['bygse']
outputArr[6] = correctRow['bzgse']
outputArr[7] = correctRow['swden']
outputArr[8] = correctRow['swspd']
outputArr[9] = correctRow['swq']
def getIri(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getIri modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
def getIri(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getIri modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
# the first step is to create an array of 13 ap3 values (as ints), with times from 12*3 hours ago to
# present time
if self.iri_iap3 is None:
self.iri_iap3 = numpy.zeros((13,), dtype=numpy.int32)
self.iri_f107 = None
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_iri != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_iri = inputArr[0]
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(13):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - ((3*12*3600) - (i*3*3600))
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[1]):
self.iri_f107 = None # force future calls with same ut1 to fail
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
self.iri_iap3[i] = int(outArr[1])
if i == 12:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
self.iri_f107 = None # force future calls with same ut1 to fail
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
self.iri_f107 = outArr[3]
# use cache
if self.iri_f107 is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:11] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
year = int(inputArr[2])
month = int(inputArr[3])
day = int(inputArr[4])
hour = int(inputArr[5])
minute = int(inputArr[6])
second = int(inputArr[7])
gdlat = inputArr[8]
glon = inputArr[9]
gdalt = inputArr[10]
madrigal._derive.madRunIri(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.iri_iap3, self.iri_f107, outputArr)
def getNeNe8(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getNeNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
def getNeNe8(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getNeNe8 modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
outputArr[0] = inputArr[0];
def getNeut(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getNeut modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what MSIS requires
def getNeut(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getNeut modifies the outputArr with the values of:
"TNM", "TINFM", "MOL", "NTOTL", "NN2L",
"NO2L", "NOL", "NARL", "NHEL", "NHL",
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
MSIS requires
if self.msis_ap is None:
self.msis_ap = numpy.zeros((7,), dtype='f8')
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_msis != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_msis = inputArr[0]
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the MSIS model
# temp arrays to pass into getGeo
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(20):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - (i*3*3600)
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - (i*3*3600)
self.getGeo(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[2]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
if i == 0:
self.msis_ap[0] = outArr[2]
self.msis_ap[1] = outArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(outArr[4]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
self.msis_fbar = outArr[4]*1.0e22
if i in (1,2,3):
self.msis_ap[i+1] = outArr[2]
if i in (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11):
self.msis_ap[5] += outArr[1]/8.0;
if i == 8:
if numpy.isnan(outArr[3]):
self.msis_fbar = None
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
self.msis_f107 = outArr[3]*1.0e22
self.msis_ap[6] += outArr[1]/8.0
# use cache
if self.msis_fbar is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:26] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
year = int(inputArr[2])
month = int(inputArr[3])
day = int(inputArr[4])
hour = int(inputArr[5])
minute = int(inputArr[6])
second = int(inputArr[7])
gdlat = inputArr[8]
glon = inputArr[9]
gdalt = inputArr[10]
madrigal._derive.madRunMsis(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.msis_ap, self.msis_fbar,
self.msis_f107, outputArr)
def getStation(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getStation modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
def getStation(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getStation modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
kinst = int(inputArr[0])
gdlatr = self.madInst.getLatitude(kinst)
gdlonr = self.madInst.getLongitude(kinst)
galtr = self.madInst.getAltitude(kinst)
for i, item in enumerate((gdlatr, gdlonr, galtr)):
if item is None:
outputArr[i] = 0.0
outputArr[i] = item
def getTsygan(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getTsygan modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getImf and getDst for some earlier times because that is what
Tsyganenko model requires
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = None
self.tsygan_swspd = None self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None self.tsygan_zgsm = None self.tsygan_swden = None self.tsygan_dst = None
def getTsygan(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getTsygan modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
This method calls self.getImf and getDst for some earlier times because that is what
Tsyganenko model requires
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = None
self.tsygan_swspd = None
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
self.tsygan_zgsm = None
self.tsygan_swden = None
self.tsygan_dst = None
if self.tsygan_swspd is None:
self.tsygan_swspd = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
self.tsygan_zgsm = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
self.tsygan_swden = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
# see if we need to refresh the cache
if self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan != inputArr[0]:
self.lastUT1_Unix_tsygan = inputArr[0]
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the Tsyganenko model
# temp arrays to pass into getImf
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((10,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(24):
inArr[0] = inputArr[0] - ((23-i)*3600)
inArr[1] = inputArr[1] - ((23-i)*3600)
self.getImf(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(outArr[:10])):
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
self.tsygan_swspd[i] = outArr[8]
self.tsygan_zgsm[i] = outArr[2] * 1.0E9
self.tsygan_swden[i] = outArr[7]
if i == 23: # the present
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = outArr[1] * 1.0E9
# finally, get present dst
self.getDst(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[0]):
self.tsygan_ygsm_now = None
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
self.tsygan_dst = outArr[0]
# use cache
if self.tsygan_ygsm_now is None:
# bad geophysical data
outputArr[:4] = numpy.nan
# get inputs
mid_time = (inputArr[2] + inputArr[3])/2.0
gdlat = inputArr[4]
glon = inputArr[5]
gdalt = inputArr[6]
madrigal._derive.madRunTsygan(mid_time, gdlat, glon, gdalt, self.tsygan_swspd,
self.tsygan_ygsm_now, self.tsygan_zgsm, self.tsygan_swden,
self.tsygan_dst, outputArr)
def getVisrHNMax(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getVisrHNMax modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method via madrigal._derive.isrim
def getVisrHNMax(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrHNMax modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 5 # gets HMAX, NMAX
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrNe(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getVisrNe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method via madrigal._derive.isrim
def getVisrNe(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrNe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 1 # gets Ne
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrTe(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getVisrTe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method via madrigal._derive.isrim
def getVisrTe(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrTe modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 2 # gets Te
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrTi(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getVisrTi modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method via madrigal._derive.isrim
def getVisrTi(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrTi modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,25,30,31,32,40,72,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 3 # gets Ti
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (72, 80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def getVisrVo(
self, inputArr, outputArr)
getVisrVo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method via madrigal._derive.isrim
def getVisrVo(self, inputArr, outputArr):
"""getVisrVo modifies the outputArr with the values of:
given an inputArr with:
"UT1_UNIX", "UT1", "KINST", "SLT", "GDALT", "GDLAT", "ELM"
This method calls self.getGeo for some earlier times because that is what
Shunrong's model requires, then calls Shonrong's Fortran isrim method
via madrigal._derive.isrim
ut1_unix = inputArr[0]
ut1 = inputArr[1]
kinst = int(inputArr[2])
slt = inputArr[3]
gdalt = inputArr[4]
gdlat = inputArr[5]
elm = inputArr[6]
if not kinst in [20,30,32,80,95,5340,5360]:
# only applies to certain sites
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
ipar = 4 # gets Vo
# check that elevation is greater than 75 if only local model
if (kinst in (80, 95) and (elm < 75.0)):
# local model does not apply
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
# get geo data 3 hours before UT1 and 24 hours before UT1
newInputArr = numpy.array([ut1_unix - 10800.0, ut1_unix - 10800.0], dtype='f8') # 3 hours hour before
newOutputArr = numpy.zeros((5,), dtype='f8')
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
ap3_3hour = newOutputArr[1]
if numpy.isnan(ap3_3hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
newInputArr[:] = ut1_unix - 86400.0 # 24 hours before
self.getGeo(newInputArr, newOutputArr)
f107_24hour = newOutputArr[3] * 1.0E22
if numpy.isnan(f107_24hour):
outputArr[:2] = numpy.NaN
madrigal._derive.madIsrim(ut1, kinst, slt, gdalt, gdlat,
f107_24hour, ap3_3hour, ipar, outputArr)
def traceMagneticField(
self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3, model, qualifier, stopAlt, resultArr)
traceMagneticField returns the termination point of a magnetic field line trace. Depending on model input, uses either Tsyganenko of IGRF model
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply a helper method.
Inputs: 1-6. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints 7. inputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM) 8. outputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM) (the following parameters depend on inputType) 9. in1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point 10. in2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point 11. in3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point 12. model - 0 for Tsygenanko, 1 for IGRF 13. int qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex 4 for GSM XY plane - but not possible for IGRF, so raises an error 14. Python double stopAlt - altitude to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt. If other qualifier, this parameter is ignored 15. Python double 1D numpy vector representing the 3 outputs, whose meaning depends on outputType end_1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point end_2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point end_3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point
Returns: 0 to indicate result calculated (which still may be nan)
Calls either madrigal._derive.traceTsygenankoField or madrigal._derive.traceIGRFField
def traceMagneticField(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
model, qualifier, stopAlt, resultArr):
"""traceMagneticField returns the termination point of a magnetic field line trace. Depending on
model input, uses either Tsyganenko of IGRF model
Unlike other methods in this class, is not meant to be called via dispatchPython. It is simply
a helper method.
1-6. year, month, day, hour, minute, second as ints
7. inputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM)
8. outputType (0 for geodetic, 1 for GSM)
(the following parameters depend on inputType)
9. in1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point
10. in2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point
11. in3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point
12. model - 0 for Tsygenanko, 1 for IGRF
13. int qualifier - 0 for conjugate, 1 for north_alt, 2 for south_alt, 3 for apex
4 for GSM XY plane - but not possible for IGRF, so raises an error
14. Python double stopAlt - altitude to stop trace at, if qualifier is north_alt or south_alt.
If other qualifier, this parameter is ignored
15. Python double 1D numpy vector representing the 3 outputs, whose meaning depends on outputType
end_1 - geodetic altitude or ZGSM of starting point
end_2 - geodetic latitude or XGSM of starting point
end_3 - longitude or YGSM of starting point
Returns: 0 to indicate result calculated (which still may be nan)
Calls either madrigal._derive.traceTsygenankoField or madrigal._derive.traceIGRFField
if model not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError("Model must be 0 for Tsyganenko, or 1 for IGRF, not %s" % (str(model)))
if model == 0:
# Tsygenenko requires previous geophysical data
dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
unix_time = calendar.timegm(dt.utctimetuple())
# get previous geophysical data as specified by the Tsyganenko model
# temp arrays to pass into getImf
tsygan_swspd = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
tsygan_zgsm = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
tsygan_swden = numpy.zeros((24,), dtype='f8')
inArr = numpy.zeros((2,), dtype='f8')
outArr = numpy.zeros((10,), dtype='f8')
for i in range(24):
inArr[0] = unix_time - ((23-i)*3600)
inArr[1] = unix_time - ((23-i)*3600)
self.getImf(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.any(numpy.isnan(outArr[:10])):
resultArr[:3] = numpy.nan
tsygan_swspd[i] = outArr[8]
tsygan_zgsm[i] = outArr[2] * 1.0E9
tsygan_swden[i] = outArr[7]
if i == 23: # the present
tsygan_ygsm_now = outArr[1] * 1.0E9
# finally, get present dst
self.getDst(inArr, outArr)
if numpy.isnan(outArr[0]):
resultArr[:3] = numpy.nan
tsygan_dst = outArr[0]
madrigal._derive.traceTsyganenkoField(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
tsygan_swspd, tsygan_ygsm_now, tsygan_zgsm,
tsygan_swden, tsygan_dst, qualifier, stopAlt,
madrigal._derive.traceIGRFField(year, inputType, outputType, in1, in2, in3,
qualifier, stopAlt, resultArr)
Instance variables
var dstTable
var endDstUT
var endFof2UT
var endGeoUT
var endImfUT
var firstDT
var fof2Table
var geoTable
var imfTable
var iri_f107
var iri_iap3
var lastUT1_Unix_iri
var lastUT1_Unix_msis
var lastUT1_Unix_tsygan
var madInst
var madroot
var msis_ap
var msis_f107
var msis_fbar
var numSecsToCache
var startDstUT
var startFof2UT
var startGeoUT
var startImfUT
var tsygan_dst
var tsygan_swden
var tsygan_swspd
var tsygan_ygsm_now
var tsygan_zgsm
class MadrigalDerivationPlan
MadrigalDerivationPlan is the main class in derivation. It creates an object that figures out how to create new madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecords based on available parms (recordSet), requested parms, and filters.
class MadrigalDerivationPlan:
"""MadrigalDerivationPlan is the main class in derivation. It creates an object that figures out how to create
new madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecords based on available parms (recordSet), requested parms, and filters.
def __init__(self, recordSet, requestedParms, filterList=[], madParmObj=None, kinst=None, indParms=None,
"""__init__ creates a MadrigalDerivationPlan.
recordSet - a numpy recarray with column names lower case mnemonics of the
parameters in the input cedar file. The first parameters will always be
'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec','recno', 'kindat', 'kinst',
'ut1_unix', 'ut2_unix'. Other parameters may follow. The data type is int64.
A value of 1 means a one-D parameter, and value of 2 means a dependent
2D parameter, and a value of 3 means an independent 2D spatial parameter.
requestedParms - the list of lower case mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
The following attributes are created:
self.recordSet - a copy of the input numpy recarray with column names lower case
mnemonics of the parameters in the input cedar file.
self.underivableFilterList - a list a filters with parameters that cannot
be derived from inputs. Results in immediate return of empty
self.meas1DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
1D parameters.
self.oneDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 1D filters that
can be called after that 1D method is executed
self.meas2DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
2D parameters.
self.twoDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 2D filters that
can be called after that 2D method is executed
self.oneDMethods - a list of 1D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.oneDFilterDict
self.twoDMethods - a list of 2D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.twoDFilterDict
self.requiredParms - an ordered list of all mnemonics to be used in the derivation
self.tempArray - a numpy recarray of type int/string/double with all parameters used
by all methods. length is that of self.requiredParms. Used to store data
during derivation.
self.tempArrayMapDict - a dictionary with keys = method names in self.oneDMethods
and self.twoDMethods, value is a tuple of two lists of integers 1) the list of indices
of the positions of the input parameters in self.tempArray for that method, and
1) the list of indices of the positions of the output parameters in self.tempArray
for that method. These values are used to rapidly map arrays from self.twoDMethods
to arrays to passed into and read from madrigal._derive
self.requested1D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 1D parms. Always includes
std parms
self.requested2D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 2D parms
self.requestedNA - a set of parameters that cannot be derived (will be set to 1D)
self.newRecordSet - the recordset for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.datasetDtype - the dataset dtype for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.maxInputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of inputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
into C methods.
self.maxOutputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of outputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
back from C methods.
self.parmObjList - a tuple of three lists: self._oneDList, self._twoDList, and
self._ind2DList made up of madrigal.cedar.CedarParameter objects. Passed
into madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord inits to speed performance.
if madParmObj is None:
madParmObj =
madParmObj = madParmObj
self.recordSet = copy.copy(recordSet)
self.maxInputCount = 0
self.maxOutputCount = 0
self.indParms = indParms
if not indParms is None:
# get list of indParm in existing file
orgIndParms = [parm for parm in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[parm] == 3]
if len(indParms) != len(orgIndParms):
raise ValueError('indParms passed in <%s> has len %i, but original file had len %i: ' \
% (str(indParms), len(indParms), len(orgIndParms), str(orgIndParms)))
for indParm in indParms:
if indParm not in requestedParms:
raise ValueError('indParm %s not in requestedParms' % (indParm))
if not arraySplitParms is None:
# make sure they are ascii
newArraySplitParm = []
for arraySplitParm in arraySplitParms:
if type(arraySplitParm) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
arraySplitParms = newArraySplitParm
self.arraySplitParms = arraySplitParms
if not arraySplitParms is None:
for arraySplitParm in arraySplitParms:
if arraySplitParm not in requestedParms:
raise ValueError('arraySplitParm %s not in requestedParms' % (arraySplitParm))
# step one - create a list of all derived methods that are callable because their inputs
# exist and they create outputs that are new. Each item in this list is a tuple
# with values (method name, input set, is1D (bool), new output set
possibleDerivedMeths = []
meas1DParms = set(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
avail1DParms = set(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
file1DParms = [name for name in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[name][0] == 1]
file2DParms = [name for name in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[name][0] in (2,3)]
meas1DParms.update(file1DParms) # just in case default were not included
meas2DParms = set(file2DParms)
avail2DParms = set(file2DParms)
allAvailParms = avail1DParms.union(avail2DParms)
for methodName in list(MadrigalDerivedMethods.keys()):
inputParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0])
outputParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName]) >= 4:
if kinst not in MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][3]:
continue # did not pass kinst requirement
# see if this can be added as a one D method
if inputParms.issubset(avail1DParms):
newParms = outputParms.difference(avail1DParms.union(avail2DParms))
if len(newParms) > 0:
# see if this can be added as a two D method
if inputParms.issubset(allAvailParms):
newParms = outputParms.difference(allAvailParms)
if len(newParms) > 0:
# method loop complete - second step - now deal with filters if any
self.underivableFilterList = []
self.meas1DFilterList = []
self.oneDFilterDict = {}
self.meas2DFilterList = []
self.twoDFilterDict = {}
oneDFilterList = [] # filters that will need to be called after 1D derivation methods
twoDFilterList = [] # filters that will need to be called after 2D derivation methods
allRequiredFiltParms = set([]) # make sure all filter parms are included
for filter in filterList:
# all filters will be assigned to one of the above lists
mnemList = [filter.mnemonic1]
if filter.mnemonic2 is not None:
mnemSet = set(mnemList)
if len(mnemSet.difference(allAvailParms)) > 0:
# this filter has an underivable parameter
elif mnemSet.issubset(meas1DParms):
elif mnemSet.issubset(avail1DParms):
oneDFilterList.append((filter, mnemSet)) # will be assigned to self.oneDFilterDict later
elif mnemSet.issubset(meas2DParms):
twoDFilterList.append((filter, mnemSet)) # will be assigned to self.twoDFilterDict later
# next step - loop backwards through possibleDerivedMeths to fill out all which methods are needed
self.oneDMethods = []
self.twoDMethods = []
requestedSet = getLowerCaseSet(requestedParms)
self.requested1D = meas1DParms.intersection(requestedParms)
self.requested1D = self.requested1D.union(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
self.requested2D = meas2DParms.intersection(requestedParms)
self.requestedNA = set([])
allAvailParms = meas1DParms.union(meas2DParms)
allRequiredParms = self.requested1D.union(self.requested2D, allRequiredFiltParms,
allNeededParms = requestedSet.union(allRequiredFiltParms)
allUnfullfilledParms = allNeededParms.difference(allAvailParms) # the parameters will still need
for i in range(len(possibleDerivedMeths)-1, -1, -1):
methodName, inputSet, is1D, newSet, outputParms = possibleDerivedMeths[i]
newRequiredParms = newSet.intersection(allUnfullfilledParms)
if len(newRequiredParms) > 0:
# this method is required - always put first in list
allUnfullfilledParms = allUnfullfilledParms.difference(newRequiredParms)
allRequiredParms = allRequiredParms.union(outputParms, inputSet)
allAvailParms = allAvailParms.union(outputParms)
# see if any of this methods inputs also need to be derived
newUnfulfilledParms = inputSet.difference(allAvailParms)
allUnfullfilledParms = allUnfullfilledParms.union(newUnfulfilledParms)
if is1D:
self.oneDMethods.insert(0, methodName)
self.twoDMethods.insert(0, methodName)
# check maximum lengths of argument lists
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0]) > self.maxInputCount:
self.maxInputCount = len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0])
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1]) > self.maxOutputCount:
self.maxOutputCount = len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
# determine the requested parms that could not be derived
self.requestedNA = requestedSet.difference(self.requested1D.union(self.requested2D))
# the final step is to walk forward through self.oneDMethods and self.twoDMethods to determine
# exactly where the oneDFilterList and twoDFilterList filter (if any) go
if len(oneDFilterList) or len(twoDFilterList):
# handle 1D
parmsAvail = meas1DParms
for methodName in self.oneDMethods:
newParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(oneDFilterList):
filtersNotRemoved = [] # to keep track of what still needs to be removed
for value in oneDFilterList:
filter, mnemSet = value
if mnemSet.issubset(parmsAvail):
# this filter can now be derived
if methodName in self.oneDFilterDict:
self.oneDFilterDict[methodName] = [filter]
oneDFilterList = filtersNotRemoved
if len(twoDFilterList):
# otherwise we can skip this
# handle 2D
for methodName in self.twoDMethods:
newParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(twoDFilterList):
filtersNotRemoved = [] # to keep track of what still needs to be removed
for value in twoDFilterList:
filter, mnemSet = value
if mnemSet.issubset(parmsAvail):
# this filter can now be derived
if methodName in self.twoDFilterDict:
self.twoDFilterDict[methodName] = [filter]
twoDFilterList = filtersNotRemoved
# bug check - oneDFilterList and twoDFilterList should both be empty
if len(oneDFilterList) or len(twoDFilterList):
raise ValueError('filter %s missed - bug' % str(oneDFilterList + twoDFilterList))
self.requiredParms=self._createSortedParmList(allRequiredParms, requestedParms)
tempArrDtype = []
for mnem in self.requiredParms:
# make sure its utf-8
if type(mnem) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
mnem = mnem.decode("utf8")
if madParmObj.isString(mnem):
width = madParmObj.getStringLen(mnem)
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'S%i' % (width)))
elif madParmObj.isInteger(mnem):
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'i8'))
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'f8'))
self.tempArray = numpy.recarray((1,), dtype=tempArrDtype)
self._createDataTypes(requestedParms, madParmObj)
def _createTempArrayMapDict(self):
"""_createTempArrayMapDict is the method that creates the indices that allow fast reading
and writing of data to the temp array self.tempArray. To be precises, creates:
self.tempArrayMapDict - a dictionary with keys = method names in self.oneDMethods
and self.twoDMethods, value is a tuple of two lists of integers 1) the list of indices
of the positions of the input parameters in self.tempArray for that method, and
1) the list of indices of the positions of the output parameters in self.tempArray
for that method. These values are used to rapidly map arrays from self.twoDMethods
to arrays to passed into and read from madrigal._derive
self.tempArrayMapDict = {}
for method in self.oneDMethods + self.twoDMethods:
inputParms = getLowerCaseList(MadrigalDerivedMethods[method][0])
outputParms = getLowerCaseList(MadrigalDerivedMethods[method][1])
inputIndices = [self.requiredParms.index(parm) for parm in inputParms]
outputIndices = [self.requiredParms.index(parm) for parm in outputParms]
self.tempArrayMapDict[method] = (inputParms, outputParms, inputIndices, outputIndices)
def _createDataTypes(self, requestedParms, madParmObj):
"""_createDataTypes creates self.newRecordSet and self.datasetDtype based on previously
created attributes
Inputs: requestedParms - the list of lower case mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile. Used for ordering.
madParmObj - a object.
self.datasetDtype = [] # data type for the Table Layout recarray
recDType = [] # data type for _record_layout recarray
recDims = [] # dimension of each parameter (1 for 1D, 2 for dependent 2D, 3 for independent 2D)
# default parms
for mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
if madParmObj.isInteger(mnem):
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), int))
elif madParmObj.isString(mnem):
strLen = madParmObj.getStringLen(mnem)
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), numpy.str_, strLen))
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), float))
recDType.append((mnem.lower(), int))
# add requestedParms
for mnem in requestedParms:
if type(mnem) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
mnem = mnem.decode('utf8')
if mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
continue # legal because it may be a default parm
if madParmObj.isInteger(mnem):
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), int))
elif madParmObj.isString(mnem):
strLen = madParmObj.getStringLen(mnem)
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), numpy.str_, strLen))
self.datasetDtype.append((mnem.lower(), float))
recDType.append((mnem.lower(), int))
if mnem in self.requested1D or mnem in self.requestedNA:
value = 2
if not self.indParms is None:
if mnem in self.indParms:
value = 3
self.newRecordSet = numpy.array([tuple(recDims),], dtype = recDType)
def _createCedarParmsLists(self, madParmObj):
"""_createCedarParmsLists creates the attribute self.parmObjList, which is an object
passed into madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord to speed up the init
Input: madParmObj - a object.
_oneDList = []
_twoDList = []
_ind2DList = []
for parm in self.newRecordSet.dtype.names[len(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms):]:
if madParmObj.isInteger(parm):
isInt = True
isInt = False
newCedarParm = madrigal.cedar.CedarParameter(madParmObj.getParmCodeFromMnemonic(parm),
parm, madParmObj.getParmDescription(parm),
if self.newRecordSet[parm][0] == 1:
if self.newRecordSet[parm][0] in (2,3):
if self.newRecordSet[parm][0] == 3:
self.parmObjList = (_oneDList, _twoDList, _ind2DList)
def _createSortedParmList(self, allRequiredParms, requestedParms):
"""_createSortedParmList takes the set of allRequiredParms and returns a list, where the order matches that
of self.datasetDtype in the beginning of the list so that direct copy can be done for speed.
allRequiredParms - set of all required parms for derivation
requestedParms - parms wanted for output
retList = []
usedMnemList = [] # record which are used already
for mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
if mnem not in allRequiredParms:
raise ValueError('Parm %s not in allRequiredParms' % (mnem))
for mnem in requestedParms:
mnem = mnem.lower()
if mnem in madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms:
continue # legal because it may be a default parm
# add the rest in any order
for mnem in allRequiredParms:
mnem = mnem.lower()
if not mnem in usedMnemList:
def __str__(self):
retStr = ''
retStr += 'self.requested1D: %s\n' % (str(self.requested1D))
retStr += 'self.requested2D: %s\n' % (str(self.requested2D))
retStr += 'self.requestedNA: %s\n' % (str(self.requestedNA))
retStr += 'self.oneDMethods: %s\n' % (str(self.oneDMethods))
retStr += 'self.twoDMethods: %s\n' % (str(self.twoDMethods))
retStr += 'self.requiredParms:\n'
for i, parm in enumerate(self.requiredParms):
retStr += '\t%03i: %s\n' % (i, parm)
retStr += 'self.tempArray: %s - %s\n' % (str(self.tempArray), str(self.tempArray.dtype))
retStr += 'self.tempArray.shape %s\n' % (str(self.tempArray.shape))
retStr += 'self.tempArrayMapDict:\n'
for key in list(self.tempArrayMapDict.keys()):
retStr += '\tmethod: %s - %s\n' % (str(key), str(self.tempArrayMapDict[key]))
# filters
retStr += 'self.oneDFilterDict: %s\n' % (str(self.oneDFilterDict))
retStr += 'self.twoDFilterDict: %s\n' % (str(self.twoDFilterDict))
retStr += 'self.meas1DFilterList: %s\n' % (str(self.meas1DFilterList))
retStr += 'self.meas2DFilterList: %s\n' % (str(self.meas2DFilterList))
retStr += 'self.underivableFilterList: %s\n' % (str(self.underivableFilterList))
retStr += 'self.newRecordSet: %s\n' % (str(self.newRecordSet))
retStr += 'self.datasetDtype: %s\n' % (str(self.datasetDtype))
retStr += 'self.maxInputCount %i, self.maxOutputCount %i\n' % (self.maxInputCount,
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MadrigalDerivationPlan
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, recordSet, requestedParms, filterList=[], madParmObj=None, kinst=None, indParms=None, arraySplitParms=None)
init creates a MadrigalDerivationPlan.
recordSet - a numpy recarray with column names lower case mnemonics of the
parameters in the input cedar file. The first parameters will always be
'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec','recno', 'kindat', 'kinst',
'ut1_unix', 'ut2_unix'. Other parameters may follow. The data type is int64.
A value of 1 means a one-D parameter, and value of 2 means a dependent
2D parameter, and a value of 3 means an independent 2D spatial parameter.
requestedParms - the list of lower case mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
The following attributes are created:
self.recordSet - a copy of the input numpy recarray with column names lower case
mnemonics of the parameters in the input cedar file.
self.underivableFilterList - a list a filters with parameters that cannot
be derived from inputs. Results in immediate return of empty
self.meas1DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
1D parameters.
self.oneDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 1D filters that
can be called after that 1D method is executed
self.meas2DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
2D parameters.
self.twoDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 2D filters that
can be called after that 2D method is executed
self.oneDMethods - a list of 1D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.oneDFilterDict
self.twoDMethods - a list of 2D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.twoDFilterDict
self.requiredParms - an ordered list of all mnemonics to be used in the derivation
self.tempArray - a numpy recarray of type int/string/double with all parameters used
by all methods. length is that of self.requiredParms. Used to store data
during derivation.
self.tempArrayMapDict - a dictionary with keys = method names in self.oneDMethods
and self.twoDMethods, value is a tuple of two lists of integers 1) the list of indices
of the positions of the input parameters in self.tempArray for that method, and
1) the list of indices of the positions of the output parameters in self.tempArray
for that method. These values are used to rapidly map arrays from self.twoDMethods
to arrays to passed into and read from madrigal._derive
self.requested1D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 1D parms. Always includes
std parms
self.requested2D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 2D parms
self.requestedNA - a set of parameters that cannot be derived (will be set to 1D)
self.newRecordSet - the recordset for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.datasetDtype - the dataset dtype for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.maxInputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of inputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
into C methods.
self.maxOutputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of outputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
back from C methods.
self.parmObjList - a tuple of three lists: self._oneDList, self._twoDList, and
self._ind2DList made up of madrigal.cedar.CedarParameter objects. Passed
into madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord inits to speed performance.
def __init__(self, recordSet, requestedParms, filterList=[], madParmObj=None, kinst=None, indParms=None,
"""__init__ creates a MadrigalDerivationPlan.
recordSet - a numpy recarray with column names lower case mnemonics of the
parameters in the input cedar file. The first parameters will always be
'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec','recno', 'kindat', 'kinst',
'ut1_unix', 'ut2_unix'. Other parameters may follow. The data type is int64.
A value of 1 means a one-D parameter, and value of 2 means a dependent
2D parameter, and a value of 3 means an independent 2D spatial parameter.
requestedParms - the list of lower case mnemonics that are requested to be
included into the output MadrigalCedarFile
filterList - a list of MadrigalFilter objects to apply to remove data. Default
is empty list (no data filtering)
madParmObj - a object. If None, one will be created.
kinst - if not None, then kinst value may be passed in to for use in methods that are kinst specific.
If None, then all kinst specific methods are unavailable
indParms - if None, then the new file will not have independent spatial parameters.
If given, must be the lower case parms with the same length as the number in the original file, and
each must be in requestedParms. May be the same as in original file.
arraySplitParms - if None, no array splitting parameters. If given, must be lower case parms and
each must be in requestedParms.
The following attributes are created:
self.recordSet - a copy of the input numpy recarray with column names lower case
mnemonics of the parameters in the input cedar file.
self.underivableFilterList - a list a filters with parameters that cannot
be derived from inputs. Results in immediate return of empty
self.meas1DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
1D parameters.
self.oneDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 1D filters that
can be called after that 1D method is executed
self.meas2DFilterList - a list of filters that can be applied with only measured
2D parameters.
self.twoDFilterDict - a dict of key=method name, value = list of 2D filters that
can be called after that 2D method is executed
self.oneDMethods - a list of 1D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.oneDFilterDict
self.twoDMethods - a list of 2D method names required to be executed. Must contain
all keys in self.twoDFilterDict
self.requiredParms - an ordered list of all mnemonics to be used in the derivation
self.tempArray - a numpy recarray of type int/string/double with all parameters used
by all methods. length is that of self.requiredParms. Used to store data
during derivation.
self.tempArrayMapDict - a dictionary with keys = method names in self.oneDMethods
and self.twoDMethods, value is a tuple of two lists of integers 1) the list of indices
of the positions of the input parameters in self.tempArray for that method, and
1) the list of indices of the positions of the output parameters in self.tempArray
for that method. These values are used to rapidly map arrays from self.twoDMethods
to arrays to passed into and read from madrigal._derive
self.requested1D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 1D parms. Always includes
std parms
self.requested2D - a set of parameters that can be derived as 2D parms
self.requestedNA - a set of parameters that cannot be derived (will be set to 1D)
self.newRecordSet - the recordset for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.datasetDtype - the dataset dtype for the new MadrigalCedarFile. Ordered by
requiredParms, requestedParms
self.maxInputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of inputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
into C methods.
self.maxOutputCount - set to the value of the greatest number of outputs of any
method to be called. Used for creating a single numpy array to pass arguments
back from C methods.
self.parmObjList - a tuple of three lists: self._oneDList, self._twoDList, and
self._ind2DList made up of madrigal.cedar.CedarParameter objects. Passed
into madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord inits to speed performance.
if madParmObj is None:
madParmObj =
madParmObj = madParmObj
self.recordSet = copy.copy(recordSet)
self.maxInputCount = 0
self.maxOutputCount = 0
self.indParms = indParms
if not indParms is None:
# get list of indParm in existing file
orgIndParms = [parm for parm in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[parm] == 3]
if len(indParms) != len(orgIndParms):
raise ValueError('indParms passed in <%s> has len %i, but original file had len %i: ' \
% (str(indParms), len(indParms), len(orgIndParms), str(orgIndParms)))
for indParm in indParms:
if indParm not in requestedParms:
raise ValueError('indParm %s not in requestedParms' % (indParm))
if not arraySplitParms is None:
# make sure they are ascii
newArraySplitParm = []
for arraySplitParm in arraySplitParms:
if type(arraySplitParm) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
arraySplitParms = newArraySplitParm
self.arraySplitParms = arraySplitParms
if not arraySplitParms is None:
for arraySplitParm in arraySplitParms:
if arraySplitParm not in requestedParms:
raise ValueError('arraySplitParm %s not in requestedParms' % (arraySplitParm))
# step one - create a list of all derived methods that are callable because their inputs
# exist and they create outputs that are new. Each item in this list is a tuple
# with values (method name, input set, is1D (bool), new output set
possibleDerivedMeths = []
meas1DParms = set(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
avail1DParms = set(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
file1DParms = [name for name in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[name][0] == 1]
file2DParms = [name for name in recordSet.dtype.names if recordSet[name][0] in (2,3)]
meas1DParms.update(file1DParms) # just in case default were not included
meas2DParms = set(file2DParms)
avail2DParms = set(file2DParms)
allAvailParms = avail1DParms.union(avail2DParms)
for methodName in list(MadrigalDerivedMethods.keys()):
inputParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0])
outputParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName]) >= 4:
if kinst not in MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][3]:
continue # did not pass kinst requirement
# see if this can be added as a one D method
if inputParms.issubset(avail1DParms):
newParms = outputParms.difference(avail1DParms.union(avail2DParms))
if len(newParms) > 0:
# see if this can be added as a two D method
if inputParms.issubset(allAvailParms):
newParms = outputParms.difference(allAvailParms)
if len(newParms) > 0:
# method loop complete - second step - now deal with filters if any
self.underivableFilterList = []
self.meas1DFilterList = []
self.oneDFilterDict = {}
self.meas2DFilterList = []
self.twoDFilterDict = {}
oneDFilterList = [] # filters that will need to be called after 1D derivation methods
twoDFilterList = [] # filters that will need to be called after 2D derivation methods
allRequiredFiltParms = set([]) # make sure all filter parms are included
for filter in filterList:
# all filters will be assigned to one of the above lists
mnemList = [filter.mnemonic1]
if filter.mnemonic2 is not None:
mnemSet = set(mnemList)
if len(mnemSet.difference(allAvailParms)) > 0:
# this filter has an underivable parameter
elif mnemSet.issubset(meas1DParms):
elif mnemSet.issubset(avail1DParms):
oneDFilterList.append((filter, mnemSet)) # will be assigned to self.oneDFilterDict later
elif mnemSet.issubset(meas2DParms):
twoDFilterList.append((filter, mnemSet)) # will be assigned to self.twoDFilterDict later
# next step - loop backwards through possibleDerivedMeths to fill out all which methods are needed
self.oneDMethods = []
self.twoDMethods = []
requestedSet = getLowerCaseSet(requestedParms)
self.requested1D = meas1DParms.intersection(requestedParms)
self.requested1D = self.requested1D.union(madrigal.cedar.MadrigalDataRecord._stdParms)
self.requested2D = meas2DParms.intersection(requestedParms)
self.requestedNA = set([])
allAvailParms = meas1DParms.union(meas2DParms)
allRequiredParms = self.requested1D.union(self.requested2D, allRequiredFiltParms,
allNeededParms = requestedSet.union(allRequiredFiltParms)
allUnfullfilledParms = allNeededParms.difference(allAvailParms) # the parameters will still need
for i in range(len(possibleDerivedMeths)-1, -1, -1):
methodName, inputSet, is1D, newSet, outputParms = possibleDerivedMeths[i]
newRequiredParms = newSet.intersection(allUnfullfilledParms)
if len(newRequiredParms) > 0:
# this method is required - always put first in list
allUnfullfilledParms = allUnfullfilledParms.difference(newRequiredParms)
allRequiredParms = allRequiredParms.union(outputParms, inputSet)
allAvailParms = allAvailParms.union(outputParms)
# see if any of this methods inputs also need to be derived
newUnfulfilledParms = inputSet.difference(allAvailParms)
allUnfullfilledParms = allUnfullfilledParms.union(newUnfulfilledParms)
if is1D:
self.oneDMethods.insert(0, methodName)
self.twoDMethods.insert(0, methodName)
# check maximum lengths of argument lists
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0]) > self.maxInputCount:
self.maxInputCount = len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][0])
if len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1]) > self.maxOutputCount:
self.maxOutputCount = len(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
# determine the requested parms that could not be derived
self.requestedNA = requestedSet.difference(self.requested1D.union(self.requested2D))
# the final step is to walk forward through self.oneDMethods and self.twoDMethods to determine
# exactly where the oneDFilterList and twoDFilterList filter (if any) go
if len(oneDFilterList) or len(twoDFilterList):
# handle 1D
parmsAvail = meas1DParms
for methodName in self.oneDMethods:
newParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(oneDFilterList):
filtersNotRemoved = [] # to keep track of what still needs to be removed
for value in oneDFilterList:
filter, mnemSet = value
if mnemSet.issubset(parmsAvail):
# this filter can now be derived
if methodName in self.oneDFilterDict:
self.oneDFilterDict[methodName] = [filter]
oneDFilterList = filtersNotRemoved
if len(twoDFilterList):
# otherwise we can skip this
# handle 2D
for methodName in self.twoDMethods:
newParms = getLowerCaseSet(MadrigalDerivedMethods[methodName][1])
if len(twoDFilterList):
filtersNotRemoved = [] # to keep track of what still needs to be removed
for value in twoDFilterList:
filter, mnemSet = value
if mnemSet.issubset(parmsAvail):
# this filter can now be derived
if methodName in self.twoDFilterDict:
self.twoDFilterDict[methodName] = [filter]
twoDFilterList = filtersNotRemoved
# bug check - oneDFilterList and twoDFilterList should both be empty
if len(oneDFilterList) or len(twoDFilterList):
raise ValueError('filter %s missed - bug' % str(oneDFilterList + twoDFilterList))
self.requiredParms=self._createSortedParmList(allRequiredParms, requestedParms)
tempArrDtype = []
for mnem in self.requiredParms:
# make sure its utf-8
if type(mnem) in (bytes, numpy.bytes_):
mnem = mnem.decode("utf8")
if madParmObj.isString(mnem):
width = madParmObj.getStringLen(mnem)
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'S%i' % (width)))
elif madParmObj.isInteger(mnem):
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'i8'))
tempArrDtype.append((mnem, 'f8'))
self.tempArray = numpy.recarray((1,), dtype=tempArrDtype)
self._createDataTypes(requestedParms, madParmObj)
Instance variables
var arraySplitParms
var indParms
var maxInputCount
var maxOutputCount
var meas1DFilterList
var meas2DFilterList
var oneDFilterDict
var oneDMethods
var recordSet
var requested1D
var requested2D
var requestedNA
var requiredParms
var tempArray
var twoDFilterDict
var twoDMethods
var underivableFilterList
class MadrigalFilter
MadrigalFilter is a class that holds all information about a filter being applied
Attributes mnemonic1 - first mnemonic used in filter in std form mnemonic2 - second mnemonic. May be None. Only not None when filter is mnem1 [+-/] operator - the operator to apply between mnemonic1 and mnemonic2. None if mnemonic2 is None. Must be in ('+', '-', '', '/') if not None rangeList - a list of lower and upper values. Values must be float or nan. Nan limits are ignored unless derived value is Nan. mnem1IsError - True if mnemonic1 is an error parameter, False otherwise. mnem2IsError - True if mnemonic2 is an error parameter, False is not, None if mnemonic2 is None.
class MadrigalFilter:
"""MadrigalFilter is a class that holds all information about a filter being applied
mnemonic1 - first mnemonic used in filter in std form
mnemonic2 - second mnemonic. May be None. Only not None when filter is mnem1 [+-*/]
operator - the operator to apply between mnemonic1 and mnemonic2. None if mnemonic2 is None.
Must be in ('+', '-', '*', '/') if not None
rangeList - a list of lower and upper values. Values must be float or nan. Nan limits are ignored
unless derived value is Nan.
mnem1IsError - True if mnemonic1 is an error parameter, False otherwise.
mnem2IsError - True if mnemonic2 is an error parameter, False is not, None if mnemonic2 is None.
def __init__(self, mnemonic1, rangeList, madParmObj=None, mnemonic2=None, operator=None):
mnemonic1 - first mnemonic used in filter in std form
rangeList - a list of lower and upper values. Values must be float or nan. Nan limits are ignored
unless derived value is Nan.
madParmObj - a object. Used to determine if parameters are error parms.
Created if None passed in.
mnemonic2 - second mnemonic. May be None. Only not None when filter is mnem1 [+-*/]
operator - the operator to apply between mnemonic1 and mnemonic2. None if mnemonic2 is None.
Must be in ('+', '-', '*', '/') if not None
if madParmObj is None:
madParmObj =
self.mnemonic1 = mnemonic1.lower()
if madParmObj.isError(mnemonic1):
self.mnem1IsError = True
self.mnem1IsError = False
self.rangeList = rangeList
# verify valid
for thisRange in self.rangeList:
if len(thisRange) != 2:
raise ValueError('Each range in rangeList must have two items - lower and upper, not <%s>' % (str(thisRange)))
raise ValueError('Lower and upper values must be numbers or nan, not <%s %s>' % (str(thisRange[0]),
if mnemonic2 is not None:
self.mnemonic2 = mnemonic2.lower()
self.mnemonic2 = mnemonic2
if mnemonic2 is None:
self.mnem2IsError = None
if madParmObj.isError(mnemonic2):
self.mnem2IsError = True
self.mnem2IsError = False
if operator not in ('+', '-', '*', '/', None):
raise ValueError('operator must be one of +, -, /, *, None, not <%s>' % (str(operator)))
if operator is None and self.mnemonic2 is not None:
raise ValueError('operator must not be None is mnemonic2 is not None.')
self.operator = operator
def filter(self, mnem1Value, mnem2Value=None):
"""filter returns True or False depending on whether value(s) are accepted by the filter
mnem1Value - value to test. Must be a number or Nan.
mnem2Value - None if no second mnemonic. If there is a second mnemonic
# first step is to see if we can return False immediately based on invalid values
if math.isnan(mnem1Value):
if self.mnem1IsError and mnem1Value < 0.0:
# no valid error value below zero, and all special values are automatically rejected
if not self.mnemonic2 is None:
if math.isnan(mnem2Value):
if self.mnem2IsError and mnem2Value < 0.0:
# no valid error value below zero, and all special values are automatically rejected
# we need to calculate a new value
if self.operator == '+':
value = mnem1Value + mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '-':
value = mnem1Value - mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '*':
value = mnem1Value * mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '/':
# protect again zero division
if mnem2Value == 0.0:
value = mnem1Value / mnem2Value
value = mnem1Value
# finally search the ranges - if any are okay, return True
for lower, upper in self.rangeList:
if math.isnan(lower) and math.isnan(upper):
# all values pass this
elif math.isnan(lower) and value <= upper:
elif math.isnan(upper) and value >= lower:
elif value >= lower and value <= upper:
# no ranges matched
def __repr__(self):
""""__repr__ formats the filter as expected in the isprint summary
if not self.mnemonic2 is None:
retStr = ' %s %s %s\n' % (self.mnemonic1.upper(),
retStr = ' %s\n' % (self.mnemonic1.upper())
for i, values in enumerate(self.rangeList):
lower, upper = values
if math.isnan(lower):
lowerStr = 'no lower limit'
lowerStr = 'Lower = %s' % (str(lower))
if math.isnan(upper):
upperStr = 'no upper limit'
upperStr = 'upper = %s' % (str(upper))
retStr += ' Range %i: %s, %s\n' % (i+1, lowerStr, upperStr)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- MadrigalFilter
- builtins.object
Static methods
def __init__(
self, mnemonic1, rangeList, madParmObj=None, mnemonic2=None, operator=None)
mnemonic1 - first mnemonic used in filter in std form rangeList - a list of lower and upper values. Values must be float or nan. Nan limits are ignored unless derived value is Nan. madParmObj - a object. Used to determine if parameters are error parms. Created if None passed in. mnemonic2 - second mnemonic. May be None. Only not None when filter is mnem1 [+-/] operator - the operator to apply between mnemonic1 and mnemonic2. None if mnemonic2 is None. Must be in ('+', '-', '', '/') if not None
def __init__(self, mnemonic1, rangeList, madParmObj=None, mnemonic2=None, operator=None):
mnemonic1 - first mnemonic used in filter in std form
rangeList - a list of lower and upper values. Values must be float or nan. Nan limits are ignored
unless derived value is Nan.
madParmObj - a object. Used to determine if parameters are error parms.
Created if None passed in.
mnemonic2 - second mnemonic. May be None. Only not None when filter is mnem1 [+-*/]
operator - the operator to apply between mnemonic1 and mnemonic2. None if mnemonic2 is None.
Must be in ('+', '-', '*', '/') if not None
if madParmObj is None:
madParmObj =
self.mnemonic1 = mnemonic1.lower()
if madParmObj.isError(mnemonic1):
self.mnem1IsError = True
self.mnem1IsError = False
self.rangeList = rangeList
# verify valid
for thisRange in self.rangeList:
if len(thisRange) != 2:
raise ValueError('Each range in rangeList must have two items - lower and upper, not <%s>' % (str(thisRange)))
raise ValueError('Lower and upper values must be numbers or nan, not <%s %s>' % (str(thisRange[0]),
if mnemonic2 is not None:
self.mnemonic2 = mnemonic2.lower()
self.mnemonic2 = mnemonic2
if mnemonic2 is None:
self.mnem2IsError = None
if madParmObj.isError(mnemonic2):
self.mnem2IsError = True
self.mnem2IsError = False
if operator not in ('+', '-', '*', '/', None):
raise ValueError('operator must be one of +, -, /, *, None, not <%s>' % (str(operator)))
if operator is None and self.mnemonic2 is not None:
raise ValueError('operator must not be None is mnemonic2 is not None.')
self.operator = operator
def filter(
self, mnem1Value, mnem2Value=None)
filter returns True or False depending on whether value(s) are accepted by the filter
Inputs: mnem1Value - value to test. Must be a number or Nan.
mnem2Value - None if no second mnemonic. If there is a second mnemonic
def filter(self, mnem1Value, mnem2Value=None):
"""filter returns True or False depending on whether value(s) are accepted by the filter
mnem1Value - value to test. Must be a number or Nan.
mnem2Value - None if no second mnemonic. If there is a second mnemonic
# first step is to see if we can return False immediately based on invalid values
if math.isnan(mnem1Value):
if self.mnem1IsError and mnem1Value < 0.0:
# no valid error value below zero, and all special values are automatically rejected
if not self.mnemonic2 is None:
if math.isnan(mnem2Value):
if self.mnem2IsError and mnem2Value < 0.0:
# no valid error value below zero, and all special values are automatically rejected
# we need to calculate a new value
if self.operator == '+':
value = mnem1Value + mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '-':
value = mnem1Value - mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '*':
value = mnem1Value * mnem2Value
elif self.operator == '/':
# protect again zero division
if mnem2Value == 0.0:
value = mnem1Value / mnem2Value
value = mnem1Value
# finally search the ranges - if any are okay, return True
for lower, upper in self.rangeList:
if math.isnan(lower) and math.isnan(upper):
# all values pass this
elif math.isnan(lower) and value <= upper:
elif math.isnan(upper) and value >= lower:
elif value >= lower and value <= upper:
# no ranges matched
Instance variables
var mnemonic1
var operator
var rangeList